Kedirin's page

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When you have players check for perception/knowledge how do you work out a vast difference in rolls. For example if one player rolls a 4 and another rolls a 25 on the same check. You tell player2 what they see/hear/read/notice/whatever while player 1 basically notices nothing.

Do you expect player 2 to tell all the other players what you told them basically repeating it maybe in their own words? Or is it assumed that if one player makes a check that the relay of information occurred automatically?


Well first off an arrow in each eye of a dragon has a rule. +10 DC to the creatures armor. So a level 6 could do it on a nat 20 but that's about it.

The question here is the creature is already grappled in the barbs hands and its the size of a moth. He basically has the strength of a hill giant. I'm just looking for some kind of rule to use to allow this.

Hey all -

I was running RotRL campaign and the party got to the room with the quasit which is a tiny creature. The barbarian who was raging at the time with a 23 str was able to grapple the quasit. On his next turn he said I want to rip the wings off of it so it can't fly away anymore.

Makes sense to me since its a tiny creature and his strength was epic at that moment in time but I had no idea how to handle this, any thoughts?

Thanks ahead of time.

This is probably more of a generic GM question but since I'm reading/playing this campaign I thought I would post it here.

As I'm familiarizing myself with the campaign I notice the book is filled with lots of background information and intersting tidbits.

My question is how to you portray this onto your players?

As I read through I'm like oh that's very interesting but I look for sections where the players might find that out and there is no real way for them to. Is it just there for GMs to know everything about the world so they can act accordingly or is there something I'm missing?
