Bard Worshipper of Desna

Kaylessa's page

Organized Play Member. 10 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters.


Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

A friend suggested playing a group of all gnome divine spell casters. The Gnomish Inquisition!

Sovereign Court

Well that is awesome very rarely do I get to chat / message with the big wigs! Thank you for your responses.

Sovereign Court

James Jacobs,

Are you the Creative Director for this AP?

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I really like the NE Ymeri, elemental lord of fire, and Szuriel, one of the 4 Horseman. Both fire aspect. I was thinking of a NE Aasimar (Peri Blooded) Cleric. Different twist so to speak but I'm not sure what evil deities would be acceptable.

Sovereign Court

Is there no Player's Guide for this yet?

Sovereign Court

Thanks !

Sovereign Court

In the Skulls and Shackles adventure path there is an item called: Vindictive Harpoon. Its a +1 harpoon and under the monster that is using it says that it does 1d6. A normal medium size harpoon does 1d8.
Here is the stat block for the harpoon under treasures:

Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 10,305 gp; Weight 16 lbs.
This +1 returning harpoon (Pirates of the Inner Sea 18) is
made from the jagged, scrimshaw-carved tusk of a narwhal
attached to a 50-foot length of woven sinew. Unlike most
thrown weapons, a vindictive harpoon functions as well
underwater as on land, and its wielder takes no penalties on
attack rolls underwater.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, freedom of
movement, telekinesis; Cost 5,305 gp.

Now I looked up the stats for a harpoon in the Pirates of the Inner Sea book, pg 18, and it says that a medium sized harpoon weighs 16lbs. So the stat block above has the weight of a medium weapon but the stat block under the NPC says it does small creature damage, 1d6. What gives!? Do magic weapons auto-size like magic armor in Pathfinder? Or am I missing something.

Thank you for any help.

Sovereign Court

I know that this article is about the Cleric vs. Oracle, but do not count out the Inquisitor. Limited spells, but they have awesome combat ability as a Divine Caster. Go with Healing and Buffing Spells, like Prayer, Aid, and Bless and there ya go!

Sovereign Court

Thanks guys

Sovereign Court

Call me silly but is the Pathfinder Adventure Path d20 system diffrent than the one found here? I have downloaded and ran the kobold king series and the system is nothing like the one found here My PCs are using the one and they just mowed right thru the NPCs with little problem. Am I missing something here?