
Koga Shinobi Gokei Tanawaka's page

22 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


After he was killed by the Crusaders of the Catacombs on the rooftops of a fog-shrouded Rome, the body of the ninja assassin that had tracked Ogon Fox all the way from Japan was stolen by the Sultan's agent, Hisao of the Yellow Reeds (a former Lusty Fool). The ninja Hisao brought his clansmen's body back with him in his bag of holding to Murad's court, and paid for his resurrection, earning the Iga Shinobi ninja's undying loyalty...

The following can be looted from the ninja’s body: potion of cure serious wounds, +1leather, a telescopic +1 shortspear named Paisonpenisu, a mwk short sword (wakizashi), an amulet of natural armor +1 shaped like a tiny turtle shell on a leather cord, a cloak of resistance +1, a ring of protection +1, 118 golden taels on a cash string, and 118 golden yens on another cash string (236 gold pieces total).

Zagathoth wrote:

***like, several rounds ago, I guess (this is what happens when I have school)***

As the Bear rumbles by, Zagathoth grabs a thick clump of hair and draws his knees up towards his chest so that the beast carries him with it...

***last round, maybe***
When the bear snatches the ninja, the orc takes advantage of his preys momentary lack of mobility to attack. With his hands occupied, he grunts and throws an elbow at the would be assassin.
[dice=unarmed (rage/PA vs grappled)]1d20+8, [dice=for]1d8+15
lol- if 20 hits his grappled AC (which iirc means no Dex bonus), I think that means he dies in the chimney when the magic missiles hit...

Ninja’d by Zagathoth! Lol... The ninja is ninja’d...

As the walking dead man’s adrenaline wears off, he feels and realizes the damage he has taken and succumbs to his wounds, flopping on the floor of the bakery, visible to all, a loaf of bread sticking out of his dead mouth!

Nice job guys! You caught a CR 7 ninja hell bent on escape!

Quinlan Ifrean wrote:

Quinlan rushes to the bakery door. If he is able to get there with time he readies himself to fire another barrage as soon as he can see the ninja.

Prepared action magic missile [dice=Magic missile]3d4+3

Bursting into the kitchen, Quinlan sees evidence of the ninja’s passing—ruined loaves in the fireplace, sooty footprints on the floor, drops of blood and bread crumbs—but the ninja is nowhere to be seen...

Unless Quinlan can somehow beat a DC 33 Perception check...

Making himself invisible again with the ninja trick, Gokei San silently extricates himself from the chimney, dropping into the roaring fireplace and ruining some loaves of bread baking therein... Snatching a loaf for himself, causing it to also vanish, he sneaks past the bewildered bakers in the kitchen...

Stealth 1d20 + 30 ⇒ (3) + 30 = 33

...who have no chance to perceive such a well hidden ninja...

Quinlan Ifrean wrote:

Quinlan's wand flashes to his hand and a trio of angry hornets flies after the fleeing assasin, striking him in the back. [dice=magic missile]3d4+3

The wizard follows behind the bear as best he can, unable to climb the walls after them he watches from the streets below, keeping the assassin within range of his missiles if possible. 150 feet

Quinlan’s angry force hornets chase the ninja down the chimney, and a scream of pain echoes out of the pipe! YEEEOOOWWCH!!

15 hp left!

The bakery fireplace is lit, and smoke billows up around the squeezing ninja! He retrieves a potion and quaffs it, giving himself resistance to fire...

Johann Kaltgeboren- Dire Bear! wrote:
Happy to attack again! Let me know when.

Alas, the ninja gets to act before Johann the Bear!

Slipping out of the Bear’s furry arms, the ninja leaps toward a chimney that looks almost too narrow for a man to slip inside...almost... In an instant, he has vanished down the chimney!

Sun Wukong, The Monkey King wrote:

In Celestial: Oh boy! The Bear is going to pop that weasel if I don’t intervene! Perhaps a little lubricant will help Gokei San escape from this dilemma!

The Monkey King readies a wad of saliva in his mouth, then spits it through the surface of the ambrosial pool!

Suddenly breaking out in a torrential sweat that greases and lubricates his nimble body, the ninja pops out of the Bear’s grip like a hotdog popping out of a bun with too much mustard and ketchup on it!

Freedom of movement effectively prevents the ninja from being grappled!

Johann Kaltgeboren- Dire Bear! wrote:

Hot dog! Now's mah chance.

Not easily shaken from the ninja's trail, Johann catches up and unleashes his newly discovered power!

First, he swipes with his left claw.

[dice=Claw Attack 1 & damage]d20+9; d6+6 str 5 bab 4 size-1 amulet 1; str 5 amulet 1

If that hits, Johann sinks his claw into the ninja's arms and tries to hold him fast!

[dice= Free Grab attempt]d20+14 see alias for breakdown

Then he swings his right claw!

[dice= Claw Attack 2 & damage]d20+9; d6+6 str 5 bab 4 size-1 amulet 1; str 5 amulet 1

[dice= Free Grab attempt if the first one didn't work]d20+14 see alias for breakdown

Finally, he bites down on the ninja's head!

[dice=Bite Attack & damage]d20+9; d8+6 str 5 bab 4 size-1 amulet 1; str 5 amulet 1

Ooo yeah, this guy is so grappled right now.

The ninja screams as the Bear’s claws rend his flesh and jaws maul his scalp! He is crushed in an inescapable bear hug!

Total damage inflicted = 45 of 70 hp... 25 hp left!

Johann catches a glimpse of the black-clad ninja squatting on the rooftop of the bakery, within a claw’s swipe...

Johann gets a full attack on the ninja as he’s applying his scent-nullifying oil...

Johann Kaltgeboren- Dire Bear! wrote:

Johann continues to follow his nose, and ears, as the ninja starts to clatter across roofs

Johann is able to dig his claws into the side of the building and pull himself up at a rate of 20 feet per move action. He moves as far as he can, continuing the pursuit.

Wondering if we are leaving standard combat here given your fast movement of the ninja, so Johann is continuing the chase. I suppose I will leave it to your discretion about how the fog affects him.

Stealth 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13

Unable to shake the Bear’s pursuit, the ninja applies the deodorant oil, quickly dousing himself and rubbing in the alchemical substance that masks his scent...

Johann Kaltgeboren- Dire Bear! wrote:

[dice=survival-scent]d20+12 he does indeed have scent

The black ninja disappears in a flash, but the scent is still there. Johann double moves as well (80 feet), following his nose.

If Johann can do it given his high speed, he will attempt to get in front of the fleeing enemy and cut him off.

Johann follows his nose to an intersection of street and alley, where the ninja is attempting to scurry up the side of a bakery to reach the steep pitched rooftops of Rome...

Ninja trick to run up the wall of the bakery to the rooftop, double move...

Dammit! The Bear has my scent! Better use a little alchemy to throw him off...

As the ninja climbs up the side of the bakery like a spider, he fishes a vial of deodorant oil out of a hidden pocket...

Quinlan Ifrean wrote:

Quinlan runs up close to the assassin and blasts him with a burst of rainbow light. Color spray, burn 1 AR for +2 DC. DC 18 will

"Who the feck is this fella?"

Will save vs DC 18 color spray 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19 succeeds!

Trying to distract the Wolf with rainbows, eh? Not gonna happen...

Quinlan Ifrean wrote:

Quinlan runs up close to the assassin and blasts him with a burst of rainbow light. Color spray, burn 1 AR for +2 DC. DC 18 will

"Who the feck is this fella?"

The ninja seems unfazed by Quinlan’s color spray!

Too many HD for your Jedi mind tricks, sir!

In the twinkling of an eye, the assassin vanishes from sight!

Swift action vanishing ninja trick, double move through the crowded streets of Rome to elude his pursuers... Does Johann have scent in dire bear form?

This could not be going any more smoothly... I really have a knack for subtlety... Yeah, this mission is a total success, Gokei!...F@&$!!

Johann Kaltgeboren- Dire Bear! wrote:
"......RRRRRGGGHHH!!" As he runs... Johann becomes hairier, his body grows larger, his claws lengthen, he begins to run on all fours... where the two legged man once ran is instead a terribly huge dire bear moving at tremendous speed! Johann the True Bear barrels through the shocked and screaming crowd!

The crowd scatters in a panic, parting a wide path for the charging Bear! The ninja’s eyes bulge in shock and fear as he beholds the beastly engine of wrath and destruction barreling down on him!


As he moved through the crowd toward the portal, the ninja drew weapons from hidden pockets...a wakizashi now gleamed in his left hand, in a blade-down overhand grip, a telescopic yari spear in the right...

So the Wolf must fight his way out, eh? Very well, Sun Wukong. May the Monkey King never lack peanuts...

Zagathoth wrote:

Dragon style lets me ignore difficult terrain during a charge, and charge through allies; so, unless anyone between me and the ninja supports the ninja...

Enraged, Zagathoth bolts for the fleeing assassin. With a series of leaps that look like a young dragon just taking flight, he bounds over pews and deftly moves through the stunned crowd as he charges the ninja. As they both near the door, he whips doomcrescent around like a swinging tail, as he attempts to chop into his prey.
[dice=power attack (rage/charge)]1d20+10+2, [dice=for]2d4+16

The ninja gasps in shock at the speed with which the hulking orc bounds through the crowd, like a young dragon! Doomcrescent opens a gash across the “fisherman’s” back! *GASP!* HUUUNGH!!

Moving swiftly, with fluid, frequently-drilled motions, the shinobi warrior retrieves a potion of haste and quaffs it in one flowing motion, then attempts to use acrobatic maneuvers to pass through the throng of spectators... Acrobatics 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15 with minimal success, barely pushing his way through... Second move action on round 2: Acrobatics 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20 is more successful, and the ninja reaches the portal of the Basilica...

Zagathoth wrote:
Unless someone had the stones to turn me away and I missed the post, I’m there too... do I need a perception check to spot the would be assassin, and how far is he from me?

Yes, at a -6 range penalty for 60 feet of distance...

As the crowd of spectators applauds and cheers, the disguised ninja assassin makes an attempt on the life of his target, Toshio Okumura, hurling a shuriken coated with lethal venom at the kitsune...1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27 striking even at a significant penalty for range, and piercing for 1d3 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 damage plus poison DC 17 Fortitude, onset immediate, effect 1d6 ⇒ 1 Constitution damage, frequency once per round for six rounds, cure two consecutive saving throws

The shadowy figure attempts to disappear into the crowd...Stealth with -20 sniping penalty...1d20 - 10 ⇒ (12) - 10 = 2 vs Okumura’s Perception roll...

Stealth 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28 versus Toshio Okumura’s Perception with -4 penalty for range...

Unknown to Okumura, a kinsman from his native Japan is also at the feast, disguised as an Italian fisherman...