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M Aasimar (Outsider - Native) (Peri-Blooded) Wizard 1 (Elemental Specialist - Metal)
![]() Just as an fyi, I will be camping from Saturday Jun 28 through Thur Jul 3rd, with questionable cell reception. Hopefully I get enough signal for data, but since its on an island, if I don't have a signal there are really no other options. Although they say my phone is waterproof...... ![]()
M Aasimar (Outsider - Native) (Peri-Blooded) Wizard 1 (Elemental Specialist - Metal)
![]() Khrome nods and chooses the third room on the left. Entering he notes anything of interest, and admires the decor briefly, then glides back to the library, selecting Heart of the Mountain, and browsing the card catalog to select other books discussing arcane concepts surrounding the planes, and alternate dimensions. Any other books in that section he will browse and choose the most pertinent ones. He then studies for a while before turning in for the evening. ![]()
M Aasimar (Outsider - Native) (Peri-Blooded) Wizard 1 (Elemental Specialist - Metal)
![]() "If there are any particular books that you could point out that would assist in our future endeavors, I would be very curious to study them. Or would you happen to have any spellbooks on hand? I could always use new spells." ![]()
M Aasimar (Outsider - Native) (Peri-Blooded) Wizard 1 (Elemental Specialist - Metal)
![]() Khrome glides across the library floor in his peculiar fashion. "Your collection is quite impressive. I could spend an age in here. I will busy myself with some reading on the planes and general arcana. Once again, you have my gratitude for your gracious hospitality. A question... you say people have escaped, has anyone ever 'broken' the Prison, figured out its inner working so to speak? " ![]()
M Aasimar (Outsider - Native) (Peri-Blooded) Wizard 1 (Elemental Specialist - Metal)
![]() Khrome head swims with possibilities. He cycles through logistics and a myriad of possibilities, problems and potential situations. A valley sounded nice, a cloud fortress even better, but ultimately a mountain sounded just fine to him. After all, studying at the Storm Mountain Order of Magic for years left him with a fondness for mountains. "I don't see why not. Do we get to name it?" ![]()
M Aasimar (Outsider - Native) (Peri-Blooded) Wizard 1 (Elemental Specialist - Metal)
![]() Khrome nods at Mailhain, "This I can do." Turning to his newly met aquaintances, Khrome asks "Shall we pool our talents, and see that Mailhain's goals for us become reality?" Khrome all but ignores his food and drink now, as the topic of conversation has cemented his interest. ![]()
M Aasimar (Outsider - Native) (Peri-Blooded) Wizard 1 (Elemental Specialist - Metal)
![]() "Mailhaim, is there more you can tell us regarding the nature of our prison. Perhaps some treatises I can review, or ...Oh splendid the food has arrived. Those cuts are fine." Khrome telekinetically begins to feed himself. "Please explain more, you have my full attention. Can you reveal the deeds that you wish for us to perform?" ![]()
M Aasimar (Outsider - Native) (Peri-Blooded) Wizard 1 (Elemental Specialist - Metal)
![]() Khrome peers at Mailhain. "Thank you. My research and interests have led me here. Stories and songs, all hint at a truth that I wish to reveal for myself. The nature of reality is a compelx puzzle I wish to assemble and solve. I would have you tell me what you know of the nature of our realm. My path will follow. Do you know why it exists in this manner?" Khrome's words seems to spill from his mouth in a strange cadence, his sentences, slightly awkward unable to summarize the thousands of questions swirling in his mind. His eyes blaze fiercely as Mailhain promises answers. Smoke seems to wisp faintly from his robes and hair and his cloak wings flex upward as Khrome leans forward intently. ![]()
M Aasimar (Outsider - Native) (Peri-Blooded) Wizard 1 (Elemental Specialist - Metal)
![]() For a moment Khrome appears as if his mind is a million miles away. He turns back to the conversation, as if perhaps he had never participated in it, was merely listening to some nearby chatter. "Adoration is a curious way to characterize it, but ultimately it does not matter what words you use to describe the complex arrangement that exists between the powers and those who serve them. They serve us back, the arrangement being mutual if you examine it closely. Never equal, the power dynamic is always in flux. Strip away the myth, the songs, the prayer and you realize it is a conscious choice, a path to power for both. In reality everything serves consciously or unconsciously. At any time everything in existence is engaging in a relationship with everything else. To be able to understand and perceive these relationships in a useful way is a path to altering reality in a significant manner, perhaps only personally, but in time on a larger scale." Khrome trails off at the end, the rest incoherent gibberish. His babble will occasionally manifest as verbal components to cantrips, paired with a gesture or two. The quick words of magic may guide an unseen hand to feed himself so as not to sully his own hands with actually touching the food or drink. Or perhaps it fuels some minor prestidigitation, augmenting his peculiar nature. For the first time he smiles, at nothing or no one in particular, and although he appears to be looking at you he appears to be gazing right through you at the same time. His smile seems unnatural and contains no mirth, although it appears to be a genuine attempt to seem friendly. "I am looking forward to the dynamics that develop, the secrets we unlock have great potential. We start with this." ![]()
M Aasimar (Outsider - Native) (Peri-Blooded) Wizard 1 (Elemental Specialist - Metal)
![]() Khrome listens politely, now sipping his mead slightly. After a bit he speaks "Nethys indeed has the right way of it, his focused sphere is one which I too follow, however there are so many powers, the trick is to determine which are the ones that will provide what you truly need. I have many years of study into magic, both arcane and divine. There are plans I have, carefully laid which will soon come to fruition; a path that I walk that shall finally reveal the truth." Khromes bizarre wing cloak unfurls and furls again, and you seem to notice Khrome often utters things under his breath, and his eyes seem to focus on seemingly random points where you see nothing of importance. ![]()
M Aasimar (Outsider - Native) (Peri-Blooded) Wizard 1 (Elemental Specialist - Metal)
![]() Khrome takes mead and sets it on the table near him, but does not imbibe immediately. At the mention of food, he ponders a moment. "A large plate of smoked salmon, sliced, with capers. Cheesecake with a strawberry rhubarb glaze. Also a plate of various cheeses and fresh fruit. Thank you maiden." Khrome takes interest in the conversation regarding magic. His silvery eyes smolder with a faint dark orange flame briefly. "Indeed." ![]()
M Aasimar (Outsider - Native) (Peri-Blooded) Wizard 1 (Elemental Specialist - Metal)
![]() "Greetings Narvolo, I am named Khrome. Khrome takes Narvolo's hand and shakes it firmly, although Khrome has nowhere near the barbarian's strength. A wisp or two of smoke seems to pour from Khrome, and a brief metallic shimmer ripples across his entire person. As he stands and calls for more drinks, his elaborate cloak fans out almost resembling angelic wings. A somewhat impractical costume, but somewhere on the scale of slightly novel to impressive depending on ones background. A totally black very heavy crossbow is propped against the side of the table. You notice Khrome keeps a close eye on it. ![]()
M Aasimar (Outsider - Native) (Peri-Blooded) Wizard 1 (Elemental Specialist - Metal)
![]() Khrome glides into the hut, his hair whirling about him in a smoky wispy manner, just faintly, you hear a choir of voices emanate from no particular area "Khrooooome", there is a slight metallic tone to the sound. Nodding at the barmaid, "A flagon of mead please." His robes brushing the floor, Khrome glides to a seat near the fire, and takes in the room, noting each person, examining, searching.. ![]()
M Aasimar (Outsider - Native) (Peri-Blooded) Wizard 1 (Elemental Specialist - Metal)
![]() I guess I need to come up with something. I don't really own anything important. I guess my spellbook, if that's something you would actually consider destroying normally. I'd probably just stop playing if that happened heh. ![]()
![]() Khrome, level 1 Aasimar wizard (future cleric/wizard multiclass mystic-theurge). Seeking to discover the secrets of the Prison. Missing gear yet but as a wizard I wont need much aside from my heavy crossbow. All else in the alias profile. Plan is to be spell support/buffer, and use gravity bow, true strike and my heavy crossbow(rapid reload) to provide artillery support as spells get used up. |