Kiteko's page

38 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Well, add me if you want Fate, I can help a little when I can

Sadly, a lot of people aren't around at all any more. I'm Zavera, I'm 69 now, will be 70 by Wednesday (heck, probably Tuesday). Noone has ever been on since like two months ago, so I went and joined a friend who was in another guild (who followed me like I followed some other paizonians to this server). I'll help paizonians a bit if I can, just add "Zavera" to buddylist.

It is also the year of the dragon, which is why they're probably hung up on it this year

I noticed White Toymaker didn't mention a method that was thought up awhile ago, can see why but I am allowed to say it (Thankyu WT).

It can be a hassle, but also interesting. The DM rolls 18 Dice (3d6 x6) and then arranges them numerically. After writing down all the numbers (just to be sure) they call in a player who arranges the dice into 6 seperate piles (yes, they can use Two or More than Three dice to make a stat, as long as it's not lower than 3 or higher than 18) to designate their stats. Then the dice are put back and the next player arranges their stats.

It seems complicated, but it is a balancing factor, because the DM rolled it, and everyone uses the same dice pool in the end. I thought it was pretty interesting myself, since everyone will use them differently. Thanis had the idea of using less/more than 3 dice to make stats as long as you come up with 6 stats in the end. So it was really a group effort to test it. (Well, tested making stats, not actually playing any characters with it -yet-.)

Our current game runs the rule of the 20 being auto success in some cases (like combat, but not skill) and the 1 being the auto failure in skills, a reroll to see if you drop/throw your weapon. Sometimes it's comedic, sometimes it's horrible. Example:

My character is a social rogue, not much in the ways of combat skills, except Tumble (which was flavor for the character). Now, he's not so good with a melee weapon, having a 10 Str. During one combat with a group of bandits in a cave, I rolled a 1, we all just looked at it and sorta chuckled, and then I rolled a 3.

~Shink~ His shortsword slipped out of his hand from the stabbing motion and sailed into a nearby desk. Bad for my char, still amusing for all of the players involved. The combat was won in the end, and it influenced the growth of the character for future levels (I had already planned on going into Soulknife due to the character's race).

So the 1 in our game just means a potential chance at a drop/failure, but it's very unlikely. The second roll has to miss by like 5 or so to actually drop, so it's not too easy (unless your fighting something insanely high AC'd).

Huh, interesting tests. I thought I'd score higher on some things

Str: 13 (figured that)
Dex: 15 (Thought it'd be like 15-16)
Con: 15 (About right for some things, bit high for some)
Int: 13 (Iffy on high/low)
Wis: 12 (Huh, always thought it'd be higher)
Cha: 15 (I'm a people person ^^)

I feel like a rogue, and none to surprisingly, that's what my friends call me.

I've been having fun building melee and ranged versions of Dungeon Crasher Fighters, it's quite fun. Cragtop Archer/Peerless Archer for ranged, and Fighter/X for others

Well if you do add that Moff, I've got most of the +1 through +3 allready done.

Moff's is quite nice, it's just that I'm making a list that Crystal Keep and them haven't done. I looked at Moff's, and it showed CR and all that, but for some DMs and Players (for instance, a game I may end up joining), finding a template is hard when you don't know what kind your going for at first, and don't want to get too big of one.

My list is Numerical, from low LA to high LA. That way if your doing what this DM might do; Give everyone a +1 LA template, possibly +2 depending on his idea for the game, to make the players unique (and tailor encounters to possible abilities since we have to pre-approve), finding a +1 template when you have to sort through everything just to find it isn't fun. So I'm making a list that has them all listed out and the book they're in so people can find them.

I do agree Moff's is good for listing all the creatures and such, but it doesn't have exactly what I was looking for.

I can't seem to edit, if it's possible, but I did find out more about templates, I'm mostly through +3 now.

+1 LA Template
Feral (SS)
Draconic (RotD)
Half-Satyr (DR313)
Chameleon (UnD)
Half-Minotaur (DR313)
Lolth-Touched (MM4)
Half-Ogre (DR313)
Gheden (DR313)
Blooded-One (UE)
Shadow-Walker (UE)
Mineral Warrior (UD)
Fire-Souled (DR314)

+2 LA Template
Afflicted Lycanthrope (MM+)
Half-Fey (FF3.5Ud)
Half-Vampire (LM)
Shadow (DR3##)
Celestial (MM)
Fiendish (MM)
Insectile (SS)
Winged (SS)
Telthor (UE)
Saint (BoED)
Dustform (Snd)
Half-Doppelganger (DR313)
Entropic (Planar)
Arcane-Blood (DR350)
Stone Boned (DR350-351)

+3 LA Template
Half-Fire Elemental (MotP3.5)
Half-Water Elemental (MotP3.5)
Half-Earth Elemental (MotP3.5)
Half-Air Elemental (MotP3.5)
Woodling (MM3)
Half-Janni (Snd)
SpellWarped (MM3)
Half-Rakshasa (DR313)
Radiant (DR321)
Poisonous (DR350)
Vivacious (Planar)
Natural Lycanthrope (MM)
Half-Dragon (MM)
Half-Nymph (DR313)
Ghul (DR313)

I do know that the Giant In The Playground has two variations on the Half Elf, including Drow, template (Creature Dominant and Elf Dominant).

Half-Orc Template, I think I saw it in Crystalkeep's template list, if not (it might've been Half-Ogre), then I got myself confused ^^;;. I think it was Half-Ogre though, so I screwed up heh.

Have a mix of "Drow+HalfOrc Template" and "Orc+HalfDrow Template"?

Real short and sweet method? Or would that be a complicated method?

I've been trying to archive both +1LA and +2LA Templates, for easy reference and because a campaign a friend might run one with a +1 Template on the character for flavor purposes. So far I've gotten a decent amount, but I don't know if that's all of 'em:

+1 LA Template
Feral (SS)
Draconic (RotD)
Half-Satyr (DR313)
Chameleon (UnD)
Half-Minotaur (DR313)
Lolth-Touched (MM4)
Half-Ogre (DR313)
Gheden (DR313)
Blooded-One (UE)
Shadow-Walker (UE)

+2 LA Template
Afflicted Lycanthrope (MM#)
Half-Fey (FF3.5Ud)
Half-Nymph (DR313)
Half-Vampire (LM)
Shadow (DR3##)
Celestial (MM)
Fiendish (MM)
Insectile (SS)
Winged (SS)
Telthor (UE)
Saint (BoED)
Dustform (Snd)

Don't quite know if that's all of the templates for +1/+2, but I figure everyone here might be able to find them all (and then we can eventually work on the +3s, since there's -a lot-).

Hmm, there's a few paths I could see that taking, like 10/10 for the base classes.

Another I could see is Barbarian 8, Druid 3-5, Beast Master (Complete Adventurer) X up to 20. It'd get you multiple pets with effective level of Beast Master+Druid, and decent rage stats.

There's a prestige class in Dungeonscape that lets you pick a dungeon-esqe animal companion. It's a 10 level prestige class too.

It's also in the excerpt on WotC's site so you can check it out there. I'll think up weapons and armor and such later, just the classes showed up on my mind at the moment.

Or, you could pick up Barb 5 (provided you can get flaws for the 1-2 bonus feats to pick up the rage feats) and go Frenzied Berserker and Druid, then get the Inspire Frenzy Ability for your pet to make it more dangerous (this would be so much more fun in epic or Gestalt ^^: Barb/Druid Beast Master/Frenzied Berserker).

Well, isn't that the miracle of multiple planes? Gravity can be altered on several different planes. I agree that adjusting healing to be such a thing of miracles and such would be awkward, but it's more for the Roleplaying genre not the "I want to just kill and level" type. I could be totally wrong too. It would be interesting to see a world like such said above. I just checked the Wizards D&D homepage and they talk about an adventure, the link above to "Return to the Temple of the Frog" which is for 10th level adventurers, but hey, suitable for later.

Dire Charge is pretty underwhelming, being it's Surprise Round or first round only..... lame, when I could just get an item that lets me do it for like 80k. It also requires Improved Initiative to get as a pre-req.

Improved Critical is a nice touch, for insane damage already (I mean I calculated a minimum of 2d6+139 for a completely nonmagical sword at 21st level with just a minor hit penalty).

Since I keep testing the idea in my head as I'm preparing for the game, I think I found a good setup for now. If anyone could give me a few ideas for my missing feats, it'll be helpful.

1-5th level: Barbarian
6 & 7th level: Fighter
8-13th level: Barbarian (for Great Rage)
14th+: Frenzied Berserker

-One could take 2 more levels in Barbarian for the extra Rage per day and 1/- DR but that's a moot point, as FB is going to go Epic anyhow.

1st: Power Attack
1st: Cleave
3rd: Improved Sunder
6th: Leap Attack
6th: Great Cleave
7th: Combat Brute
9th: Destructive Rage
12th: Intimidating Rage
15th: <insert feat>
18th: <insert feat>
21st: <insert feat>

To clarify for Ultradan, Monsters of Faerun is where to find the Bullywug

If you use the Anthromorphic Animal Template, you can make Frogmen yourself, I can't think of any mysef at the moment. And using them, you can also potentially make a "Half-Frog" template using the Chameleon Template (it being similar to frogs with it's abilities). It's in the Faerun - Underdark book.

Then as a silly example, the Titantic Template (Forgot what book, someone else might get it for ya) features a giant frog as it's example and makes for a giant thing for when you get into epic ^^ (or just lower how the template works to make it lower level capable).

Sahaugin (I know I spelled it wrong) are similar, but more fishlike. Guessing you could try to make them more froglike, but I don't know how that'd work myself.

I know this doesn't help much, but I hope I helped somehow.

I've since ditched the bastard sword idea. I'm going with the greatsword idea *nod* and not using Monkeygrip. It's in Complete Warrior, Page 103. It allows you to use weapons a size larger for a -2 penalty.

1st: Power Attack
1st: Cleave
3rd: Improved Sunder
6th: Great Cleave
6th: Leap Attack
7th: Combat Brute
9th: ??? (Combat Expertise maybe, for Improved Trip at 12th)

1-5th Barbarian
6-7th Fighter
8+ Frenzied Berserker/Barbarian

That's one method here. Another could be as said above, a mix of Fighter/Barbarian, but a 2 level dip is pretty good for the two extra feats, without taking more levels in it.

Yea, it's 42 point buy, so I can shuffle things around. I switched it over to a Greatsword, but I don't know if I need Monkeygrip or Exotic Proficiency to make it Large, if so, I'll just keep it at medium for that standard 2d6 damage which is pretty nice and doesn't give a -2 to all attacks.

Hmm, could take Combat Expertise at 3rd, and readjust my ability scores for Int 13 and Wis 13 (at character generation), then adjust Wis back to 14 at 4th level, and that'd let my 3 feats from 6-7th levels being Fighter be Improved Trip, as a prone foe = Full Power Attack pain

Well that's much better, the greatsword will help better off. Though, according to some.....

Just a Greatsword + Power Attack will do better off. Apparently Monkeygrip is a 'bad' feat (at least by a few people on Wizards boards when I asked a similar question).

Combat Brute and Leap Attack are great for a standard Greatsword, and possibly taking Cleave for when you use Leap Attack/Charge into a group of enemies, since you get the same bonus against that second foe. If I can use a large greatsword without taking Monkeygrip/Exotic Weapon Proficiency, then I'd do that.

Though being barbarian, and human: I get Power Attack and Cleave at first level, but 3rd level is unaccounted for, while 6th and 9th are taken by Leap Attack and Combat Brute (the BAB needed). At 6th and 7th, I could dip Fighter and get 3 feats out of those two levels. But that 3rd level is still unaccounted for.

I'm curious, I'm building a barbarian, currently level 2 (not for any game yet), and I am trying to maximize damage output. I don't know if a straight 1Hander/2Hander would be best, or potentially go for Dual Wielding.

Barbarian 2, Human, Medium Sized
900gp to use (Standard level 2)
Str: 16
Dex: 16
Con: 16
Int: 12
Wis: 14
Cha: 10

-Ideas for weapons: Monkeygrip Feat + Large Bastard Sword 2Handed

Anyone got a good way of forming an insane damage build? Feel free to go a little further than level 2, I'm thinking up to level 6 so I have a small setup (And a prestige class would be good, I know about Frenzied Berserker, but not much else).

I'm trying not to use a lot of books, just a few, like Complete Warrior.

During the AoO I'd say you take all penalty/bonuses for dual wielding since your still holding both weapons. However, without the feat (Two-Weapon Attack of Opportunity), you only get your main hand attack. If you have said feat, you get 1 attack with each weapon and it counts as 2 AoOs for the purposes of how many you get in a round. DR340, pg87 to find the feat.

*Did say Monk*

IIRC = If I Remember Correctly

Oo, this is a toughie. I favor 3 base classes and one other class.... Hmm... Dang, this is hard. I'll have to side with Monk as a favorite, followed by Druid.

Yea, they fix it good. They basically give the Anthro adjustments to one or two scores, but give it to 'any time the shifter shifts' so it becomes a little more viable. But I do agree that it's not broken anymore (but not that useful unless your doing something like I did in my thread with a shifter)

Since someone mentioned the Warshaper Prestige Class, I do also believe it's overpowered, but I had two simple ways to fix it:

-Immunity to Stunning comes at 3rd level instead of first
-25% Fortification, 50% Fortification, 75% Fortification, Immunity to Critical come at 1, 2, 4, and 5th levels, thus spacing out the power.

-The morphic Body ability of +4 Strength and +4 Constitution are only +2 Str/Con at 2nd level and become the full +4 at 4th level.

That's my way of fixing the Warshaper, by spacing it's abilities between it's 5 levels.

In regards to the post by ericthecleric on page 1: I believe the "Half Dragon Dragon" doesn't work because the template itself says it must be something other than a dragon "Any Corporeal Creature other than a dragon" or something to that effect.

I'd say this would mainly be PC, but I didn't specify, it's just character ideas for novelty or fun. It doesn't have to be munchkinny, I just knew that I'd start it off with one.

For instance: my current character in an AoW game is something that may exist in other campaigns, but I thought it'd be neat either way: Half Drow Changeling (Elf Dominant - GitP variation). Having a drow parent and a doppelganger. There's a backstory to it all but that can come another time.

He isn't evil, but he isn't really good either, he's more in it for himself and someone he wants to keep safe. He is not too good with a sword (yay no clone there), having lost it in combat at least once (critical fumble, launched it from his grip). He prefers a ranged weapon, more of a bow/crossbow user because he's better with it which takes after his drow side. Taking sides with his doppelganger heritage, he is latently psionic (he just doesn't know it yet), and also better with social skills then physical ones.

Eventually he'l become a psionic bowyer, and possibly more. It makes a fun character idea to play, since he was raised more in a race amalgamation (Sp?) town (Diamond Lake <.< ick) and yet his racial heritage is indirectly influencing him even without his parents there to do it directly.

That barb is pretty dang scary, I'll admit. I had fun with a level 40 build with a friend of mine. They were building a sky pirate (Eberron/Faerun, either one works) and so I built up a defender of the ship against projectiles and boarders. I'll have to post the stats later, but the essential class build I can do

Monk 12, Student of the Dragon 10, Initiate of the Draconic Mysteries 8, Shadow Template (2LA), Shade Template (4LA) (Dragon Magazine variants/3.5 upgraded, it's like #320), and if Unearthed Arcana LA Buyoff is used, gains 2 levels back, allowing for 6 levels in any other Prestige Class or Monk again. The character is no good in direct sunlight, but that's what Control Light is for, making it pitch black around them, and they then proceed to destroy foes in the magical darkness. With Infinite Deflection and Arrow Reflection, they can turn arrows, projectiles and even spells (such as spell cannons on flying vessels) back on their target.

Makes for quite the nasty ship defender.

Well Feral states you gain 2 claw attacks if you do not already have 2. Another way around Kensai is a magic item already present in the same book as the Feral template. The Amulet of Natural Attack, it costs 600(+ a small amount depending on how many natural weapons you wanna use) and then you can enhance it like a weapon, and it applies to the natural weapons you choose. As for the "Monstrous Humanoid" progression, Feral turns Humanoids and Monstrous Humanoids into Monstrous Humanoids if they are not already one, and if the player wants to limit themselves by going with monstrous humanoid levels, it should be allowed (A monstrous humanoid HD is basically a fighter without the bonus feats).

I found another Two-Weapon feat, "Two Weapon Attack of Opportunity" which allows you to take 1 shot with each weapon if someone provokes on you. (Dragon Magazine feat)

And Two-Weapon Pounce - Letting you attack with both weapons during a charge. (PHBII, along with Two-Weapon Rend).

That does sound painful, if you want to add to it, have "Two Weapon Rend" to the mix for more damage.

And I believe the build is legal, as Weretouched Master only requires Shifter and some easy skills and "extra shifter trait" feat. And Warshaper requires a shifting ability (or shapechanger subtype that Shifters have) along with a small BAB. The leveling as a monster may be iffy, but it should be capable (you are penalizing yourself technically).

Heading back to your Two-Weapon build, there's Two-Weapon Rend, and another Two-Weapon feat similar to that, I think it's two-weapon flensing, which might be a monk one, i don't know for sure. I'll look that up when I get the chance.

I figured after haunting this place without posting, I might as well do something of odd interest. Being friends with White Toymaker and Thanis, we've all come across various ideas that definitely break the mold for insane methods (Toymaker told me about a berserker with a maiming scythe, nearly choked on the glass of juice I was drinking at that).

My idea that is currently on my mind is a Shifter build:

*Take 1 Shifter, probably Razorclaw or Beasthide trait.
*Give him the Feral Template (Savage Species pg 115-116).
*Level him as a racial class (ie: Racial HD, level as Monstrous Humanoid), accruing the Feral bonus abilities.
*Along the way, pick up "Improved Natural Attack (Claw)" and Extra Shifter Trait (RazorClaw/BeastHide, whichever you didn't take at the beginning).
*After 12th level, take Weretouched Master to level 17, with Tiger as your type (Gaining an additional 1 (possibly 2) size increases to your claw).
*Then for 18-22nd level go Warshaper.

-End result: A somewhat simpleminded adorable kitty killing machine.

If the DM rules 2 size increases by what Weretouched Master says, then you have twin 4d6 damage claws that you can use Improved Grab, Rake and Rend with, and instead of manifesting your normal shifter trait, you can go HalfTiger or FullTiger and gain +12 Strength, +4 Dex, +6 Con. On top of Feral's +4 Str, +2 Con, +2 Wis (ignoring it's -2 Dex, -4 Int) and Warshaper's +4 Str, +4 Con when in other forms, and it's 10ft reach.

-Other little factoids to figure out: Fun equipment to give at level 22. Other feats to take.

--PS: It's 3am, I'm half asleep, excuse my total Munchkiness on this.