
Kora Whistlegap's page

9 posts. Alias of GobboWizard.


To the Stragglers(just kidding)-Ballast,Eldin Farstrider, and Harven Whisperfeet

You recieve your letters last, and Kora seems more tired and irritable.

Kora simply hands you the letter, says "Be there or be poor."

She runs away before you can answer.

Kora giggles at the flower you pick her.

"Mistress Lavinia will be happy to hear that. Until then, I must depart."

"Well, I shouldn't tell you this, but I suggest you prepare for some company. Lavinia is inviting several others. You might find one, what was her name? Oh yes, Lyssa Storm! You might find her attractive."

"Thank you Anders," says Kora,"Im sure Lavinia will appreciate someone as young and- attractive as you"

DM note: ^you have high CHA

"I'll let miss Vanderboren know you are coming Bynoc. Oh, and take this." she hands Bynoc a ring. "It was my son's. May it help you more than it helped him. You make an old lady very proud."

She trots away, wheezing and coughing.

"aye-aye Mr. Talonshift," says Kora cheerfully as she trots away, coughing occasionally.

after seeing Bynoc's disheartened look, Kora says sympathetically "now now dear, don't be cross. Reading isn't all that important anyway, in the grand scheme of things. Why, you do quite remind me of my son. He was an adventurer like you, but a woman with a tatoo of a lotus dragon killed him years ago," Kora sniffles, "he spoke highly of her, but I was sure she was a vixen. They never did find proof of his murder, but I know it was her."

Kora gives another wheezy cough and waits for an answer.

Kora bows before Lyssa and says, "very well, I shall inform my mistress"

GM note: these visits take place at different times of the day. she is not visiting you all at once.

Kora reads the message aloud for Bynoc, pausing for breath quite often.

She gives a weak cough after she is finished, and says, "so what do you say?"