
KenzieB's page

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This is a lot of good information. Not sure I want (or can afford) to spend $70 for background information, but "The Frozen Oath" and what details I can find from "People of the North" have been helpful already. There's some existing short fiction I've found relating to the "Quest for the Frozen Flame" that I've bookmarked, as well (Eiwa's Lesson).

But thanks for the help! I might swing by the QftFF forum for more info.

I'm having so much fun with the backstory of my character that I'm writing a short story about it. Her background involves being a guide for caravans traversing the Path of Aganhei, but the only reference I can find for what's up there is The Hungry Storm. Are there any stories, perhaps from Pathfinder Tales or any other adventure path that could inform my story? I know it's my story, and I can do with it what I want, but if I can pull in pre-existing lore instead of treading over something that's been established, it might have a larger audience than me and my group. And it would save me some time with the worldbuilding.

Further references that would help: she's a Kellid, from the Realm of the Mammoth Lords, and starts her journey (for the purposes of this story) in Icestair. So anything about her upbringing in a nomadic tribe or the civil and political dynamics of Icestair beyond basic information I've read on the Pathfinder wiki would also be helpful.