Full Name |
Kelar Formtaker |
Gender |
Male Half-orc Druid 1 | 11/11 HP | AC 19, T 13, F 16 | init +4, perception +6, Darkvision | Ref +3, For +5, Wi +5 |
Size |
M |
Alignment |
CN |
Strength |
18 |
Dexterity |
14 |
Constitution |
14 |
Intelligence |
10 |
Wisdom |
15 |
Charisma |
8 |
About Kelar Formtaker
Str 18 (16 base, +2 racial)
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 15
Cha 8
HP 11 (8+2 con +1 FC)
AC 19 (2 dex, 4 armor, 1 Dodge, 2 shield)
Initiative +4 (2 dex, 2 trait)
Reflex +3 (2 stat, 0 class, 1 luck)
Fort +5 (2 stat, 2 class, 1 luck)
Will +5 (2 stat, 2 class, 1 luck)
BAB +0
Scimitar +4, 1d6+4, 18-20/x2
Quarterstaff same, but 20/x2
Shillelagh +5, 2d6+5, 20/x2
Dart +2, 1d4+4, 20' range
Languages: Common, Orc, Druidic
Skill ranks: (4+ 0 Int+2 background)
craft (carpentry) +1: 0s +1 Trait
Handle Animal +6 (background): 2s +1r +3c
Knowledge (Nature) +6: 0s+1r+3c+2 (class)
Heal +7: 2s+1r+3c+1(Trait)
Perception +6: 2s+1r+3c
Profession (sailor) +4 (background): 0s+1r+3c
Spellcraft +6: 0s+1r+3c+2 (racial)
Survival +4: 2s+2 (class)
Abilities: Wild Empathy +0
Race: Half-orc (Sacred Tattoo, Shaman's Enhancement)
Sacred Tattoo: +1 luck to all saves
Shaman's Enhancement: +2 Racial to Spell craft; +2 untyped to AC's Str, Dex, or Con
Darkvision 60'.
Orc Blood: counts as both human and orc.
Campaign Trait: ship's surgeon. +1 Carpentry, +1 Heal, start with healer's kit
Trait: Reactionary (+2 initiative)
L1 Feat: Dodge
Favored Class: +1 hp
Gear: (starting 120gp)
Scimitar, 15g, 1d6, 18-20/x2
Quarterstaff, 0g, 1d6/1d6, x2
Dart x20, 10g, 1d4, x2, 20ft
Lamellar armor, 60g, +4 ac, max Dex +3, -2 check
Heavy wooden shield, 10g, +2 ac, -2 check
Druid kit (14g) - animal feed (5 days), a backpack, a belt pouch, a blanket, a flint and steel, holly, mistletoe, an iron pot, a mess kit, soap, a spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin
Explorers outfit (free)
Healers kit (trait)
Detect magic
Cure Light Wounds
Obscuring Mist
Animal Companion: Coils, the titanoboa
Size Medium; Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft., swim 30 ft.;
AC +4 natural armor;
Attack bite (1d4);
Ability Scores Str 15+2 racial, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 2, Wis 17, Cha 8;
Special Qualities low-light vision, scent.
2HD, 9 hp
BAB +1
AC 17 (+2 dex +4 armor +1 dodge)
Ref 3+2stat
Fort 3
Will 0+3stat
Attack +4, 1d4+3
2 skill ranks
Perception 3s + 1r + 3c
Stealth 2s+1r+3c
1 feat
1 bonus trick, 7 total
Attack All
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