Kethrar's page

1 post. Alias of sphar.

Please critique this build;it is built around combat and mobility.This is a PFS build.

1.What spells should I pick for a combat based build?
2.Should I take a fighter archetype?
3.Is Spring Attack/Vital Strike worth it?
4.Should I take Improved Critical,or just let Razor's Kiss(battle dance) do it for me?
5.Should I replace any feats?

Class:Bard 10(Dervish Dancer)/Ftr 2

Str 10
Dex 18(16+2,increase at every level but 4th)
Con 12
Int 12
Cha 16
Wis 7(Increase at 4th)

1(H):Weapon Finesse
2(Ftr):Dervish Dance
4(Ftr):Arcane Strike
5:Spring Attack
7:Vital Strike
9:Extra Performance
11:Weapon Focus(Scimitar)

Spells:1st Level:Expeditious Retreat,Grease,Sleep

Sphar vs. Jen the Gladiator.


Like the title.I want to build a very stealthy sniper that does lots of damage in one hit(and one hit only),that can also be a scout.

The title says it all.What are some awesome contraptions you would love your character to have? I'm currently playing a rogue who is going to be build around making epic gadgets.So far,he has.....

*Built a hidden crossbow that fires from under your arm
*A crossbow quiver that feeds bolts into the crossbow
*Dynamite attached to your arm that you can light to fire >:D
*A crossbow that pops open,as to allow that crossbow quiver mentioned above to work
*Coins that become shurikens
*A helmet that,when a button is pressed,makes glasses/goggles pop out that have various effects
*Thieve's tools that pop out of your gloves

Yeah,I know.It's disgusting.But,how should I go about this? I don't want to start 12 levels lower than my there any way to tone down the vampire(without becoming spawn) so it's not such a high CR?

Here are some new weapons;yes,many of them are conversions from 4E(Will WotC mind me putting em up here? : \)

Anyways,take a look,review,and post a description of a weapon if you want me to stat it out.I'm just getting into homebrewing stuff,so go easy on me :P

One-handed exotic weapon
Damage:1d8(S) 1d10 (M)
Weight:7 lbs.

Execution Axe:

Two-Handed Exotic Weapon
Damage:1d10(S) 2d6(M)
Weight:9 lbs


Two-Handed Exotic Weapon
Damage:1d10 (S) 1d12(M)
Weight:11 lbs.


Exotic Ranged Weapon
Damage:1d8 (S) 1d10 (M)
Weight:6 lbs

Which is better?

First off,I am looking for a good TANK,not a meatshield.

What build can keep their enemies focused on them,while still having a good defense(AC/saves/HP)?

Here are some builds that I've seen so far:

Dervish Dancer Fighter
TWF Sword+Board Pally
Thunderstriker Fighter

Anything else? Would someone like to list the pros and cons of each?

Is it possible to do such a thing?Would the damage every outweight the 2H Barb?I would like some example builds,if anyone minds to do that.Also,I am not afraid to use 1H(not light) weapons,because I will have a 20 Str and full BAB.

I'll post some DPR tomorrow.

Does the Whip Mastery feat line apply to different types of whips,such as the scorpion whip,or,what I'm going to be using,the nine-bladed whip?Also,do normal whip rules apply to these variants?

I want to see what some good DPR builds are by level.Here are the rules:

*Must be able to attack consistently for 8 rounds.
*20-point buy.
*You get no prep round.However,you can have a spell cast on you before combat that lasts at least 8 rounds(48 seconds).
*Two traits.
*Wands are viable-other consumables are not.Use thiswealth by level.
*Use these monster defenses by level-using the CR equal to your level.I will try to provide rules for caster at a later time.

Finally,here is how you calculate DPR,shamelessly borrowed from the DPR Olympics thread:
* Damage/round formula: h(d+s)+ft(cd+cb+r)

h = Chance to hit, expressed as a percentage. This doesn't exceed .95 (unless you autohit for whatever reason) and never goes below .05.
d = Normal damage. This is any damage that happens any time you hit.
s = Damage which isn't multiplied on a crit. "s" stands for sneak attack, but this includes elemental/alignment properties on weapons, manyshot damage, and so on.
t = Chance to roll a threat. This is the threat range of your weapon or your chance to hit, whichever is lower.
f = This is your chance to confirm a threat. Most of the time, this is equal to h. If you have Critical Focus, it's (h+.2) or .95, whichever is higher. If you auto-confirm crits, as with a level 20 fighter or Bless Weapon, this is 1.
c = This is the number of bonus multiples you get from a crit. A 2x crit weapon is 1, a 3x crit weapon is 2, etc.

-- Remember to subtract one from your crit multiplier, or your damage will be over-done in the formula!

b = This is elemental burst damage, such as from fiery burst weapons and thundering. Such enhancements self-multiply based on your crit multiplier; if they don't, then they're added to r and not b.
r = This is fixed bonus damage dealt on a crit. No such abilities exist in PF core, to my knowledge.

Level 1
15.1 DPR:Barbarian 1/Scythe/Power Attack and Extra Rage/20 Str,14 Con.

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

Level 8

Level 9

Level 10

Level 11

Level 12

I want to see what some good DPR builds are by level.Here are the rules:

*Must be able to attack consistently for 8 rounds.
*20-point buy.
*You get no prep round.However,you can have a spell cast on you before combat that lasts at least 8 rounds(48 seconds).
*Two traits.
*Wands are viable-other consumables are not.Use thiswealth by level.
*Use these monster defenses by level-using the CR equal to your level.I will try to provide rules for caster at a later time.

Finally,here is how you calculate DPR,shamelessly borrowed from the DPR Olympics thread:
* Damage/round formula: h(d+s)+ft(cd+cb+r)

h = Chance to hit, expressed as a percentage. This doesn't exceed .95 (unless you autohit for whatever reason) and never goes below .05.
d = Normal damage. This is any damage that happens any time you hit.
s = Damage which isn't multiplied on a crit. "s" stands for sneak attack, but this includes elemental/alignment properties on weapons, manyshot damage, and so on.
t = Chance to roll a threat. This is the threat range of your weapon or your chance to hit, whichever is lower.
f = This is your chance to confirm a threat. Most of the time, this is equal to h. If you have Critical Focus, it's (h+.2) or .95, whichever is higher. If you auto-confirm crits, as with a level 20 fighter or Bless Weapon, this is 1.
c = This is the number of bonus multiples you get from a crit. A 2x crit weapon is 1, a 3x crit weapon is 2, etc.

-- Remember to subtract one from your crit multiplier, or your damage will be over-done in the formula!

b = This is elemental burst damage, such as from fiery burst weapons and thundering. Such enhancements self-multiply based on your crit multiplier; if they don't, then they're added to r and not b.
r = This is fixed bonus damage dealt on a crit. No such abilities exist in PF core, to my knowledge.

Level 1
15.1 DPR:Barbarian 1/Scythe/Power Attack and Extra Rage/20 Str,14 Con.

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

Level 8

Level 9

Level 10

Level 11

Level 12

How would one go about making Ezio from Assassin's creed?Obviously this will take some working with your DM.

I'm thinking ninja/fighter,perhaps with a 2 level dip in alchemist for bombs.

Gear would be 2X Daggers in a spring-loaded wrist sheaths,a shortsword,a light crossbow,a coat pistol/pistol,lots of throwing daggers,and darts.I'm not sure what armor he'd have-it's metal and leather,so could I get a mithril medium armor perhaps?

Feats would be something along the lines of Dodge,Power Attack,Vital Strike,Fleet X2,TWF,GTWF,WF,Weapon Finesse,etc....

Stats would have to be a high Dex and Wis,as well as a highish Cha.

Any more ideas?

Treantmonk,I really love all your guides,and I was wondering if you were ever going to update the guides that are now out so that they have material from the APG?It would be really helpful.


How is TWF with revolvers handled? Would it be treated as a light weapon? I can't find it in the Gunslinger PDF.

A new game/movie is coming out soon,and it features a new character called Azureus(Link: would you convert him to pathfinder,based off of what you've seen?

Okay,so I would like to have a backup char for PFS in case my current one kicks the bucket.

Right now,the main problem I'm dealing with is choosing a class;I know the Fighter,Barbarian,Paladin,and Magus are all viable options.What are the pros/cons of each class?

I want my tank to be both tough(lots of hit points) and sticky(attract the enemy's attention,and keep it).

The first one should be pretty easy:A high con and toughness will do the trick.

The second one will NOT be so easy:I'm thinking combat reflexes combined with a decent damage output.

I'm looking to build a ranged rogue,but have no clue how to.Could anyone give me some advice?

Right now I'm pretty certain I either need the Sniper archetype or Sniper Goggles.

I've been tinkering with the idea of a rogue/barbarian type for the last few weeks,but I'm having trouble seeing synergy.The idea behind it is that he is a sneaky character that can function skill-wise as rogue,but lets shadowy rage power him through battle.Any way to optimize this more? It
is completely unbuilt at the moment,but here's what I'm thinking:

Str 14
Dex 18
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 8
Cha 10

FEATS(He's a human)
L1:Weapon Finesse
L1:Extra Rage
L3:Weapon Focus(Greatsword)

Greatsword of some sort
Chain Shirt/Studded Leather
Elven Cloak
Assorted Adventuring Door

Right now I'm in a L2 PFS game.My DM has agreed to let me change my class from a poisoner rogue to a ninja,as they aren't that different.

So far he's a Human TWF Ninja,and I want him to be the assassin 'strike from the shadows' type.Here are his stats:

Str 13
Dex 18
Con 10
Int 12
Wis 8
Cha 15

L1:Weapon Finesse

He uses 2 Wakizashis as his main weapons,and carries a plethora of other weapons as well.I was considering taking a dip into either ranger(keep a good amount of skills),fighter(extra feat),or barb(+10 movement) in order to get proficiency with all martial weapons(I want this to use things like a switchblade,boot blade,combat scabbards,etc.)

Any way to optimize him more?

Right now I'm in a L2 PFS game.My DM has agreed to let me change my class from a poisoner rogue to a ninja,as they aren't that different.

So far he's a Human TWF Ninja,and I want him to be the assassin 'strike from the shadows' type.Here are his stats:

Str 13
Dex 18
Con 10
Int 12
Wis 8
Cha 15

L1:Weapon Finesse

He uses 2 Wakizashis as his main weapons,and carries a plethora of other weapons as well.I was considering taking a dip into either ranger(keep a good amount of skills),fighter(extra feat),or barb(+10 movement) in order to get proficiency with all martial weapons(I want this to use things like a switchblade,boot blade,combat scabbards,etc.)

Any way to optimize him more?

Right now I'm playing in a PFS game with my rogue(who actually only has one XP).

Here is my character build so far,and plans for the future:
Str 12 +1
Dex 18 +4
Con 14 +2
Int 12 +1
Wis 12 +1
Cha 9 -1


L1:Weapon Finesse

L2:Weapon Focus(Shortsword)
L4:Combat Reflexes?

Animal Affinity

From this adventure(Part 1 of The Devil we Know,Tier 3-4),I have 1474 gp total,which I have spent on the following:
Mwk Studded Leather
2x Mwk Shortswords
Mwk Backpack(Carry more loot!)
Raven(To see in the dark,he's trained with Handle Animal)
Mwk Thieves Tools
2X Spring-Loaded Wrist Sheaths(Draw as immediate action)
Silent Whistle(Call Raven)
Silk Rope
4X Drow Poison
204 GP

His level 1 DPR right now with a Full-Round Attack is:
Assumes Flanking
Average Monster Defense:14
Chance-to-Hit:1-.05(15-4-1)=0.50(.10 crit chance)
Damage:d6+d6+d6+d6+1=15(30 crit)

Any ideas on how to make him a more efficient killing machine?Right now the magic items I'm working toward getting are a Cloak of Elvenkind,Goggles of Night,and +1 Shortswords.I roleplay him as a shadowy killer that strikes from the darkness.

Okay,so for Pathfinder Society I'm wanting to play a sniper-style rogue.

So far,I'm thinking a crossbow,using the sniper archetype(a really distant Sneak Attack),and a pumped Stealth.Basically,I wanna blow something up before it knows whats happening.I don't know what race to choose,but I'm thinking either Elf,Halfling,or Human.

Since I'm starting at level 1,I can't really do alot at the moment,but once I start to level up what feats/rogue talents should I use?So far I'm thinking....

L1:Point-Blank Shot
L2:Precise Shot
L2(Rogue Talent):Weapon Focus(Light Crossbow)

L2:Combat Trick
L4:Fast Stealth
L6:Snap Shot
L8:Sniper's Eye

Any ideas?

In my opinion,they should allow you to take two pistols at 1st level,but have them battered.

I don't know if they could work this in,but maybe they could have a fighting style(like the ranger).The styles could be something like Longarms,Two-Pistol Fighting, and Duelist(A single pistol)

Longarm Bonus Feats:Rapid Reload,Weapon Focus,etc.
Two-Pistol Fighting Bonus Feats:Rapid Reload,Leaping Shot Deed,etc.
Duelist:Rapid Reload,Ricochet Shot Deed,etc.

What do you think?