Kerishaw's page

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Marphod said wrote:
Vengeance gets Mass Pain Strike at 12th level, but it is on the 5th level Witch list.

As I understand it, you can cast/learn Mass Pain Strike as a 5th level spell, but you get it for free from your patron when you gain the 12th level. So it would still be a 5th level spell when you get it.

Adding a bit to this, I was hoping to get a clarification on how Animate Dead works for a Gravewalker with the Plague patron.

As written, you get it twice, once at 6th from Gravewalker and then again at 8th from the patron. I'm guessing that one is "divine" and the other arcane based on the casting levels of clerics and wizards, but is there a benefit/difference in getting the same spell twice in the patron list? Can you control more undead because you essentially cast two different spells (because of the spell level difference), or do you just waste a patron spell by taking Plague with Gravewalker?