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Kevin Webb GRC Team's page

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We are very proud to announce that Game Room Creations has transferred ownership of The Modern Path - Heroes of the Modern World game line to Fantastic Gallery. http://www.arcane-marks.com/store.html

The current Modern Path game line edition will continue to be available until the release of Fantastic Gallery's new edition.

We want to thank everyone for the years of support and we are very happy to give the Modern Path game line a good home.

Working on files for d20Pro with Hero Lab output. Still kind of buggy, but usable. I posted the beta files to the forums on d20Pro and Hero Lab.



Once I get all the bugs out, I'll add the updated Hero Lab files to the auto-updater. BTW - You will needed the beta HL files posted to the forums to get the two working together.

Let me know what bugs you find. At the moment, I need to find a way to add all the spells to the Modern Hero in d20Pro.

Of course all the d20Pro and Hero Lab files are free and the Modern Path SRD is also free here: http://www.d20modernpf.com/

Modern Path is print on demand:

http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/91058/The-Modern-Path---Heroes-of-the -Modern-World-2.0-%5BPFRPG%5D?filters=300_0_44235_0_0

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New Modern Path for Hero Lab updates and new data from other sources.

BTW – I didn’t include the MSRD files due to load issues. But if you want them, just let me know.

Please let me know of any bugs.

Many new rule updates, including grammar, layout and art changes.

Major changes to how the Modern Hero class and its archetypes advance. Archetypes are now more in line with standard archetypes.

Weapon damage has change to reflect the old MSRD damage.

Added the “Shadow Heroes” sample campaign setting. Shadow Heroes is a few optional rules for supernatural type characters.

Added the “Classic Heroes” sample campaign setting. Classic Heroes are the old MSRD classes created into archetypes for the fantasy classes.

On sale for one week. $1.99!

We have added The Modern Path and The Modern Path: Arcana to the “Hurricane Sandy Charity Bundle”. Please help out and pass the word!

“Mystical Throne Entertainment is proud to be participating in the Charity Bundle assembled by Roleplayers Chronicle to provide a donation to the American Red Cross and their efforts to provide relief for victims of Hurricane Sandy. You can help this cause by purchasing the Charity Bundle on DriveThruRPG or RPGNow for only $20. A number of publishers have contributed products and this bundle is valued at over $215 with additional publishers being contacted to increase this contribution. Fabled Environments is proud to participate in this effort!

Proceeds from this charity bundle go towards the American Red Cross and the relief efforts for the victims of Hurricane Sandy.

http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/107618/Red-Cross-Hurricane-Sandy-Reli ef-Charity-Bundle-%5BBUNDLE%5D

Most of you know of the destruction caused by Hurricane Sandy as it made landfall on the east coast of the United States. The damage goes well into the billions, but the lives lost cannot be given a price tag. Many residents have been affected and are still affected, seeking shelter with their neighbors, families, or within one of the many shelters that have been set-up to offer relief. The American Red Cross is actively providing aid to these people in the hopes of getting them back to a normal life.
As a community, we can offer our assistance to the American Red Cross through simple donations. In return, the tabletop RPG industry is offering their contributions and a thanks for your contributions by offering their own products, free of charge for nothing more than you donation. Show your support by purchasing this bundle and offer your fellow gamers a little extra hope in the wake of this devastation.
This bundle will be available for 10 days starting November 1, 2012 and ending November 10, 2012.”

Big Updates to the Modern Path. You should be able to easily use your old modern material and the new other modern supplement. Also included in the update is art!

Print on Demand is always difficult to set up, but will be coming soon.

The Hero Labs data set and the Arcana pdf is also updated to the new updated rules.

It seems it takes the store front a bit to catch up to the new info, but the files are there to download.

Here is the raw update to the Modern Path PDF and Hero Lab dataset.

The PDF: I still have to edit some of the wording, format it, and add the art, but the new mechanics are all there and ready to go.

The Hero Lab Data set: It’s all there and with script updates. You will have to redo you old characters. I moved some the slots around. For example, the difficulties are now under the Flaws. Once the PDF is finished I’ll post the files in the auto updates.

This update should enable you to easily incorporate your old d20 Modern material and other current modern setting Pathfinder material into the Modern Path. Some of the big changes are to: armor, firearms, wealth and fame. There are also tweaks here and there.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

You can find both the PDF and Hero Lab Dataset at:


We are updating the Modern Path to make sure it’s backwards capable and works with other modern Pathfinder material. If you want to check out the draft, (btw we will be adding art! Yea), please check out the working draft at:


Please let me know what you think at: GRCTeam@gameroomcreations or here on the fourm.

Thank you,


We are updating the Modern Path pdfs, (any yes, it will be a free upgrade) and we want your input of likes and dislikes and what needs to get tweaked out.

A few thoughts we have and would like your input:

Class AC bonus, Keep or drop?
Hero Points, keep the modern progression rate or just use the PSRD or just drop?
Gun Combat, tweaks, I know burst fire is a bit much.
Arcana Hero Class, drop and just roll everything over to the Modern Hero?

We want the Modern Path rules to work within the PSRD, and able to work with other Modern supplements.

Thank you for your help and input!

Modern Path Sale, $1 off the rest of the month, also minor update to the Arcana pdf.

We hope everyone enjoys the new rules and please let us know what you think.

Follow the Modern Path to a walk on the magical side!

Arcana of the Modern World explores the different ways to incorporate the use of magic in a modern-style RPG genre. Building on the foundations of the Modern Path: Heroes of the Modern World, this book introduces a new base class to the system; the Arcana Hero. To compliment this new hero class, there are new feats, traits, talents, trainings, & difficulties; along with new magical Archetypes to customize the spell caster that you want to play! GM’s and players have the option of using three different spell casting systems. One of these is the new Spellcrafter magic system; a sleek and modern approach to the classic spells we are all familiar with.

If your modern journey takes a turn toward the magical, this book can help you take the right steps!

• New Base Class: Arcana Hero
• 23 New Feats
• 7 New Traits
• Many New Training Abilities (Called Illuminations for the Arcana Hero)
• Many New Talents (Called Traditions for the Arcana Hero)
• 13 New Difficulties
• 4 New Archetypes
• The New Spellcrafter Magic System With 5 New Unique Archetypes
• Modern Spells
• Modern Magic Items
• Modern Factions That Add Flavor To Any Campaign

Also includes is a free Hero Lab’s dataset that can be found in the Hero Lab’s “Find Updates” section.

It can be found at RPNow and the Pazio Store

Just in a Hero Lab data-set at the moment:

In the auto update for the Modern Path, I have included the old d20 Arcana material updated to the Modern path setting. We do have an updated Arcana book in the works, but until it is out, I wanted to get the old material out for anyone who wants to use it.

The old d20 Arcana material didn’t fit right in all areas, so here is a list of what I did.

To get the Archetypes to be able to cast spells, I had to make a new archetype under the fantasy spell casting classes and allowed them to use the Modern Hero class abilities.

Example: You want to play a Mage, well pick Wizard and then the archetype Mage, and you will have all the class abilities from wizard and Modern Hero.

Here is a list of the archetypes and what class they are under.

Acolyte – Cleric
Apothecary – Alchemist
Arcane Arranger – Bard
Ecclesiarch – Inquisitor
Holy Knight – Paladin
Mage – Wizard
Mystic – Oracle
Neo-Druid – druid
Neo-witch – Witch
Occultist – Summoner
Shadow Heritage – Sorcerer
Shadow Scholar – Magus
Techno Mage – Wizard
Unholy Knight – Anti-Paladin
Wildlord – Ranger

The archetypes training abilities are the old class abilities from the class with the same name. If there was no original class, I didn’t add anything new (that is all in the updated rules), but it lets that spellcasting class have access to the class abilities of the Modern Hero.

No repeats of feats, magic items, etc – I tried not to repeat anything unless there was some kind of need to do so.

Magic Items – I made most of the weapon and armor magic items as Item Powers, so you could put it on any item. Any psionic item was turned into an arcane item.

Spells are all in. Just the new modern spells, no repeats. The Incantations and tattoos are listed in the wondrous items.

The old organizations are now Factions.

I hope that help explains things a bit.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
Kevin Webb


The Modern Path SRD is now posted on the Grand OGL Wiki found at:


A big thank you to the crew at Grand OGL Wiki for all their hard work.

BTW - The rules are 100% OGL and free for anyone to use to build any supplements, settings, etc.

We hope we have a solid set of core rules to get the ball rolling, and we encourage others in expanding on them.

Finally, it's in color print at RPGNow, you can get a hard cover color inside and out, pdf and Hero Lab dataset all for $19.99.

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The Modern Path 2.0 is Free

During this week (Sept 7-14) the PDF is free.

Just released today are the new Modern Path 2.0 rules. We believe this is a major improvement of the previous rules. The new rules are now more in line with the Pathfinder Core rules than D20 Modern.

This is a free updated download for those who previously purchase the original rules. We also have a Hero Lab data set updated to the new rules and it is now an automatic update within Hero Lab.

The core magic system is the next set of rules coming up.

Question: Are the Factions and Prestige Points mechanics OGC for third party use?

We are going to upgrade the pdf to the new Hero Lab logo, so I think it is also a good time to do any rule upgrades, bugs and/or fixes also.

Please let me know if you find anything and/or would like to see any rule changes.

For Memorial Day weekend, from May 26 to May 31, we are having a sale of The Modern Path – Heroes of the Modern World for $3.99.

It can be found at the Pazio store and other outlets.

The Hero Lab dataset is free and can be found at our website www.gameroomcreations.com

Now on sale this weekend from the Pazio store for $3.99.

http://paizo.com/store/sale/gameRoomCreationSale/v5748btpy8khn&source=s earch

We also have the updated Hero Labs dataset at our website: www.gameroomcreations.com

This is the next supplement coming out for The Modern Path series. We are currently working on the new material now.

Please feel free to add any input you would like us to cover in the new book.

We are a small startup company, and our first product is a set of Modern core rules based off the MSRD, but made to be used with the Pathfinder system. Our first pdf, (and Hero Labs dataset), will be a free and it is in the editing phase now.

Do we need to submit the work to PAZIO for review before we release the material?

Thank you,
GRC Team