
Korranberg's page

2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I am moving to the South Houston/Texas City/Galveston area in about 6 weeks, and will be looking for a game. Is anyone looking for a player, or want to start something fresh?

I have oodles of experience, and have been playing 3.5 since it came out. I can also DM.

Let me know if you are intersted at Korranberg@yahoo.com, or respond to these boards. Thanks.

The Jade wrote:

Upon reaching seventh level, I can, once per day, transform one of my many eyes into a conjoined starchy simulacrum of myself. Only mystics may know what this ability is actually good for.

Hero's Feast! Or pauper's feast.

Potatoes aren't really a feast, are they?

Hmm. . .