Knaughts |
Laki7z wrote:
trip does not automatically reduce your ranged hit chance, but prone condition allows to take an action to get greater cover.
Absolutely correct, my bad.
Laki7z wrote:
Roleplaying games are teamwork games, some people like to set up, and flatfooted more or less always cost an action so I don't get your complaint.
Right, I have no problem with Flat-Footed usually costing an action. But there's a reason you don't see many ranged rogues: flanking is the easiest way to get your target Flat-Footed.
Regardless, I think you've mostly convinced me. I think Vital Shot is intended to be used at the start of the fight, and opportunistically when an ally makes an enemy Flat-Footed. Gunslingers are too busy reloading to do that sort of thing, but their allies often have an action to spare.