Level 1 Titan Mauler Barbarian
Korg is the son of the previous healer of the tribe, a witch. His ugly goblin mother died at childbirth as Korg was just too damn big. No one knows who exactly Korg's dad could be, as the b&+&@ didn't exactly swear an oath of loyalty to anyone. After birth, Korg was passed around in the tribe, being raised basically by everyone. Soon he got as big that he was higher than many adults, rumors of being a bastard of an orc or hobgoblin began to spread, until Korg silenced them with some skulls bashed in.
No one knows their rumors weren't that off, Korg has giant blood in him actually.
As Korg grew up he was given more and more various tasks by tribals and the Chieftain. He had to chop wood, chop enemies, play the executioner, kick out unwanted goblins from the settlement, and the amount of these jobs just irritatingly grew.
His hobbies keep him sane, he is good at listening and thus he learned a lot just by silently being close to those who talk, be it goblins or unaware humans. He can't read or write, but he learned some things about the local events and people, and can even draw maps as he knows the geography better than many hunters.
Korg is good to know as a friend, bad to have as an enemy, and he grows impatient if someone asks too many things of him constantly. Goblins still kept far away from him due to his size and sudden outbursts of violence, the fact that he now carries a pirate's cutlass doesn't help in becoming more popular either. Still, there is something about him that makes him very charismatic to other goblins despite being ugly and dirty. If Korg would take time to bother with appearances and socialize more with the others, he could become a great leader material.