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Deed Finish The Job in the Way of Drifter can only be used RIGHT AFTER failed RANGED Strike.
Since Finish The Job is a Melee Strike itself it means you should shot at melee to use this deed. And in melee many fighter will make AoP when you try to shot them.
In such scenario to use this deed you should put yourself at disadvantage (go in melee for ranged attack) and this is not as much bonus as drawback.

Am I missing something?
I thought that Drifter's play should be something like:
1) Shoot, Stride in melee, Strike
2) then Strike, Step back, Shoot

but not:
Stride in melee, Shoot, Take AoP in the Face, Strike

I wonder why a link to Pathfinder 1st edition rules redirect to 2nd Edition? Pathfinder 1st doesn't availiable anymore?

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The rules say "When you’re fully photon-attuned, you can create a simulacrum of a star as a standard action. The star is a 10-foot-radius sphere that fills your square (or one square of your space, if you’re larger than Medium) and all squares within 5 feet of that space."

And then it says that this Star is damaging every creature in radius. But there is nothing about visibility.

So the question is:
Does the Miniature Star block visibility? Or is it transparent? Or maybe it gives some sort of concealment like fog or something?