
Kitty Martini's page

Organized Play Member. 38 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Liberty's Edge

Hey everyone, I was wondering if any of you had advice for someone who is wanting to try their hand at being a DM. I've been playing the game for years, but due to player fallout my group seems to be lacking someone to DM. It's a bit intimidating when my prior DM was quite good, but I'm hoping that with enough study/practice/suggestions I can be just as good. I'll spare you the drama of the group breakup, but needless to say I can't exactly go to my old DM for advice, so I'm coming to you guys for help!

What I'm really looking for (aside from useful advice on how to make a game great for my players) is a good low level campaign for a group of mix experienced and inexperienced. I'd keep it at a 25 point buy (gives wiggle room for the newbies) and restrict it to core class/races for the first go round. Like I said, I'm a very experienced player, but I don't want to overwhelm myself (or the new player) with complicated classes/races (at this time, down the road is a different story). I'm also keeping the group to a six person maximum, I'd prefer smaller, but we'll see who actually commits when it's time to roll the dice.

I'm looking for something that is fun and simple, but still lets the group feel like big darn heroes, or at least little big darn heroes. So, lay it on me! Suggestions, advice on how not to kill my players (both in and out of game), and any other helpful tips you may have. Thanks!

Liberty's Edge

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Warning to you all, I'm about to rant.

So, this is a conclusion that I've finally come to after years of gaming in various areas of nerdom. Girl gamers get little to no respect. Now I know that a lot of you will think "oh, but everyone loves a nerd girl" and sure, but we aren't actually respected. We're treated like second class citizens in gaming that are called button mashers, Timmys, or the DM's favorite.

When you enter a game shop you are gawked at like some sideshow exhibit, when you sit down to game with others they "take it easy" or are overly critical of any choice you make. Most other nerd girls that you meet face to face (internet ones tend to be much more friendly, and I love you ladies for it) are catty and territorial. They see you as competition in a metaphorical "who do boys like more" game that you aren't even playing in, because they lack self-esteem. God help you if you are a little pretty.

It's just... crappy. Especially when you encounter it amongst your friends, who will wax on about other players capabilities and almost purposefully glaze over you. And you can't actually complain about it either, because then you are "being a girl" or they "hurt your feelings" and that constitutes as weakness. It doesn't matter if you know the rules of the game, you are always questioned (usually proven right), but when a guy at the table says the same thing it goes unchecked.

Apparently, not being a glory hogging, showboating, center of attention whore translates to you not doing anything in the party. It couldn't be because you are trying to make sure everyone feels like they get time in the spotlight, nope, the same base class that is in the core book is some how lessened by the fact that a girl is playing it. Seriously. If I were a dude with my current character (Arcane Trickster) they'd give me a high five and talk about how awesome it is. But nope. I get the "wow, you do that much damage?" comments, or the "oh, well you'll be really effective when you are higher level" remarks.

And it's never enough. To be honest, it makes gaming seem less appealing. Like what's the point if you aren't going to ever be taken seriously. UGH, alright... I'm really just being whiny now and that doesn't actually accomplish much, except make me feel like a tool. Moral of the story: Respect your girl gamers. We aren't delicate flowers who can't read a book and get confused by scary numbers. We aren't something for you to just stare at and have you go "easy on" for the off chance that we say yes to a date. We're gamers. We know how to achieve Fatalities without button mashing, we can take down your deck with a pack of really big monsters in a Green deck, we *gasp* know how to read and understand human language so that rules aren't beyond us. We just want to be treated as equals in gaming, because this the place where gender shouldn't matter.

Anyway, sorry for the rant. I'd love to hear from you guys and dolls about your experiences/opinions. So, what do you think ladies? Think we get the raw end of the deal or are you happy with your situation?