Ketsueki's page

19 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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You're an absolute legend. Congratulations on your retirement and your amazing career. Thank you for playing a huge role in providing me and so many others with hours of entertainment beyond counting. You will be missed, but I'm confident your legacy will carry on.

I purchased your "work in progess" book (obviously, I'm a huge fan of your work). However the last update was on Apr 26th, and I need a Janni for my next campaign (starting as soon as all characters are ready). My son wants to play one who becomes an eldritch knight. Is there any chance I could get either the old copy, or the copy that is currently in art/layout? We are starting at lvl 1. I used to have a copy of your last released book before your work with Dreamscarred Press, but after changes in my computers and cellphones I can't seem to find a copy of it.

Any word on how the next update is coming along? I know this one was a pretty heavy undertaking, but I'm pretty excited to see what you've done.

Also, any chance we might see the doppelganger in the next version?

I know it's going to be quite similar to the astral deva and the solar, but I would love to see you do the planetar.

Rune wrote:
Something amazing

Bravo sir. I like the way your mind works. I wish I were one of your players.

Hot thread, lol... ADD leaves a lot of chances to be ninja'd

One thing, minor but worth noting: if your synth and fighter have +4 belts, then casting bull's strength or cat's grace on them doesn't accomplish anything. They both provide an enhancement bonus (which doesn't stack with itself).

Synthesist characters are hugely disruptive to the game because they can be great at all things, especially with a 25 pt buy. You build the summoner for skills, buffing and healing; build the eidolon for combat and always wear it. I have yet to see one in a game where it didn't cause other players to feel worthless. It's by that measure that people keep suggesting you ask him to roll a new character.

That stated, there are ways to work around it. Level drain, incorporeal creatures, optimized spellcasters, anti-magic fields... Make some encounters multi-tier events, where something truly frightful engages the party monsters while a small horde of mooks swarm from multiple directions. The fighter and synth will likely hardly notice the additional mooks fighting them while they engage the huge threat, and there will be plenty to keep the monk and cleric busy. Not that easy to balance well, nor an ideal solution, but something worth trying to get a feel for it.

Might want to take a quick look at your italics descriptive text for the Astral Deva. ;)

Your work is awesome. Partially here to dot for updates, but mostly wanted to thank you for all the work you've done!

I agree with RD and the other conservative posters. It seems like a power grab, and should not come with free magical goodies. In PF terms, Zatoichi would be lvl 12 or so, with skills and feats taken to minimize his drawbacks. Most of the people he fought were level 3-6. I also wouldn't allow a player to be permanently blind at a table game. Maybe on a virtual tabletop, where it could be enforced without being hugely inconvenient to the other players, but I suspect the player would not enjoy the idea for long if it actually had any drawbacks.

In short, it requires too much work to accommodate the player on this one. Being not only sub-optimal, but also sub-standard is a poor player choice. Giving one player loads of freebies "for flavor" while not doing the same for the other players is a poor DM choice.

Thank you again for sharing what you have!

I was just skimming through your collection of art in the monster folder, and the one labelled "God of Evanescence" looks like it's begging me to make a summoner who can call it into my games.

Very cool, thanks for the info. :)

How is it that Shisio wears and benefits from 5 rings?

I'll help point by point.. First, the disruption ability only does half damage against targets that aren't of the creature type chosen when he gained psionic focus (minor, but worth noting). Second, multiple instances of the Speed enhancement do not stack. You get one extra attack when you make a full attack action with the effect. Having multiple speed weapons is redundant, like wearing two rings of sustenance (see faq Not to mention that a level 10 Character shouldn't have 64,000 gold, nor should all of it be spent on weapons. I'm not sure how he has "infinite perception," so if you can clarify how he comes by this, I will address it for you. From the damage negation, I'm assuming he's playing an Elan. That's fine. It keeps the character from dying, and eats into his power points, which are the real limiting factor on psionic characters. Even moreso than with regular spellcasters, psionic characters need to be pushed so they have to be conservative with their power-points. If you are only giving the character a couple of fights and allowing them to rest, they will pretty much always go nova, and seem way overpowered. At 10th level it's unlikely that the character has much more than 50 power points and can spend a maximum of 10 on any one effect. They are not extremely powerful builds.

Edit: Not sure what you mean about the ability to steal, but remember that as a Brutal Disruptor they lose their trapfinding and trapmaking abilities, and Disable Device is no longer a class skill. So certainly won't make the best thief.

Just going to throw this out there... If your party doesn't have a wizard (as you've stated), and doesn't have somebody with some ability to read magic coupled with a high Appraise score (which just seems unlikely, but correct me if I'm wrong), then they have no way to know the value of the book anyway. Just give them anywhere between 500 and 5000 gold (probably largely dependent upon the purchaser) and call it a day. Definitely not worth putting the game on hold for.

I'm in love with your builds, RD. They blend power with flavor in just the right amounts.

I am a pretty old-school player, and back when I started playing (1993, I believe it was) I was all about the roleplay and the flavor, but I always loved the powerful people, too. As an example, I always played human to not have a level cap *roll eyes*. I had a very good friend who I played with, and the two of us would usually swap out DM duty for our group from story arc to story arc. He was always very character and story driven. When we moved to different states and I found/created my new gaming group, I fell into the ROLLplay trap and went full powergamer. I'm not proud of it, but my group just didn't care as much for the "fluff." I'm working to change that now, and you are an inspiration.


Gah, that's exactly what it is. Thanks, mate.

Perhaps I'm missing something, but your build seems to have too many spells known at every level except 9th.