Anaca |

"A mountain sounds fine and defensible. My head swims with ideas however we need to think of the people that will flock to me...us...as well. As a starting point I will assume this is fine but we should keep the future in mind. As for a name.... Mount Arisen or something in that class."
I like the Olympus idea not so much because I like Olympus but because it allows for a mix of different setting depending on where and who's region you are in. Valleys and highlands on he mountain can be different in time.

Mailhain Starfall |

"So the first plan is to find an elven scholar who calls himself the Professor. He should know the exact location of the Heart of the Mountain, as well as being a valuable recruit. He is very knowledgeable but not very wise, and probably gotten himself in trouble. I shall divine his position and gate you as close to him as I can.
This might take a while so if you would like I can arrange for some rooms. Or you can just wait till I'm done your choice."

Narvolo |

"You can rearrage rooms? Wow, you are powaful." Narvalo decides to watch this spectacle as he might be dreaming and not see it again.

Anaca |

Her mind raced.
She could see the lines stretching out before her in all directions. Threads woven through moments, stitches that would bind actions. This was her path, she was sure of it now for only at Moments of Great Destiny could she feel the pull so strongly.
She couldn't say no if she wanted to.
"I would wash the road from my body and commune with the Zoratovah Harrow. I will need quarters and quiet."

Zelit |

"Yes I do have a modest library. If You would follow me." Mailhain rises and goes to the stairs. at the top of the stairs is a large double door that opens into a great hall (20ftx20ft) with three more sets of double doors. Mailhain Heads to the left and opens the doors there to reveal an even greater hall (100ftx100ft) packed with rows and rows of bookcases. "Books are my passion, or rather what they contain. These books have come from all corners of the Prison. Some were acquired as treasure, some as gifts. You can find a catalog in the middle and organized by a system created by a man named Dewy."
You can use this library to gain a +5 equipment bonus on all Knowledge checks.

Khrome |

Khrome glides across the library floor in his peculiar fashion. "Your collection is quite impressive. I could spend an age in here. I will busy myself with some reading on the planes and general arcana. Once again, you have my gratitude for your gracious hospitality. A question... you say people have escaped, has anyone ever 'broken' the Prison, figured out its inner working so to speak? "

Khrome |

"If there are any particular books that you could point out that would assist in our future endeavors, I would be very curious to study them. Or would you happen to have any spellbooks on hand? I could always use new spells."

Mailhain Starfall |

"You might like to read up on the Heart of the Mountain. As for the spellbooks, I have sold those of my fallen enemies, and my own are private, I'm sure you understand. Maybe after I get to know you a bit more. As I said the card catalog is in the middle from there you can find what ever you are looking for. If I have it that is. If you will excuse me, I will begin the Discern Location spell."
After saying that he disappears with only a soft "poof" sound.

Ruka Starfall |

Ruka gives each of you a key and leads you into the great hall again and to the doors straight across from the library. Ruka opens the doors, which lead to a long hallway (10ftx100ft) with a single door every twenty feet on each side. Tapestries line the walls with various themes, Most showing a group of adventurers in various fights.
"Pick which rooms you want. The key will open any of the doors. Each has its own privy you have to pull the chain to make it flush. The baths have hot and cold water so you can make it just right. You just turn the nobs and the water comes out. Mail's design. He tried to explain it to me but I just couldn't understand. My room is at the end, should you need anything."
["Mail's is the one opposite mine. But he doesn't sleep he can usually find him in the library. Just come get me if you need anything."

Khrome |

Khrome nods and chooses the third room on the left. Entering he notes anything of interest, and admires the decor briefly, then glides back to the library, selecting Heart of the Mountain, and browsing the card catalog to select other books discussing arcane concepts surrounding the planes, and alternate dimensions. Any other books in that section he will browse and choose the most pertinent ones. He then studies for a while before turning in for the evening.

Zelit |

Ruka wakes those sleeping and and interrupts those who are not.She askes you down to breakfast. When you assemble Ruka takes your orders and the food quickly appears. As you finish Mailhain comes downstairs And says
"Good morning to you all. I have found the Professor. But I am unable to contact him. Before I open a gate to him I need to give you a test. It's tradition. If you will follow me."
He leads you to a set of stairs going down. At the bottom is a room with an assortment of adventurers gear placed on the walls. And in the middle of the room is a large arch made of some kind of metal and covered in arcane symbols
Before you go I can tell you this you will not die while taking the test. You can be hurt but you will not die. If you are ready to take the test I will open the portal"

Narvolo |

"I neva did like desds, bud if I mus, I mus. I'm ready da go."

Mailhain Starfall |

Mailhain touches several glyphs on the arch and it springs to life. The arch fills with blue-white bubbles. He turns to you and says
"The blue area is a safe zone. Nothing will harm you while you are in it. Likewise, you can do no harm to others while you are there. There are to buttons, one red, one green the green button is at the end of the hallway. The red button will be on the southern wall. If at anytime you wish to end the test press the red button. Just step though the gate."

Zelit |

As you step in to the gate you feel as if you are being pulled into water. There is a flash of white and you arrive. The room is brightly lit, tho you cannot see the source. You stand on a large blue tile. The walls and ceiling are smooth and white. There is twenty feet of blue tile then it turns white. On the southern wall is a small red button. Two hundred feet away you can see a large green button. A disembodied voice says "Please press the button."