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91 posts. Alias of joriandrake.

Is it just me or is down atm. Happened at 01.10 BST, saying insufficient privileges.

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"Bonus Languages

A loremaster can learn any new language at 4th and 8th level."

Then the list of languages continues, and it has Druidic on it.

Well, Druidic has rarely been used in the games I played in, except one that was basically a sylvan/druidic campaign anyway. As Loremaster, a class that focuses on learning secrets, it is plausible it has an ability to learn Druidic, but I would like to know if this isn't some mistake.

So the question is: Is it true that a Loremaster can learn Druidic (and other, setting specific secret languages) at level 4 and 8?
Even if not having any Druid or Ranger level?

I have 2 questions here:

At 1st level, a magus learns to cast spells and wield his weapons at the same time. This functions much like two-weapon fighting, but the off-hand weapon is a spell that is being cast. To use this ability, the magus must have one hand free (even if the spell being cast does not have somatic components), while wielding a light or one-handed melee weapon in the other hand. As a full-round action, he can make all of his attacks with his melee weapon at a –2 penalty and can also cast any spell from the magus spell list with a casting time of 1 standard action (any attack roll made as part of this spell also takes this penalty). If he casts this spell defensively, he can decide to take an additional penalty on his attack rolls, up to his Intelligence bonus, and add the same amount as a circumstance bonus on his concentration check. If the check fails, the spell is wasted, but the attacks still take the penalty. A magus can choose to cast the spell first or make the weapon attacks first, but if he has more than one attack, he cannot cast the spell between weapon attacks.

Do I assume right this means that if the Magus takes the Two Weapon Fighting feats he gets the additional offhand attacks as additional spells of standard or less casting time given as bonus spells cast per turn?

The other question is that because of flavor and "theme concept" I plan to focus on ravens, and have as Cabalist Magus the Fey Bloodline taken at level 7. This gives me the animal companion ability I know that, but I wish to replace a single raven at level 9 for a Raven Swarm as it acts like a single animal but in the RP it could mean a lot of ravens sitting on the rooftops or surrounding the Magus. I see mentions of using [swarm] animal and vermin companions but nothing this specific. Would it be fine to take the raven swarm at level 9 this way? I believe most improved familiars are also gained at level 7-9.
As animal companions tend to die in battle if not some great beast, explaining how a scattered flock of ravens with some dead ones can regroup 24 hours later is also a good RP explanation to regain the companion.


Question: can an animal you summon yourself be made into an animal companion, and if yes does it disappear with end of spell and you have to search for it?

Also, would in such a case the animal retain bonuses from class abilities, feats, and other sources which improve it as summoned? (damage, attributes, etc)

Main reason for question is "Elementalist Summoning" which can be gained by Eldricht Heritage feats, and in case above things would work out it would allow me to have my own flavorful "Winter Wolf" or "Snow Panther" if the chosen Elemental energy would be water/cold.

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Bladebound archetype uses up the slot for 3rd lvl Magus Arcana, Hexcrafter archetype has the option to pick Witch hexes instead of Magus Arcana

Is a Magus which is both Bladebound and Hexcrafter a working concept, which uses the 3rd lvl for the Black Blade while giving a choice about the Hex/arcana on other levels, or do these two archetypes interfere with each other and are thus unable to coexist?

Hi, I am currently working on a level 17 character, the concept is basically "Bewitching girl who can leisurely wear casual clothes even in greatest cold or heat". So it is the charming variant of witches and not the hag one. Please help with competing this "puzzle" for me.

This is what I came up with:

Witch lvl 8
Daivrat lvl 6
Genie Binder lvl 3

As you can see I expanded the initial concept to include interacting with various genies, due to them having a representation in all elemental forces. Plus the exotic theme of the genies tie in pretty well with a skimpy dressing girl survivalist idea.

I have 3 problems now:

First, I planned to pick the witch patron "Elements", "Winter", or "Enchantment" but now my head hurts and lost track of requirements and such, am not even sure if the requirements for Genie Binder can be reached, I would like to know if the combination is a valid concept at all.

Second, Winter Witch seems like a good choice as Archetype, but I also like the White-Haired Witch. Sadly it doesn't seem the two can be chosen at the same time (actually, if I read it right, not a single Witch Archetype has possibility to be used with a second one), is this true?

Third, I believe I may be too much focused on the "witch factor" and thus I lost sight of other possibilities for the concept. Do you think the core-witch idea is good and manageable, or should the core class be replaced for some other spellcaster one? if yes, what other combinations would you suggest.

There are a few hexes that max be interesting for the overall idea but mostly for flavor, like Water Lung (sleep underwater even in hot or cold water according to concept idea), Weather Control, or Ice Tomb (entombing someone atop a mountain then pushing the ice block over the edge sounds like fun). However, I am not that focused on the actual core class features I think, as example I like the exotic allure of the White-haired Witch despite that it would mean giving up on hexes altogether. Picking the Winter Witch would solve the ice/cold half of the concept however and I would only have to worry over how to get similar abilities for hot weather.

I hope to end up with a character which isn't just for the looks and exotic flavor, but one that is actually useful in various situations (battle, maybe social interactions). Thanks for reading about the problem, and for any suggestions you can help me with.