First time DM-ing on the Paizo-forums, I want to try out my homebrew campaign I started at a tabletop.
As the title suggests this will be a tribute to one of my favourite RPG's and fantasy worlds I grew up with; the Might and Magic universe, to be more precise the world of Antagarich.
I will be keeping the Pathfinder rules, but will be adding a few new races (Lizardmen,Gnoll and re-styled goblin/orc), a new class (Beastmaster) which had been tested for a few levels and a few flavourful items and events.
My ideas for this tribute are:
- The AP from the original game, complete with the Scavenger Hunt, perhaps two groups (4-5 PC's each) could compete with each other to go on in that way.
-A new campaign I already have written several encounters for, set in a contested area where the players might start of as simple villagers or mercenaries.
As the villagers I'd like to see their progress as which role they'd take in a new team for survival. So Commoner --> Expert/Warrior/Adept --> PC classes. Perhaps also randomly rolling for stats to encompass their non-adventuring past, just to see what characters you could build, but I'll keep that as an optional thing.
Both types of campaigns could have a little bit of kingdom/city building in it, if people would want that.
However I want to see what the interest for such a campaign might be and which style people would like.
Edit: I'll put up character creation guidelines up front.
Character Build Rules
20 point-buy (or roll for villagers)
Level 1
Starting Gold: Average for your class (Villagers will be less)
Alignment: Any, but a coherent group is preferred
Classes: All Core Classes, Alchemist (no extra appendages), Cavalier, Inquisitor, Magus, Witch and my Beastmaster.
Archetypes are allowed but have to be run by me first, just one per PC.
Races: All Core Races except Gnomes, my Lizardmen and Gnoll race + standard Tiefling and Aasimar, though they are very rare in that world.