Shadowcount Sial

Keldraen's page

3 posts. Organized Play character for Whiskey Jack.

I think the reason is that I had loaded up my cart with and old promo code and then never ordered while the codes were valid... the codes are still in my cart and I cannot get rid of them nor can I complete an order. Can someone clear them out?


Nice write-up, Dom! Keep up the good work. :-)


1 person marked this as a favorite.

In two weeks (November 18th), a new public venue for Pathfinder Society will be opening its doors. Three tables are currently slated and the event can be found on Warhorn for RSVP sign-up.

Orakei RSA, Upstairs room, 178 Kepa Road, Orakei.
6:30 pm Tuesdays fortnightly only. $3 entry fee per person (first time, GMs and Orakei RSA members are free). Bistro meals and bar available, plenty of free parking on-site, R18 venue, sorry no-one under 18 unless accompanied by parent or guardian.

Auckland's PFS community has grown so much in the last year- we just concluded a very successful mini-con called Waypoint. Come and join in the fun in Orakei!


May 24th and 25th

Armageddon Expo comes to Hamilton... Chris Sharpe (Venture Captain) and Mike Brock are working to bring the creme de la creme of PFS organised play to this two-day celebration of geek culture. Mr. Brock will be flying down to share his insights during a Q&A session exclusively with our Kiwi community and several of the Season Five scenarios will be run (not released at the time of this writing).


Fate of the Fiend - a follow-up to Fingerprints and Fury? Fancy that - this is fabulous! I'll have to plan accordingly for that.

Also very good to see another named series - much better for "advertising" than "this one is kinda related to that other one you might have played."

John: When should we expect the EXclusive scenario for season 5?


(posted at the behest of Chris Sharpe, our awesome Venture Captain)

Auckland Pathfinder Society is proud to present: SUMMER OF PFS!

We've had a blast presenting scenarios from Season 5 - Year of the Demon, and so have decided to go even bigger for the summer months. Every Auckland Pathfinder Society game until February is up on the Warhorn site for you to sign up as either a player or a GM. Remember, being a GM at any event based at Redzeed Gaming Takapuna will get you $5 of store credit which can be spent in store.

Auckland Pathfinder Society Dates:

Redzeed Takapuna:
Redzeed Gaming Takapuna
Shop 4, 453 Lake Road, Takapuna
Entry Fee: $2
Session 1: 6 PM - 10 PM

December 10th
January 7th
January 21st
February 4th
February 18th.

BattleCry Fundraiser:
Auckland University
Commerce A
Entry Fee: $3
Session 1: 10 AM - 2 PM
December 8th

Note: Some scenarios have not been publically announced yet. We have set up placeholder events which you can sign up to play or GM and we will update these when they become publically available.

Pathfinder Games Day December - Pathfinder party!

On Saturday December 14th at Redzeed Gaming Takapuna, Auckland Pathfinder Society presents: Pathfinder Party! The final event for the year. This event will comprise of two sessions, and will have both support for high tier play as well as new characters. If you wanted to introduce new players to Pathfinder this is the event for you.

Redzeed Gaming Takapuna
Shop 4, 453 Lake Road, Takapuna
Auckland, N, NZ
Entry Fee: $10 for the day.
Session 1: 9 AM - 1 PM
Session 2: 2 PM - 6 PM

Summer Convention - BattleCry 2014

One final announcement is that Auckland Pathfinder Society will be at BattleCry 2014! As Auckland's largest all around gaming convention hosted at ASB Stadium on the 14th, 15th, and 16th of February, we are excited to say that you will have the chance to meet other gamers from around New Zealand, and enjoy Pathfinder on a grander scale. Details can be found at on the convention itself. As for what games we will be running, this information will be coming soon. If you are interested in GMing a game at Battlecry, or have a particular scenario which you would like played at BattleCry then contact me at PFSAuckland at gmail dot com.

Hope to see you at a game soon, and keep rolling those d20s!

Chris Sharpe
Venture Captain - New Zealand

Get involved in Pathfinder Society: Auckland PFS on Warhorn

I know someone who is working on a costume based on the pictures of Sheila Heidmarch and she wants to know what the gold pin/clasp is on her left breast (looks like a golden swirl with and eye in the center). Is there anyone out there who can answer this question?

(Our guesses have been "wayfinder", "Venture Captain pin", and "Magnimar Nobility pin" so far...)

Any chance we could ever see a deluxe boxed set of supplementary material for Kaer-Maga? There are a number of PFS scenarios where Kaer-Maga is the setting... as a GM I would love to have, at my disposal, the following in a deluxe boxed set:

  • Large, folded maps of featured locations or buildings within the city.
  • A small set of NPC Pawns for denizens unique to the city and it's underground environs.
  • Package either the existing City of Secrets sourcebook or create a new one, expanded with even more information.

There could be a seperate, related AP or more PFS scenarios to make it more worthwhile.

Would anyone else on the forums here like to see this?


DISCLAIMER- I am not the event organizer, but taking it upon myself to post the following for this event to get the ball rolling and drum up some interest. I have double-checked the information here for accuracy against the Oasis 26 website.

Friday, May 24, 2012 through Sunday, May 26, 2012 (Memorial Day Weekend)
Orlando, Florida (general convention website) (gaming pre-registration)

Convention is hosted by OASFiS (Orlando Area Science Fiction Society)

A celebration of science fiction and fantasy including panel discussions, masquerade, video room, art show and auction, charity auction, dealer's room, filking, trivia contest, fannish craziness ……… and of course gaming!!!

A wide range of gaming including several premiere events are available for your enjoyment. So whether you are a novice or seasoned player of one of the available various campaigns or events, there is a game just waiting for you! All you have to do is create or bring your character, role some dice and have fun!

See the Warhorn site listed above for a huge list of Pathfinder events!

Admission to OASIS 25 is $35 until 4/30/2012 & $40 at the door. To register online for the convention please visit the Oasis website listed above.

(This admission does include gaming)

After registering for the convention, preregister for gaming by visiting

If you have any questions please contact Gerry Ruiz (gerryr88{at}gmail{dot}com).

Kessler Castle (A Holiday Inn Resort)
8629 International Drive
Orlando, FL 32819
(407) 345-1511
Official convention location information.

To volunteer to judge or for additional details, please contact Gerry Ruiz (gerryr88{at}gmail{dot}com).

PLEASE NOTE: In the past, volunteers to judge four or more slots were comped the weekend membership to the convention. Hopefully Gerry will confirm this.



Gold Coast Pathfinders is hosting another game day at Geek eXtreme Entertainment (GXE) in Pompano Beach, FL on November 3rd. We will have four tables going- be sure to sign up on the Florida Pathfinder Society website to guarantee your spot!


PS- If you have questions regarding the event, just PM me. Thanks!


Hurricon blows back into Orlando the end of September with a full slate of Pathfinder events including brand new Season 4 scenarios, introductory scenarios for new players and old favorites. You can read more about Hurricon at the HGMS South website.

Pre-registration closes at the end of August! Be sure to get your badge purchased at the HGMS site, then forward your registration confirmation to Dom to get access to the Warhorn Hurricon 2012 page to sign up for games.

Hurricon also features a wide assortment of historical and other miniature wargaming as well as a board game room, door-prizes, etc.! See ya all there. :-)

I have a friend who accidently bought a set (six tickets, I think) for True Dungeon on Saturday morning at this coming GenCon. He is stuck with them for now, but is looking for someone who is interested in taking them off his hands- he is not seeking profit in any way, he just wants to get his money back. If someone on the board here is interested, contact me via PM and I can provide more details.


As most PFS GMs already likely know, players are supposed to have a copy (hard or PDF) of the books which feature rules implemented in their character build. I was wondering... has anyone in their prior GM experience had a player try to present the PRD (or any other online compilation of rules) or their Hero Lab package purchases as being allowable substitutes? I ask because I see more and more players at conventions playing with their characters pulled up in Hero Lab and I think the later case is bound to pop up sooner or later.

I could see some players saying something to the effect of "I'm not going to pay for the same rulebook twice! My Hero Lab supplemental packages are just as good." I am definately not condoning that point of view, just preparing myself for the day when it might happen.

If a player is using some obscure rule from a supplement, I expect them to have it on-hand because I may need to see the ruling for it. Just looking to hear from others if they have had the kind of experience I describe above.


As my home PFS group's main set of PCs approach level 12, we are wondering if we can run the retirement arc scenarios ourselves or are we required to trek to a convention to have a Venture Officer or 5 star GM run them?

Also, if a GM runs the scenario can they apply the credit to their PC?


I just bought one of these and it lists the bonus as being 1d4-1 caster levels... is that rolled for each time you do something requiring a caster level check?


I just had an idea and wanted to share it with the crowd... I know lots of people would like to see more "exotic" races from the upcoming release of the Advanced Race Guide in PFS play and I was thinking- why not allow someone to play one of the more "exotic" races (without a boon) if they are willing to pay 4XP per level?


2 people marked this as a favorite.

DISCLAIMER- I am not the event organizer, but taking it upon myself to post the following for this event to get the ball rolling and drum up some interest. I have double-checked the information here for accuracy against the Oasis 25 website.

Friday, May 25, 2012 through Sunday, May 27, 2012 (Memorial Day Weekend)
Orlando, Florida (general convention website) (gaming pre-registration)

Convention is hosted by OASFiS (Orlando Area Science Fiction Society)

A celebration of science fiction and fantasy including panel discussions, masquerade, video room, art show and auction, charity auction, dealer's room, filking, trivia contest, fannish craziness ……… and of course gaming!!!

A wide range of gaming including several premiere events are available for your enjoyment. So whether you are a novice or seasoned player of one of the available various campaigns or events, there is a game just waiting for you! All you have to do is create or bring your character, role some dice and have fun!

See the Warhorn site listed above for a huge list of Pathfinder events!

Admission to OASIS 25 is $35 until 5/18/2012 & $40 at the door. To register online for the convention please visit the Oasis website listed above.

(This admission does include gaming)

After registering for the convention, preregister for gaming by visiting

If you have any questions please contact Gerry Ruiz (gerryr88{at}gmail{dot}com).

Sheraton Orlando Downtown
400 West Livingston Street
Orlando, FL 32801
(407) 843-6664
(800) 574-3160
Official convention location information.

Mention OASIS to receive a special room rate of $79.00 per night for a
single-quad, but only until 5/09/2012!

To volunteer to judge or for additional details, please contact Gerry Ruiz (gerryr88{at}gmail{dot}com).

PLEASE NOTE: In the past, volunteers to judge four or more slots were comped the weekend membership to the convention. Hopefully Gerry will confirm this.

Happy Gaming!



I have just finished a quick pass through the first installment of this adventure path and I just want to give major credit to everyone involved for a great integration of some of the less savory aspects of piracy with a fantasy world without going beyond at PG-13 rating... all the while capturing what life as a pirate might be like.

In particular, being press-ganged, starting off less than nothing (a swab), and the treachery, harshness, greed and violence of daily life. I also enjoyed the descriptions of pirate "entertainment"... the result of a game of "heave" going wrong, i.e. the Drunken Ghost Ship, made my day.

But I have a meta-game issue I would like to hear other GMs thoughts on if they are planning on running this AP. It is pointed out, several times, that the harshness, cruelty, and degradation the PCs will be handed will make them want to attack right away instead of following the basic plot along until they are given a more advantageous moment to act. Premature moves on the players' part could result in keel-hauling and/or death.

How can we, as GMs, keep the players from getting themselves killed? Many times players have a hard time recognizing "un-winnable" situations or even simple withdraws from combats when it is tactically correct to do so... even what the GM considers obvious warnings often go un-noticed by players. Presented with the situation in the AP, PCs will (understandably so) be wanting to get back into a position of free-will and control as soon as possible.

Even the graphic example presented to them on day two- the keel-hauling of an NPC pirate, may not be enough to deter them.



I feel guilty asking for more from the web dev team at Paizo after all the improvements that have been rolled out to us over the last few months (esp. private messaging!).

But the other day I was trying to schedule the next series of modules for the group that I organize and really would have liked to have seen the sessions logged for my peeps in my regular group to get an idea what their levels should be.

Is there any way to selectively share Session data with individuals on the site? i.e. A player with a PC registered who could grant me a view under their Sessions tab. Or maybe a way to do it by groups?



1 person marked this as a favorite.

Can anyone recommend a list of organized play scenarios which have romance in the story line? Thanks,


I was thinking the other day about the nature of worship of Aroden, a dead God certainly, but has there been any depiction of cults awaiting his return? In particular, it seems that a cult devoted to Aroden could also be a nationalistic, Cheliax insurgency... wishing for the return of "the good ol' days" and rallying behind the image of Aroden. Is there anything like this described in sourcebooks, adventures, etc.?


*** This post contains spoilers for We Be Goblins and The Pallid Plague. ***


I recently sat as a player on a session of The Pallid Plague and was frustrated with the skill challenge of working on a cure with Laurel. Ever since that session, I have been thinking about exactly what it was that bothered me and what could have been done to address it.

As a counter-point to The Pallid Plague challenge, I think of the skill challenge in We Be Goblins where a PC must try to eat five bull-slugs in ten seconds. Players love that challenge- the tension and the choices- risk the higher DC to avoid the poison gland. Its a nice balance that I would like to see in more skill challenges.

This is my distillation of what I liked about that particular challenge into principles:

1. Players should know what their options are.
2. Players should understand the consequences of the options.
3. Player should know how much they have accomplished, and how far they have to go- this allows for reassessment of the first two items.
4. A time limit or number of tries allowed creates a feeling of urgency and impacts decisions by the players.

As a player goes through the "bull-slug eating contest", she gets to access at each step how many successes she has, how many rolls there are left to go, and her odds at each of the two DC thresholds. I've seen players do everything from "play it safe" all the way through, risk it, or a mixture of both. It is fun and exciting- for both the player and the spectators.

I am not saying all skill checks should be replaced with these more involved skill challenges- sometimes all a GM really needs is a simple check. But when the skill checks are a central feature of the Act of a session, as in the case of developing a cure with Laurel, I think we can do better.

I've decided to try to apply these observations to City of Strangers: Part II, for the information gathering portion of an upcoming scenario for my group. I will only do so with their permission- understanding that normally monkeying with the scenario is frowned upon. I am posting this here because I am curious what other GM's think about this kind of thing.


Can Raise Dead be cast on a PC Tiefling? The spell says that it cannot be used on Outsiders. Is there a ruling on this somewhere? How about other player races that might be disqualified by the list of types that the spell does not work on (constructs, etc.)?

What established sword type, from Pathfinder RPG, would you use to represent a Jian sword?


I am working toward setting up a one or two day, open to the public, mini-con for Pathfinder RPG. This is not being done to make any sort of profit and will be relying on volunteers to make it happen. I have some experience with organizing events- having done one mini-con and many Magic: the Gathering tournaments back in the day prior to DCI, but I am feeling a bit overwhelmed and looking for feedback/advice.

The local game store is not a very good choice for this kind of event due to the sheer mass of TCG related activities and lack of room. I am hoping to essentially start off with banquet-style tables able to accomodate around 30 players (5 tables of 6 players each).

The thing I have run into is that after submitting several proposals to hotels in the area is that the cost is very high- $400 a day or more for the smallest banquet room. I doubt I can charge players more than $5 per day of play to cover costs... maybe as much as $10, I suppose, but even at $10 it is not enough to cover costs for most of these venues.

Anyone have experience with this and can give suggestions? I thought about utilizing the Kickstarter website and Warhorn for this, but I don't think Kickstarter would consider it to have "artistic merit".

Thanks in advance for your advice and insight,

How do you pronounce "Tian Xia"?

Tee-ahn Cha?

Tye-ahn Zha?

Any help would be appreciated.



HMGS South is putting on Hurricon, a gaming convention, this weekend in Orlando. HMGS website

I am not involved with the organization of the Pathfinder Society games going on at the con (there is a listing on Warhorn for those interested), but thought I would post this for anyone who might be in the area who doesn't have plans this weekend.


Starting this thread to get discussion started on what events will be going on at NeonCon this first weekend in November. I am trying to decide if I should make the trip... and some sweet PFS events would help that decision.