
Kossa's page

3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I think what we need right now are more thing's like Wil's article. If you really want game material, you cna find that everywhere...Dungeon/Dragon magazines...infinite websites....heck..i get tons of stuff flavor and otherwise from rpgnow..but what I liked about Wil's article is that its about the game in your life, and how both interact. As D&D hits its 30 year anniversary, and heads on into the future I think things like this will be more important to the survival of the game, then any amount of extra game content will help it.

Paul McCarthy wrote:
Headed your way, Kossa.

Thanks again Paul....

Warduke is my new fav PC killer.....

Hey Paul,

I was wondering if you still have those stats written up, and if you do...could you send me a copy to
Thanks ahead of time for all the hard work...I am looking foward to torturing my players with some old school flavor...