Female Merchant

Kod Pace's page

No posts. Organized Play character for AdAstraGames.

Full Name

Kod Pace


Half Orc


Rogue 4




Medium (7'7", 200 lbs - very skinny!)



Special Abilities

Darkvision 60'





Strength 18
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 11
Charisma 10

About Kod Pace

Kod Pace, Alternate Racial Trait: Toothy (1d4+1 Natural Weapon bite attack at -5 to hit as secondary).

STR: 15+2+1 [7] DEX 16 [10] CON 12 [2] INT 10 [0] WIS 11 [1] CHA 10 [0]


Accelerated Drinker (Drink Potion as Move Action) |
Born to the Water (+1 to Swim, Endurance checks to keep swimming every 2 hours)

Hit Points: (31 HP total)
Level 1: 8+1+1 (FC==HP)
Level 2: 5+1+1 (FC==HP)
Level 3: 5+1+1 (FC==HP)
Level 4: 5+1+1 (FC==HP)

Feat: Combat Reflexes, 4 AoOs/round. Feat: Fleet I

Rogue Talent: Combat Trick: Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Fouchard; Fast Stealth

Skills: 8 Ranks/level, 32 of 32 spent.
Intimidate: 3 Rank, 3 Class, 0 CHA, 2 Half-Orc = +8
Swim: 1 Rank, 3 Class, 3 STR, 1 Trait = +8
Escape Artist: 2 Rank, 3 Class, 3 DEX = +8
Perception: 4 Rank, 3 Class, 0 WIS = +7
Knowledge (local): 2 Rank, 3 Class, 0 INT = +5
Disable Device: 4 Rank, 3 Class, 3 DEX, -1 ACP = +9
Climb: 1 Rank, 3 Class, 3 STR, -1 ACP = +6
Acrobatics: 4 Rank, 3 Class, 3 DEX, -1 ACP = +9
Sleight of Hand: 1 Rank, 3 Class, 3 DEX, -1 ACP = +6
Stealth: 4 rank, 3 Class, 3 DEX, -1 ACP = +9
Profession (Fisherman); 2 Rank, 3 Class, 0 WIS = +5

Initial Gold: 150 GP
First Steps Part I = 417+1 GP
First Steps Part II = 419+10 GP
First Steps Part III = 401+10 GP
Veterans Vault = 519+20 GP
Murder's Mark = 1,398 GP
Glass River Rescue = 1183+10 GP
Temple of Emyreal Enlightenment = 1860+20 GP

MW Fouchard = 314 GP
MW Chain Shirt = 250 GP
Wand of CLW (2 PA)
3 Potions of Enlarge Person = 150 GP
1 Potion of Touch of the Sea = 50 GP
Cloak of Resistance +1 = 1000 GP
Boots of Feather Step = 2000 GP
+1 enhancement on Chain Shirt = 1000 GP

Consumed Items: 5 Potions of Enlarge Person = 250 GP

2395 GP left to spend.