Feral Halfling

King of the Jakers's page

Organized Play Member. 86 posts (132 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.


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Awesome. Thanks for the tips everyone. You've been a great help!

Does any one have any kind of cheat sheet I can print off with the more effective feat options so I can just clip it to my sheet? Other wise I shall bust out the Pen and the notebook lol.


ok i ordered it and it has shipped but it has been almost a month since part of it has shipped and i was wondering if it was returned to you because i forgot to change my address but it is forwarding, i know that this may take a while and it is my mistake.

Again I want to say thanks and barring the possibility that it came today it should re-route to here. You guys in customer service have the hardest job so thanks that you had time to get to something so trivial as a mistake made by not you but me. The simple fact that you would go out of your way to help someone fix their mistake and do so for free is something that you don't really see anymore now a days.

Alright thanks for doing what you can I really appreciate it. Sorry about any trouble that my blunder may have caused.

I recently moved and when I payed I must have forgotten to change the address.

The address I live at now is
3918 w Cambridge St
Springfield Mo 65807

Is there any way to change this now that it has shipped?

I love the google browser, if you haven't you should totally try it

My biggest beef with 4e is that they printed black letters over a white background and it hurts my brain to sit down and read it for an extend period of time, whereas with 3.x I could sit and read the books cover to cover in one sitting.

I think that you could be addicted to worse things than magic I've been playing for like nine years and every time I try to stop I manage to get sucked back in some how, so don't beat yourself up to much.

male Nerd Lazy bum 3/lumbering ox 2/gamer 15

I hate to admit it guys but im going to have to drop, i just dont have the time anymore. I am sorry for any trouble this may cause, and thanks for showing the the kindness that you all have over this short time. Aubrey I'm sorry but I just cant keep up with it, have fun and kill some gnolls guys. Later and remeber HAVE FUN!!!!!

male Nerd Lazy bum 3/lumbering ox 2/gamer 15

listen roll=16

male Nerd Lazy bum 3/lumbering ox 2/gamer 15

Nox seems contented with just sitting and watching Lightbringer handle the situation, and to Nox's estimations he seems to being a fabulous(sp??)
Nox will sit until either they need to move to talk with Dala, or Lightbringer loses contol of the situation(though i dont expect him too) at which time Nox will attempt to aid Lightbring roll: 18+0=18 nice.

male Nerd Lazy bum 3/lumbering ox 2/gamer 15

Welcome back, and another congratz from me!!!!!!

male Nerd Lazy bum 3/lumbering ox 2/gamer 15

Actually I have plenty of time to post, way more than i thought i would, so how is every one spending the time that they would spend on this campaingn??

I have recently been seeing a lot of tri stat stuff, it may just be anything in my area. But, yeah which is better tri stat or d20?

Ive played silver age seintinals, i thought it was pretty good

male Nerd Lazy bum 3/lumbering ox 2/gamer 15

Its a little late but party ur bum off dude!!!!!

Here is another vote for no guns!!!! My players will see guns and then all want guns, and I would rather not see that as I have kept guns out of my campaigns so far.

Ill see you around

I agree!!

male Nerd Lazy bum 3/lumbering ox 2/gamer 15


male Nerd Lazy bum 3/lumbering ox 2/gamer 15

I also agree with ur plan...as long as i dont have to fight to much...

male Nerd Lazy bum 3/lumbering ox 2/gamer 15

Oh sweet if you are going to be gone for a couple of weeks that should give me plenty of time to work out my schedual and see if I will be able to stay in, sounds good and have fun. Ohh and thanks

Yeah I dont like subs either, I have taken a few japanese classes and I cant keep up with what they are saying in japanese and then I get confused when trying to read the subs because japanese is spoken out of order, when compared to english.

I think that it is a good plan we have some creative geniuses(sp) on the boards and I would love to read what they come up with. So yeah you got my vote for it.

Wow I read all 39 pages of this and all I have to say is...

male Nerd Lazy bum 3/lumbering ox 2/gamer 15

Hey, Aubrey in like two or three weeks I am going to start working full time in counstruction so I will not have access to a computer throughout the day, I will be able to post in the morning and at night, and I will probably have a couple days off a week, I will stay in the game for a couple of days during this schedual but if it starts bogging you guys up I am afraid I will force myself to drop out.. but right now and hopefully in the future I will remain in the game, sorry about this but I though I might as well give you a fair warning.

Well being seperated from the people that I have come to trust over the past four (seven with many of them) is the only thing that is bothering me right now...I guess it will all work out and I will find out who my real friends are

I had a guy acctually turn into a savage beast, because when he went back to he checked into a hotel and just locked himself up there, once he changed he had to break out and then the other pc's had to catch him and unfoutunately they also had to kill him. ;)

Agian I would just like to say thanks, and that I take the advice everyone gives me to heart. The other day I was talking to a guy and he gave me the best advice I had heard in a while he told me, "don't be fake, being fake will only cause you to regret your choices and you can only truley be happy when you have no regrets" many of your comments reflect on this peice of knowledge. Again I thank you greatly for showing some random kid the kindness that you do.

I'll cast my vote on the near even little more combat than roleplaying. But i know some people that dont like the roleplaying aspect so when we do it they dont really get into it, which is bad.

Well thanks everybody the i will take the advice to heart and well...I guess i will try and stay in college, i know one guy who flunked out of two colleges because of guildwars and now his life is pretty bad, but seriiously thanks for all the advice and well having the support of those whom have already been through all the experiences i am about to go through means alot...Thanks.

male Nerd Lazy bum 3/lumbering ox 2/gamer 15

Wow I dont think I have made a single check this whole game. I will remain on guard duty with Lightbringer until called or asked to go somewhere else, or they leave of course.

Thanks and Im pretty much in the same boat as you guys, my whole high school xp hasnt been very exciting and my post high school dosnt look to exciting, but what ever at least I have games.....

Well I graduate in a week and I was just wondering if any of you guys had any fond memories of graduating or just fond memories of things you did during or after high school....the only thing this has to do with gaming is that a portion of my group will be heading off to college. Just thought I would ask.

Im going to go for some type of good dragon prly silver....as to why, WHY ELSE I would get to be a feakin dragon long lifespan, I could shoot stuff out of my mouth, change into other creatures. Pluse i would definately persue the path of wizardry.

male Nerd Lazy bum 3/lumbering ox 2/gamer 15

Im definately enjoying the camp, and sry bout the not posting often, but its just that im usually not a cleric, so im still working on getting in the mind set other than that im just sort of sitting there nodding, which i should post,sry bout that, and with that noted i will try to put myself more into the camp. and agian sry bout this....

male Nerd Lazy bum 3/lumbering ox 2/gamer 15

Im in as well, im currently building my own world so im already in the creative spirit

I think they are supposed to begin running the series on adult swim this summer...but i may be wrong

War of the Spider Queen

My teacher rabble on about how to start your own business

I am in the process of running an evil campaign and the players love to play it, it lets them vent alot of frustration, and I love to run it. I mean how often do you get to see the truley diabolical side of your players and how often do you as a dm get to acctually have your cuddley kodiak moments get squashed instead of doing the squashing. I for one am in definate favor of and evil campaign.

Personaly I like the idea of the diety grouped planes, but then again that is just my personal opinon.

compared to me you guys are extreamly lucky, I get school cafateria food.......yumm.....:(

I ran an evil campaign in the FR, I had them start at lvl 20 and the five of them where trying to build and army of undead to march on the world with, they started in the silver marches and took over mithral hall and are preparing to march on silverymoon. It is pretty fun, as most of my pc's are always trying to kill stuff regardless of if they are evil or not so allowing them to do this is.....a little bit of stress relief, now when we acctualy go back to playing good stuff they want to roleplay vs just smash everything and take the gold ;p

Well welcome to the boards, I'm fairly new as well but in the short time that I have been here I sure have had fun, I think u will to.

male Nerd Lazy bum 3/lumbering ox 2/gamer 15

With a grunt he pushes himself of his knees,"How dare you harm an unarmed woman." And with a roar he pulls out his sickle and shield and jumps into the fray.
I assume that takes up my actions, and in case it didnt I totaly rolled a 2 so i missed everything

male Nerd Lazy bum 3/lumbering ox 2/gamer 15

Sounds good to me, thanks for doing the work!!!!;p

male Nerd Lazy bum 3/lumbering ox 2/gamer 15

Sure ill be a member of the clan.

male Nerd Lazy bum 3/lumbering ox 2/gamer 15

Here is my dude named Rurik

Scout 1
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
+2 against poison
+2against Spells and spelllike abilities
Dwarven waraxe:+4(1d10+4,x3)
shortbow:+3(1d6+3,x3) x20 arrows
x2throwing axe:+4(1d6+3,x2)
Possesions: weapons, backpack, Studded leather armor,37gp
Carrying: light:l00 lbs or less, Med:101-200 lbs, heavy 201-300 lbs
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
move silently:6

(Semi-rambly post. Apologies in advance.)

(Character Sheet)

I've reached the point in my campaign where I am totally lost as far as how to continue building my character, and need assistance/wisdom/advice.

A bit of background:
Currently, I'm in a Crimson Throne game that's been going on for six months now. My group is as the final boss of book two. We're all Level 7. The party consists of:
- A Human Cavalier and his trusted Poodle of War
- A Catfolk Ninja
- A Human Magus
- A Half-orc Witch
- And me, A Human Life Oracle

It hasn't been until the last couple of big fights, that I became aware that I don't know what I'm doing. Basically I made a 'Brainy' Oracle, thinking I'd be able to fling spells in a fight, buff allies, and be the Face of the group.

I did become the face, but at Level 7, I can't really contribute much of anything to a fight. Takes too long for me to buff our multiple front-liners, and I just end up throwing Channels on Undead or allies. Combat is a painful slog for me. I feel too uncertain to really multiclass, since I'm the only 'dedicated' healer. Rest of the group has either potions or wands. And I'm nervous that might not be enough, and stay in the Healer role.

My DM has been kind enough to let me re-spec at the beginning of Book 3, because of my consistent complaining. And since that's the case, I've considered either going for the Oradin/Holy Vindicator. Caster wise... I have no clue. I don't believe he'll let me move around my attributes, but feats may get swapped around.

I still wanna keep with the theme of my character, a man of faith, intelligence, and wit, who's gotten this far without the use of brute force. Some of his more notable achievements are on his sheet under the list of plot-related characters. Made possible through Diplomacy and using his head.

But, if I'm to stick with that, how can I make him fun to play, mechanically?

I've plunged head first into Pathfinder, and have been itching to get into some kind of campaign so I can learn the more active parts of the game. Like Combat, Spellcasting and the like. I'm still reading and learning the basics, but I'm willing to learn and listen.

So yeah, just got into the game and ordered myself a Beginner's Box. Since a lot of other groups seem to be situated either in Henderson or the SW part of town, and it's summer, I can't afford to drive all that distance in predicted record-breaking digits.

The closest intersection of major roads is Elkhorn and Jones for me. And there's a nice little shop that we can meet up at if you're interested. Called Comic Oasis. If you happen to know a better place, by all means suggest it.
I'm willing to GM, or let someone with more experience do so, since I have zero experience in this game.
I figure next Saturday, July 6, I'll get things set-up at Comic Oasis and see who all appears to play. And see how things go from there. If all goes well, we can work out a regular meet-up day that everyone can agree on.

If you do show up, just be patient; I'll be learning right along with everyone else if they're as green as I am. Have your own character(s) already made? Bring 'em! And the desire to Roleplay some to keep things interesting and engaging for everyone.

Alternate contact info: MSN and YIM - bluemage67@yahoo.com. Mention you're interested in playing Pathfinder just so I know you're not a spam-bot or somethin'.