Durkon Thundershield

Kevin Webb GRC Team's page

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Yeah, tokens for vtt would be great!

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It's cool, just tossing it out there if you want. I think Owen has a good idea with tagging them Modern classes.

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I really like the "ADVENTURES IN DINNER", very cool!

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New Modern Path for Hero Lab updates and new data from other sources.

BTW – I didn’t include the MSRD files due to load issues. But if you want them, just let me know.

Please let me know of any bugs.

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Ok, seems my Hero Lab software went crazy and the files were all kinds of wrong. Anyways, it's fixed now and in the auto downloads in Hero Lab. Please let me know of any bugs.

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They are very cool and right next door to us. Glad to see the modern setting rolling along and moving foward.

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Follow the Modern Path to a walk on the magical side!

Arcana of the Modern World explores the different ways to incorporate the use of magic in a modern-style RPG genre. Building on the foundations of the Modern Path: Heroes of the Modern World, this book introduces a new base class to the system; the Arcana Hero. To compliment this new hero class, there are new feats, traits, talents, trainings, & difficulties; along with new magical Archetypes to customize the spell caster that you want to play! GM’s and players have the option of using three different spell casting systems. One of these is the new Spellcrafter magic system; a sleek and modern approach to the classic spells we are all familiar with.
If your modern journey takes a turn toward the magical, this book can help you take the right steps!
• New Base Class: Arcana Hero
• 23 New Feats
• 7 New Traits
• Many New Training Abilities (Called Illuminations for the Arcana Hero)
• Many New Talents (Called Traditions for the Arcana Hero)
• 13 New Difficulties
• 4 New Archetypes
• The New Spellcrafter Magic System With 5 New Unique Archetypes
• Modern Spells
• Modern Magic Items
• Modern Factions That Add Flavor To Any Campaign
Also includes is a free Hero Lab’s dataset that can be found in the Hero Lab’s “Find Updates” section.
It can be found at RPNow and the Pazio Store

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Thank everyone for a great week of downloading the pdf. There is still a little bit of time for the free download. I do hope everyone enjoyed the core rules.

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The Modern Path 2.0 is Free

During this week (Sept 7-14) the PDF is free.