Clockwork Spy

Ki_Ryn's page

Organized Play Member. 110 posts (119 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.

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Whither Starfinder goes, so do I. Good luck all!

~Ryan Wolfe

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I have some starship miniatures for sale at They come with a 1 inch hex flight stand. There are also complete deckplans available for every ship, both as a PDF file and as a (real) 24x36 poster at miniature scale (1 inch = 5 ft) with a 1 inch grid built into the map. The resin miniatures are $9 and the deckplan posters are $20. The PDF files are for sale at RPGNow.

0-hr Web Shop
Pic of the ships

There are sample docs and a gallery of starship renders at as well.

1 person marked this as a favorite. Starship deckplans, posters, & miniatures!

I have deckplan posters, starship miniatures, and a whole bunch of downloadable PDFs about starships. I am creating Starfinder stats for the armada and so made up my own deluxe Starfinder Starship Sheet.

It is a form-fillable PDF with drop down menus for common systems and a black and white layer for easy printing.

Visit the 0-hr Starfinder Page to grab a blank copy of the layered PDF or a flat image of the sheet. You can also get the Starfinder stats for my first ship - more will follow!

~Ryan Wolfe

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I have a decade's worth of starships that I've designed, modeled, and mapped out (complete with built in 1 inch=5 ft grids) for no particular sci-fi RPG. My dream is to have the fleet become a part of the Starfinder universe.

I have developed a line of posters, miniatures, and digital documents around this growing armada and would like to see if anyone at Paizo would be interested in using these designs, or my services, in Starfinder products.

Is the proper place to make such inquiries? If not, where or to whom should I send my questions? I've been waiting for Paizo to go sci-fi for a long time and I want to help out in any way I can. A couple of my ships were put to good use at ORIGINS for the Starfinder Society demos. I'd love to refit my fleet or create new designs for organized play, adventure paths, or anything else Starfinder related.

Thank you,
~Ryan Wolfe (

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from the PRD.


The target gains a +1 competence bonus per five caster levels (maximum +3 bonus)

What bonus is granted by a Bard who is level 1 to 4?