
Konstantine's page

2 posts. Alias of Cardboard Tube Knight.


"Can everyone please attempt to remain calm and act like adults," she makes a disapprovingly annoyed sound as she takes a few short steps away from the staircase.

Yverstrix Halfbloodsson wrote:

Yverstrix shrugs, taking another pull from his brandy, "I don't be knowing that it was the gods that led me here, rather than a false tale from a greedy gnome..." He puts down the glass, and then growls, "Still, I don't much be caring for the idea of people thinking they can own each other... or that kids be going missing."

He turns to the window after two rapid peals of thunder, then chuckles and takes up his glass again, returning to a relaxed position of leaning against the bar, tipping his glass at the old man, "Aye, I be thinking you have the right that... probably better to plan when thunderclaps aren't cutting us off... and, for that matter, to see if people's desires to act last until the light of day and aren't just tales told to impress in the night."

He turns towards Konstantine and asks, "I don't be supposing there's a bed quite long enough for the likes of me?"

"There are indeed beds away from any prying eyes and troubles. When there's festivals and travelers we allow them to stay in a set of rooms down the hall here," she points up to a hallway that leads off to the side of the hall at top of the stairs.

"You all may stay," she adds.

She glances towards Pelner. "No need for sleeping bags..."