Kheros's page

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Alright so I am starting a new character for a new series of adventures and I read alot of Things about Dirty Trick as a combat maneuver and I wanted to do something different with my character.

But this is the first time I've done such a build so I could really use some feedback.

What I have noted is that for classes the following are good:

Cad 7
Rogue 4
Bounty Hunter 3+

all 3 classes have something to add to the Dirty Trick. 2 rogue talents, and special class abilities.

So what combination of those 3 classes are best? if only a Slayer could take the 2 rogue talents Sneaky Maneuvers and Ynderhanded Trick but they can't.

Other than class the list of feats I am looking at are:

Dirty Fighting
Improved Dirty Trick (but not if taking Rogue levels)
Greater Dirty Trick
Quick Dirty Trick
Dirty Trick Master
Kitsune Style
Kitsune Trick
Suprise Maneuver
Acomplished Sneak Attacker (higher SA for BH + other stuff)

alot of feats to cover, and not really rooom for anything beyond Building up Dirty Trick.

Have I missed any feats?

To summarise:

What class combination is good?
Are there more feats to take?
What are good traits that complement a dirty trick build if any?

If I go Erastil I miss out on the archon summoning and heroism domains.

Not keen on feather tho it will give me fly which is usable as both an archer and as a caster....

Ahhh I hate making clerics

Not sure I like the wizard feats. What about metamagics?

Oh and tiefling race for wizard instead of elf?.

And last...20 point buy for stats, what would be good arrays?

problem is the other guy is playing 2 chars as well and have chosen Cavalier and Skald, both melee focused.

I am trying to make characters that will complement those and shore up weak points.

ok another question, is revelation domain even worth it?

And why does Iomedaei have revelation? when did she get it.

Just a Mort wrote:

Heh, you make me itchy to try the following:

1) Catfolk swashbuckler
2) Varana Eldritch knight using sohei and empyreal sorcerer
3) Nagaji bard

I think the best match would be wizard + evangelist archer cleric.

Wizards can take acadamae graduate feat to summon as a standard action, then make a fort save or become fatigued. Clerics have sacred summon. LG alignment has a fair decent number of stuffs to summon.

That is a good idea.

Conjuration Wizard - Academae Graduate and Evangelist Cleric (of Iomedae) with....heroism domain or something else? Heroism has same bonus (morale) as inspire so what would be a good domain to take?

so evangelist Archer cleric....

can a witch be a good summoner?

Ok so I went ahead on my idea of a cleric and came up with 2 variants, one a hangover variant and another a summoner cleric.

Idea 1)

Cleric of Iomedae:

Sacred Summons, Summon Good Monster, max wis for casting and dump of cha and str stats. Heroism domain for that sweet sweet heroism.

Not sure how to build this, and the core concept will only come into play after 5th level.

Idea 2)

Cleric of Nethys:

Variant channeler - magic, versatile channeler, improved channel. Will max wis and cha and dump str and dex.

This will be good from level 1 and onwards, really good against casters though casters will probably be more than 30 feet away for channel to hit so will need to move around battlefield....

Not really sure about this second idea.

No the Cavalier will not be small afaik.

Goblin is out, since races need to be able to be accepted in small villages and goblins are...well, Little monsters :)

and yes dual-cursed Oracle sounds great, but if I am doing an occultist arcanist then we have 3 casters with limited access to spells. Having full access to a cleric or druids entire list is...well, its just hard to say no to.

Thank you all, so far some great ideas.

I am going to be making a cleric, of this I am now sure. I would like to use sacred summons and summon good monster feats later, so what deity and what domains should I take?

I'm not really liking the evangelist or giving up a 2nd domain but I can understand why it would be great for summons.

What if I am not going 2 full casters?

Maybe an invulnerable rager/urban barbarian + dip in unbreakable fighter...

Does barbarian rage and inspired rage stack?

I need to create 2 characters for a new campaign and the Group will be a total of 4.

We already have a Cavalier and Skald so I am looking to fill out the diversity of the group.

I have read up on all the guides (unfortunately most are old and not updated with the new books)

I lean towards full-casters, even though they underperform at low-levels compared to melee.

My thoughts right now are on cleric, druid with domain, conjuration wizard or arcanist.

Does anyone have some good suggestions on how to go about making these and in which direction I can build them?

To help me best please note that:

1) My list of classes is not the end-all be-all :) I am open to ideas and thoughts.
2) Under no circumstance will I be playing a support/healbot/trapfinder.
3) Most classes focusing on melee combat are out, especially rogues and slayers - I've played enough of those types, time to try something new.

Please help me define and refine my characters!

Oh and I need these characters made before the 25th.