Cobalt Dragon

Kevin Hanley's page

***** Pathfinder Society GM. 50 posts (60 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 129 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.

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Wow, that's incredible! This is the level of gaming that I aspire to. You all are amazing!

5/5 *

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Can we please have a faction that is focused on interplanetary issues, and things on the Material Plane that exist outside of the planet Golarion? Things like the interplanetary elf gates to Castrovel, Androffan culture and technology, Earthfall, spaceships powered by demons, etc.

Dark Archive 5/5 *

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I second the idea of having cover art for the ACG seasons. I too make binders for every season, for use at my store. I use the covers of the season's demo scenario.

Dark Archive 5/5 *

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Congratulations to all of our new five star GMs, and the slew of new Venture Agents!

Well done, especially to Joshua Hancock and Brett Sweeney, the Venture Captain and former Venture Captain of St. Louis, Missouri.

A warm welcome to the new Venture Agents for St. Louis: Alex Blaes, Matthew Gill, and Arturo Moreno.

Dark Archive 5/5 *

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I want to say that Seth Gipson did an amazing job organizing the quest tables throughout the whole weekend. I GM'd a few of the slots during the specials, and I wanted for nothing. He even had sets of dice available for new players, and he made sure his GMs had whatever they needed. Great job Seth.

Dark Archive 5/5 *

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This is my first GenCon experience. I caravanned all the way from St. Louis, Missouri to GM PFS all weekend long. I arrived and got my badge, and found myself volunteering to run the Adventure Card Game on Sunday. My first GenCon and I'm running 9 slots, a lot of people have been saying I'm crazy!

I have gotten to meet some interesting people here at the convention. Some of the highlights include meeting Tannis and the ACG team, as well as getting to run a table of The Wounded Wisp with Alexander Agunas of Know Direction at the table.

It's the end of day one, and I'm still alive...for now. This first day has been exciting, nerve wracking, and so much fun.

Dark Archive 5/5 *

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Hello everyone. The Fantasy Shop in St. Charles, MO is now hosting a bi-monthly game day for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. These events will be taking place on every other Sunday, starting on July 5th. Multiple tables will be available, with sessions starting at 1:00PM, and running until 4:00PM. The event is free, and all scenarios, past and current, will be available for play. Multiple copies of the base sets will be available for use.

The event is listed on as "St. Charles PACG."

Grand Lodge

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In the book Inner Sea Gods, the prestige class "Evangelist" gains the Aligned Class feature. This lets the character continue to receive the class features of a single, previous class at their Evangelist level, minus one. Does this ability then count as gaining Spells Per Day/Spells Known in the Evangelist's aligned class if the class gains spells as a class feature? If yes, does this increase the caster level of an existing spell casting class? For example, a Magus 6, Evangelist of Nethys 2 would have access to third level arcane spells?