Kim Hall's page

Organized Play Member. 11 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


If you actually could cancel my order and the subscriptions with it, that would be very helpful. I will resubscribe later.

Still trying to resolve this with the bank. Sorry about that. Can you cancel the order and I'll try again once it's fixed?

I have fixed my payment method for this month's subscriptions. Thank you

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Samy wrote:
thecursor wrote:
Before we had next to nothing on these races, now we'll get four pages per race.
Before we had at least two pages per race in the ARG, plus anything that might exist in other books. And from that we could easily see that two pages is not enough. Similarly from Blood/Elements we could also easily see that four pages per race is also not enough.

Blood of the elements only had two pages per race. That book crammed five races into half a player companion. This book is giving each race the amount of content given in the very well-received Blood of Shadows race sections.

I'm going to assume that Paizo's learned from their mistakes with Blood of the Elements, and successes with Blood of Shadows, until I am proven otherwise. Which hopefully - that "proven otherwise" won't happen.

Hey, just wanted to let you know that while Seers of the Drowned City is listed as being only for pre-order, the PDF is available for purchase in full, which I think might not have been what was supposed to happen.

I want to support my friendly local Comics store, hence the title.

Alexander Augunas wrote:
Kim Hall wrote:
Being able to build things out of magic bricks that can do just about anything could be fun... Everything else is pretty coveted from my childhood.
Referencing the nanobots from Big Hero 6, or Legos in general?

Legos were the inspiration, primarily the Lego games.

Being able to build things out of magic bricks that can do just about anything could be fun... Everything else is pretty coveted from my childhood.

Mine hasn't left the warehouse yet... I haven't kept up that well on the spoilers, what characters come from the base set?

This was a subscription order split into multiple packages. For some time, it showed that everything had shipped but didn't give downloads for most, and now it shows that only one has shipped. I'm not sure if this is a display error or if only one of the four packages actually has shipped.

Is there any way this could be clarified, and potentially corrected if need be? Thanks.

As the thread title. Is this possible?