KieranCorrigan's page

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I finally received my first shipment the other day, that after contacting them to ask what was going on and being told it was being shipped out that week, so I guess they were close to when they told me since it was only 2 weeks later it arrived (slow, but at least I got it).

I apparently missed the fine print on the size, I thought they'd be closer in size to the Pathfinder line, but they are smaller, not super small like some have suggested but if you're used to 28 mm standard and see 25mm I can see the grumble. Still, that's bad on my part, not theirs.

Got solid bases, if you can call them that. They look thin and quite frankly like leftover plastic trimmings more than actual bases. I'm curious how they look in comparison to the slotted ones people said they received. Also got the extra parts jutted on the feet if they were shaped and went with slotted that would be nice, but really annoying as is. Pieces seem very brittle, and one of the weapons looks like it has extra on it as well, filing that off will be a real PITA.

Overall really disappointed it's taken this long to get such a small amount. I should have not assumed Paizo did their research and checked in better before dropping so much money on an all in. From others comments on their track record, I suppose I'll have to wait and hope for the best, plan for the worst. This wasn't the first Kickstarter I've backed that had problems, but it is the first I've backed that had so much money invested in it to have such problems. Lesson learned.