Abominable Snowmen

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Has its problems, but also has its moments


So after running this module I agreed with many of the complaints on it I had seen before. However, after some time to reflect on The Hungry Storm, I find myself recalling it more fondly than I had expected. There are some very good moments in this book, though there are also some not insignificant problems.

First off, everything you've read about the caravan rules not working in this book are true. They just flat out do not, and the caravan will get rocked if you try to run as written. Thankfully, there are a lot of variant rules on the forums, and working with those I found it to be not so bad. Still, minus points on this since the caravan is a huge part of this book. A huge part should work, but alas.

Despite the caravan problems, there are many cool and unique encounters in this book. The boss fights are very challenging and memorable, and the book really packs on the atmosphere if you let it. One complaint I've read is that this book doesn't tie in with the main story, and I think that's just fine. The main enemies of Jade Regent are a large organization, but not so large as to have minions stationed on 3 continents. It makes sense that they'd leave the desolate arctic wasteland alone.

The article about the Crown is very well done, worth it if you want to run an arctic adventure. Lots of useful gear lists and adventure hooks.

Overall, I'd give this 3 and a half stars, but since I cannot I will go with just a 3. If the caravan worked as intended I would make it a 4. The GM is going to have to do some legwork, but one can make a pretty solid adventure out of the framework here. I would recommend including Under Frozen Stars and The Baleful Coven as add-ons (they're from Legendary Games), as both enhance the book in their own ways.