
KhaozKnight's page

*** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 96 posts (1,445 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 11 Organized Play characters. 11 aliases.

Owner of La Guarida Game Center

Grand Lodge

At long last, the Pathfinders have reached the lost Sky Citadel Jormurdun only to find it already occupied by fiends and subterranean foes. The Society must mount an epic offense to explore the immense subterranean city while simultaneously driving off the squatters within. If they succeed, the Pathfinders may discover that the greatest prize is not the mountain fortress itself but the treasure that lies at its heart.

Please feel free to dot and delete here, and check in on the Discussion tab.

Grand Lodge

Placeholder text, hopefully I'll edit this in time, if you can still read this, jump to post #2.

Grand Lodge

Welcome one and welcome all! To SFS Special 1-99 - The Scoured Stars Invasion which will start on August 13 2018, as part of PBP Gameday VII.

I first want to get some house rules out of the way so we have a common understanding. I assume you will have read this.

Please take note of the following:

  • I expect everyone to be supportive of each other, it's possible that combat/starship timing can cause mistakes or confusion. It will not be an issue, as long as we keep the communication open.
  • For combats, I will roll initiative in one block, and will handle the actions in that order. You are free to state your actions, if they haven't been invalidated your character will proceed according to that, if it's not a possible course of action anymore, (like the last enemy in range dying), I will PM you or try to adjust your action in a similar fashion.
  • I attempt to post at least twice a day during weekdays and at least once during the weekend. When I do not post: I have not forgotten about you, life/work has thrown a wrench in my gaming schedule.
  • For decision making purposes: when the first two characters agree on a course of action we will go with their decision.
  • And most important: this is a game and I expect us all to have fun while playing! If something causes you not to have fun: please address it (either here or in a PM) and I will do my utmost to get you back to having fun again.

Once the information is available, fill in the things down below:

Chronicle: What chronicle number this is for the character.
History: What scenarios has the character completed? (or been credited with); any other chronicles (special boons etc).
Name: (The player's) Real name (or how you want it to appear on your chronicle sheets).
AKA: Character name.
Faction: The faction you are slotting for this adventure.
SFS: # for the character.
XP: starting XP.
Fame: Starting fame.
Reputation: Starting reputation.
Credits: Starting wealth you bring into the adventure. This should be the total on your previous chronicle and the total before you make other purchases.
Dayjob: Skill used + the roll.

Finally, here we'll find the [url=Finally, here we'll find the Pregenerated SFS Characters, each can be in the table more than once, but having a diverse groups is recommended]Pregenerated SFS Characters[/url, in case they are needed.

Grand Lodge

Feel free to dot away with your characters/aliases, to add this game to your Campaigns.

Grand Lodge

Hello everyone, this will be our Discussion thread for any Out Of Character discussion, off-topic and anything that does not fit in Gameplay =)

Like it usually happens after a 'long weekend' today was crazy, but I'm ready to start.

Also, this is my usual night-posting time.

Grand Lodge

Feel free to dot away with your characters/aliases, to add this game to your Campaigns.

Grand Lodge

Hi there! Welcome to the Starfinder Society scenario 1-00 - Claim to Salvation which will start on September 4 2017, as part of PBP Gameday VI.

I first want to get some house rules out of the way so we have a common understanding. I assume you will have read this.

Please take notice of the following:

  • I expect everyone to be supportive of each other, we are exploring a new ruleset and I expect that we will make mistakes. That is no issue, as long as we keep the communication open.
  • For combats, I will roll initiative in one block, and will handle the actions in that order. You are free to state your actions, if they haven't been invalidated your character will proceed according to that, if it's not a possible course of action anymore, I will PM you or try to adjust your action in a similar fashion.
  • I expect you to use the appropriate lines (Race, Classes / Levels and Gender) to give me vital information (AC, Saves etc) about your character. You can take a look at my characters for an example.
  • I attempt to post at least twice a day during weekdays and at least once during the weekend. When I do not post: I have not forgotten about you, life/work has thrown a wrench in my gaming schedule.
  • For decision making purposes: when two characters agree on a course of action we will go with their decision.
  • And most important: this is a game and I expect us all to have fun while playing! If something causes you not to have fun: please address it (either here or in a PM) and I will do my utmost to get you back to having fun again.

Once the information is available, fill in the things down below:

Chronicle: What chronicle number this is for the character.
History: What scenarios has the character completed? (or been credited with); any other chronicles (special boons etc).
Name: (The player's) Real name (or how you want it to appear on your chronicle sheets).
AKA: Character name.
Faction: The faction you are slotting for this scenario.
SFS: # for the character.
XP: starting XP.
Fame: Starting fame.
Reputation: Starting reputation.
Gold: Starting wealth you bring into the adventure. This should be the total on your previous chronicle and the total before you make other purchases.
Dayjob: Skill used + the roll.
Apply adventure credit: For this scenario you can choose to apply credit once your character hits level 4 or to a newly-created 1st-level character, in the latter reducing the credits reward to 720.

Finally, here we'll find the Pregenerated SFS Characters, each can be in the table more than once, but having a diverse groups is recommended.

Sovereign Court Owner - La Guarida Game Center

Hi there, here goes, I've recently finished GMing The Dragon's Demand, now I have a level 7 synthesist summoner to work with, and I chose Leadership as level 7 feat, since I thought our party needed some out of battle assistance (we have an alchemist, cleric, magus, monk, rogue and wizard (7 players, with 4 of us alternating the GM role about every month)).

And now I'm trying to build a crafting cohort, so I bring this to advice to see if there's anything I'm overlooking, here's the build.

Male human mystic theurge 1/oracle 1/wizard 3 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Animal Archive, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 42)
CN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +5; Senses Perception -1
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
hp 28 (5 HD; 4d6+1d8+5)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5
Speed 20 ft.
Oracle Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd; concentration +4)
1/day—bend the grain
Oracle Spells Known (CL 2nd; concentration +4)
1st (5/day)—bless, cure light wounds, restore corpseUM
0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, mending, purify food and drink (DC 12), read magic
Mystery Wood
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 4th; concentration +10)
2nd—create pitAPG (DC 18), invisibility, rope trick, web shelterUM
1st—burning hands (DC 17), ear-piercing screamUM (DC 17), enlarge person (DC 17), expeditious retreat, unseen servant
0 (at will)—detect magic, message, open/close (DC 16), prestidigitation
Str 9, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 22, Wis 9, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +0; CMD 11
Feats Arcane BuilderUM, Cooperative CraftingAPG, Craft Wondrous Item, Magical Aptitude, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (Spellcraft)
Traits hedge magician, underlying principles
Skills Acrobatics +1 (-3 to jump), Craft (armor) +14, Craft (clothing) +14, Craft (jewelry) +16, Craft (weapons) +14, Heal +3, Knowledge (arcana) +12, Knowledge (religion) +12, Linguistics +14, Spellcraft +24 (+26 to craft magic items which involve Metamagic feats), Use Magic Device +13
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Ignan, Infernal, Nagaji, Orc, Sylvan
SQ able assistant, arcane bond (ben, compsognathus dinosaur [valet]), combined spells, heart of the fields, human wizard, metacharge, oracle's curse (lame), revelation (bend the grain)
Combat Gear wand of mage armor (50 charges), wand of shield (50 charges); Other Gear all tools vest, handy haversack, headband of vast intelligence +2, ring of sustenance, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, gloves of spellcraft (worth 2,500 gp), golden holy symbol of Nethys, ink, black, inkpen, mess kit, pot, soap, spell component pouch, spellbooks, trail rations (5), waterskin, wrist sheath, wrist sheath, 988 gp, 1 sp, 9 cp
Special Abilities
+3 Spells in Spellbook Add one spell from the wizard spell list to the wizard's spellbook. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the wizard can cast.
Able Assistant (Ex) A valet's master treats the valet as if it possessed the Cooperative Crafting feat and shared all Craft skills and item creation feats he possesses. This ability replaces Alertness. Cooperative Casting Your assistance makes item crafting f
All tools vest (1/day) This well-made leather vest bears numerous shiny metal buttons, which stud a number of bulging pockets. Once per day, as a standard action, the wearer can speak the vest's command word and order it to bring forth all the standard tools required to make checks for any one Craft skill. These tools appear in the countless pockets of the vest or, if too heavy, on the floor, on a nearby shelf, on a workbench, or in a toolbox or cupboard that appears nearby. Once summoned, they remain for 24 hours or until another creature touches them, whichever comes first. Construction Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, summon instrument; Cost 900 gp
Arcane Builder (Wondrous Items) You have an exceptional understanding of the theory behind creating magical items. Select one type of magic item (potions, wondrous items, and so on). You create items of this type 25% faster than normal, and gain a +4 bonus on Spellcraft checks (or
Bend the Grain (1/day) (Sp) Once per day as a standard action, you can shape or warp wooden objects. This functions as either wood shape or warp wood. At 11th level, you can use this ability to push wood away from you, as repel wood. At 7th level, and again
Combined Spells (1st) (Su) You can prepare the spells of one spellcasting class using another classes' slots.
Cooperative Crafting Your assistance makes item crafting far more efficient. Prerequisites: 1 rank in any Craft skill, any item creation feat. Benefit: You can assist another character in crafting mundane and magical items. You must both possess the r
Deliver Touch Spells Through Familiar (Su) Your familiar can deliver touch spells for you.
Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar.
Familiar Bonus: +4 to Initiative checks You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach.
Heart of the Fields +2 (Craft [jewelry], 1/day) 1/day, ignore an effect that would make you fatigued or exhausted. +1/2 character level to the selected Craft or Profession skill.
Hedge Magician Magic item gp costs -5%.
Lame One of your legs is permanently wounded, reducing your base land speed by 10 feet if your base speed is 30 feet or more. If your base speed is less than 30 feet, your speed is reduced by 5 feet. Your speed is never reduced due to encumbrance. At 5th
Metacharge (Ex) As an Arcanamirium crafter, you gain a bonus feat at 3rd level, which must be an item creation feat or metamagic feat. You must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including caster level minimums. When using metamagic feats to create magic
Ring of sustenance Immune to hunger and thirst, and only sleep two hours a night.
Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch.
Spellbooks, 2 Book(s, Wizard) A spellbook has 100 pages of parchment, and each spell takes up one page per spell level (one page each for 0-level spells). Note: This gear item calculates the number of pages and books required to store your spells. It then increments the weight based on the number of books you must carry to store your spells.
Wand of mage armor (50 charges) Add this item to create a wand of a chosen spell.
Wand of shield (50 charges) Add this item to create a wand of a chosen spell.

Sovereign Court Owner - La Guarida Game Center

guys looking for your input here,

let's assume a Fighter level 3 with Full Plate and Tower Shield, on Mythic Tier 1, and s/he takes Armor Master as Mythic Ability

Armor Check Penalty = -6 (Full Plate) -10 (Tower Shield) = -16
Max Dexteriry= +1 (FP) +2 (TS) = so +1, since its lower

Armor Training wrote:
"Starting at 3rd level, a fighter learns to be more maneuverable while wearing armor. Whenever he is wearing armor, he reduces the armor check penalty by 1 (to a minimum of 0) and increases the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by his armor by 1. Every four levels thereafter (7th, 11th, and 15th), these bonuses increase by +1 each time, to a maximum –4 reduction of the armor check penalty and a +4 increase of the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed."

Armor Check Penalty = -5 (Full Plate) -10 (Tower Shield) = -15

Max Dexteriry= +2 (FP) +2 (TS) = so +2, they are the same

Armor Master wrote:
"You don't take an armor check penalty or incur a arcane spell failure chance when wearing light armor or using a shield (including a tower shield). In addition, the maximum Dexterity bonus of light armor doesn't apply to you. You can select this ability up to three times. The second time, it also applies to medium armor. The third time, it also applies to heavy armor."

Armor Check Penalty = -6 (Full Plate) -0 (Tower Shield) = -6

Max Dexteriry= +1 (FP) +2 (TS) = so +1, since its lower

Now... to spice things up, let's say we had the Tower Shield Specialist Archetype, so Tower Shield Training (replaces Armor Training) reads

TST wrote:
At 3rd level, a tower shield specialist gains armor training as normal, but while he employs a tower shield, the armor penalty is reduced by 3 and the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by his armor increases by 2. The benefit increases every four levels thereafter as per standard armor training; if the tower shield specialist is not employing a tower shield, the benefits to armor training revert to the normal bonuses.

From the start,

Armor Check Penalty = -6 (Full Plate) -10 (Tower Shield) = -16
Max Dexteriry= +1 (FP) +2 (TS) = so +1, since its lower

After TST,
Armor Check Penalty = -6 (Full Plate) -10 (Tower Shield) +3 (TST) = -13
Max Dexteriry= +3 (FP) +2 (TS) = so +2, since its lower (eventhough the lowest Dex comes from the shield)

After AM,
Armor Check Penalty = -6 (Full Plate) +0 (Tower Shield) +3 (TST) = -3
Max Dexteriry= +3 (FP) +2 (TS) = so +2, since its lower (eventhough the lowest Dex comes from the shield)

Final = ACP -3 Max Dex = +2

Am I wrong? If so... Where? Why?

Sovereign Court Owner - La Guarida Game Center

I was reading the Mythic Abilities, and found this

Armor Master (Ex)
You don't take an ARMOR CHECK PENALTY or incur an arcane spell failure chance when wearing light armor or using a shield (INCLUDING A TOWER SHIELD). In addition, the maximum Dexterity bonus of light armor doesn't apply to you. You can select this ability up to three times. The second time, it also applies to medium armor. The third time, it also applies to heavy armor

"When employing a tower shield in combat, you take a –2 penalty on attack rolls because of the shield's ENCUMBRANCE."

would this mean that the -2 to attacks because of the shield's encumbrance is cancelled with the Armor Check Penalty, or would it still stand?