
Kayland's page

RPG Superstar 7 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 146 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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Can anyone tell me about the release date for this in print? When selecting it to buy off the site it has no mention...the third in the series is listed as October...yet Amazon has Thrushmore not available for shipping until November?

There's a reason that goblin is a playable race in Pathfinder and you are not forced to be evil. Killing goblin babies would be an evil act...period and end of discussion. This is all rather's called common sense.

Haven't played again yet, game was cancelled last week due to people being gone for the 4th. We'll play again on Thursday.

Ill omen does look nice...I'll definitely add that to my spell list, thank you for that.

The Haramaki definitely works, so would the buckler. The Harmaki would potentially free up a spell slot from Mage Armor...but I obviously wouldn't get the benefit that surpasses it until later.

Looking like the witch is just a single target wrecker...I take down their defenses and abilities and let the party sweep up with the damage against the weakened foe. That'll work well I think with the occasional rare offensive spell for emergency damage situations.

What is your party makeup? Fighter, Rogue, Witch, Sorceror - Rogue and Sorceror both have UMD to help out with healing wands etc later on.

Are you going to have retraining rules? Pretty sure no.

Aside from backup healing what is your character concept? I'd like to be a buffer/debuffer as well as toss out the occasional fun offensive spell. I'm healer by default but healing isn't the concept. I gave them the option of going full on healing with an oracle of life or some minor healing and wanding with utility..they opted for the latter...hence my witch.

i.e. what is 'fun' for you? I'm not a powergamer, much more roleplay oriented so I'd like effects and spells that can add some roleplay elements to what they do in combat situations, however, I still need to be quite useful as I know most people find the fighter and rogue to drop off and we're not a terrible optimized group. The character is the infernal bastard child of a once prominent acting troupe. Currently wandering around in some fun if slightly garish courtier clothing complete with minor jewelry and a parasol.

"Wear armor and use a shield. Hexes are not affected by arcane spell failure.
Cheese armor: armored kilt/haramaki are +1 AC with 0% ASF.
Or compromise and just use a buckler (5% ASF isn't terrible) and it stacks with your mage armor. "

Never heard of Haramaki or the Armored kilt...not sure what book those are from? Mage armor doesn't stack with the Haramaki and armored kilt that would just be for protection during the times I don't have the spell going? I didn't try not to overly cheese and the kilt wouldn't make I might just go with buckler. Not sure what a Haramaki is heh.

So we made characters last night to begin a Council of Thieves campaign...and needing a little healing with some utility I thought a Witch would be fun to try out as I've never played one before. So I figured I'd give everyone my current stats, minor build info etc and ask for advice on what if anything I should change up (we're not playing for a week or two yet so I have tweak time) as well as solicit advice on how to build it up in the future. We rolled stats...and I crushed it, heh. I had 2 17s...and put the second into charisma. I know it's not optimal but it made sense for my character background. I took the Infernal Bastard and Child of Infamy Traits from CoT and a greensting scorpion familiar for a +4 initiative but I might change that to the small dino variety with the same bonus for fun.

Tiefling Witch
Patron: Time

Str: 11
Dex: 15
Con: 15
Int: 19
Wis: 14
Cha: 15

Skills - Intimidate, knowledge history, knowledge planes, perception, perform act (was recommended and fits with the background), spellcraft. (Should I switch out intimidate for use magic device? Additionally I took the 1 hp rather than 1 skill at level one due to wanting to make it past first level).

Feat wise...I think I'm starting with Extra Hex and taking Cackle and Evil Eye. I don't want to take I hear that can be a bit too much and being this is run by a first time GM I didn't want to wreck things and make them boring. I don't know where to go in the future on feats though...except for split hex at 10 most likely.

My main problems are this...I don't really know how witches work well in combat and I'm scared to death about having to be within 30 feet with a 12 AC. I'm guessing mage armor is a must because of this. Does anyone have some good advice on spell selections as well as future feats, skill advice, future build help etc? I'm guessing when I enter combat the first things I'm going to want to do is hit the biggest guy with an evil eye and start cackling and at that point layer on various spells etc? Is there a limit to the number of times I can hex...I didn't see one...or a limit to the number of hexes I can put on someone? Can I evil eye someone more than once for different effects(Ac, Saves, Etc...I know you can double down on one)?

More than anything I want the character to be fun for everyone including myself (one of the reasons I think I'm avoiding the slumber hex) and not necessarily trying to figure out how to make the baddest thing walking. My patron btw I took because it sounded the whole haste thing but I don't know enough about patrons to really get how that works atm.

All advice is welcome.

They got Xanesha out via an invisibility sphere in the middle of the yea...technically nobody saw them walking around with a giant snake woman...and as stated...they claim they'll be leaving them chained outside of towns etc.

As to the gem...they aren't using them. The guy who made her is an alchemist..he doesn't need a gem, he just needs alchemical components (more expensive overall...but not the same as attempting to find expensive gem work).

Why is it only a CR6 ally? A matriarch is a CR8 creature and the zombie template doesn't seem to decrease this. Honestly it seems like the best to constantly kill the damn things and try to get them to realize they're wasting a ton of money for things that aren't worth it. starting throwing some wonky curveballs and I don't know what to do about. After finishing the Skinsaw murders in Rise of the resident alchemist and wizard decided it would be a good idea to animate Xanesha(a lamia matriarch). Looking at the rules...I couldn't believe what I was reading...and neither could they.

As a now eighth level character they both can run around with 32 HD of undead? An animated zombie Xanesha is apparently a 14 HD creature for goodness sakes! What am I missing? I am a singular game session away from these two running around with giant ogre zombies as minions! 64HD of giant undead? Gimme a break...they'll just sick them on every combat and sit back and have a picnic. There has to be something I'm missing out on here.

Putting pressure about "evil acts" isn't working. They have a ranger in the party who has a favorite enemy of undead...but he's not willing to rock the boat because he figures, and rightly so, that roleplaying it the way it should be done would wind up dissolving the game. They're already talking about how they're just going to chain up their zombies outside of town so nobody sees them to avoid being routed out of Sandpoint and Turtleback Ferry. This just seems like an egregious wrecking of rules to me. I don't understand how a singular level 8 character can walk around with a coterie of that is essentially a CR 10 encounter? starting throwing some wonky curveballs and I don't know what to do about. After finishing the Skinsaw resident alchemist and wizard decided it would be a good idea to animate Xanesha. Looking at the rules...I couldn't believe what I was reading...and neither could they.

As a now eighth level character they both can run around with 32 HD of undead? An animated zombie Xanesha is apparently a 14 HD creature for goodness sakes! What am I missing? I am a singular game session away from these two running around with giant ogre zombies as minions! 64HD of giant undead? Gimme a break...they'll just sick them on every combat and sit back and have a picnic. There has to be something I'm missing out on here.

Putting pressure about "evil acts" isn't working. They have a ranger in the party who has a favorite enemy of undead...but he's not willing to rock the boat because he figures, and rightly so, that roleplaying it the way it should be done would wind up dissolving the game. They're already talking about how they're just going to chain up their zombies outside of town so nobody sees them to avoid being routed out of Sandpoint and Turtleback Ferry. This just seems like an egregious wrecking of rules to me. I don't understand how a singular level 8 character can walk around with a coterie of that is essentially a CR 10 encounter?

It turns out her dex is even lower than I thought at a 14..though that is notably her second best stat next to her 20 cha. So she's decided to embrace the buffer/healer role. So she's going to focus on a few fun specific wands to help the party as well as concentrate on a couple of different type of spells to help out.

Thank you all for the advice. If anyone has a suggestion on great bang for your buck wands and or third level all means toss them out there.

Thanks for the link Deadmanwalking. I admit I don't know how he got a damage bonus that high...I assume it's mostly a combination of the buff spells he would have going. Here's my issue with that (not that it's an actual issue).

I have never once played in a game where if we got caught by surprise...we could afford to have a character or two spend 2-3 rounds immediately buffing themselves. Combats a lot of times are short and brutal rarely lasting more than 7-8 rounds unless it's a huge never ending melee. If characters spent those rounds our games at least one person would assuredly be dead.

Do you generally play games where when you get into combat you buff for several rounds? I am not saying there's anything wrong with it mind you, it's simply something we tend not to do unless it's a specific buffer class like a bard. Or am I missing something crucial (as I have not read through all the spells you had on the list)that allows those buffs and spells to linger from a very long period of time so that the individual can go into possible dangerous scenarios already self-buffed?

I've noticed that a TON on this thread about why Fighters and Rogues are subpar is because they do not have the ability to enhance their fighting capabilities (in the case of the rogue that is) where others do via spells etc. Yet it always seems to come down to buffs...which in my opinion...are not a luxury one can afford to spend time on once the doody has hit the fan.

Deadmanwalking wrote:
Kayland wrote:

Back lull. Maybe I'm missing something...and I undoubtedly am as I haven't spent countless hours crawling through archetypes and feats etc. But if your character concept that you want to play as a sneak with sick counter attacking precision damage, trap circumvention, elite scouting skills, enhancing your abilities with low level enhancement spells like true strike, not to mention the utility of hampering foes with dispels and stat drains all on top of being the Face character of the group with skill points to the heck do you do all that with another class and make it even better? BTW...I generally do not like class dipping...I find it doesn't make a lot of sense from a character background standpoint unless an RP element happened in the adventure.

I'm not trying to argue here...I REALLY don't know. Maybe that's one of the problems here...people not knowing the incredible in-depth knowledge that one would need to accomplish these things.

The Vivisectionist Trap Breaker mentioned by EvilPaladin is one possibility. And with Int 16-20 due to a Headband, will have 7-9 skill points per level, not as much as a Rogue, but not bad. And can have 9-11 with the Human bonus and Favored Class. And Traits and the Cosmopolitan Feat can get social skills as class.

The Investigator does everything you want almost out of the box. They have to wait until 4th level for Precision Damage (it's not Sneak Attack...but it is precision, and fits under the same umbrella thematically if not mechanically), and also lack Dispel, but other than that they're perfect for what you list. They also have much better skills than the Alchemist version, with 6+ Int mod and even more reason than an Alchemist to keep Int high. They can also get as lot of Rogue Talents if they wish, and add +1d6 to any skill roll they like, several times a day. Student of Philosophy would help on social skills, certainly, but they are already Class Skills.

If willing to forego the Precision damage (but...

Can't help but notice that two of those for my part...don't exist yet as I have no idea what they are outside of a 2-3 paragraph marketing campaign since the book isn't out yet. :). I'll be of the reasons that 3.5 eventually crashed out on us was because with every book they released they broke more and more things with they strive for "more power". It feels like a lot of these new classes from what little I've read are also doing that...probably because of the vocal outcry from people when a new class wouldn't be considered one of the best 4-5 out there.

I can easily see as I stated where the Vivisectionist you both mentioned would be a good and fun addition...but I also do not see how it easily outclasses the rogue...merely seems on par with being better in combat and in my opinion slightly less effective out. Better overall? Perhaps, but it doesn't seem to be to the point where people should forever stop playing a rogue. It seems like if we were ranking things on a scale of 1-10...people are considering solid "6"'s and "7"'s to be sub par because they're striving for the "best". I realize there's a whole lot of people here saying the same thing...that even in unoptimized groups the fighter and rogue clearly drop off...but I'm not seeing it. Drop off? Sure. Clearly to the point that it hinders play? Absolutely not. There's over a hundred years of RPG experience in my group of 5 and we've played in pathfinder games with both of these classes and never noticed enough of a difference for us to outwardly care. I really do think this comes down to a preference type of mentality.

Out of curiosity how do the archaeologist bards equal the rogues damage output? I just don't see it.

Cap. Darling wrote:
K177Y C47 wrote:
Nicos wrote:
K177Y C47 wrote:
2) Um... just HOW is the fighter tougher than the Barb? Barbs tend to have higher con (rage), DR x/-, pretty much all good saves (superstition), d12 HD vs the fighter's d10, and they can't be caught flat-footed... so how is the fighter stronger....
the issue here is the word "tend". Is totally (and sadly) true that barbarian can be just tougher than fighters but it is not like all barbarian are that way. and the options are pretty limited too, no superstitiosn welcome mediocre saves. No beast totem and/or that heavy armored archetype by good AC.

Um... again.. what?

The barb will ALWAYS have:

More HD (d12 vs d10)
Better saves (2 good saves is always better than just 1, even without superstition to make it 3 good)
More resistance to damage (just about every Barb has DR X/-)
Higher Con (Rage is specced off Con and Rage gives a HUGE bonus to con that stacks with items).

Literally, the fighter is worse than the Barb in EVERY WAY SHAPE AND FORM at surviving short of having a better AC (if you do not take beast totem)...

This is not all true. Barb dosent have 2 good saves.

I think they're referring to the fact that they get a +2 to Will saves while best I'd say that would count as 1 and 1/2 good saves...which really should be a little less than that as you're not always raging, especially when will saves are involved as a lot of those happen outside combat or in surprise like tactics.

We play for about a 3-4 hours a shot and did it in 5 sessions.

EvilPaladin wrote:
How about this as a response:A Vivisectionist archetyped alchemist with the Trap-Finder and Student of Philosophy traits can be the character you described. He has divinations like True Strike and enhancements like Enlarge Person, stealthy capabilities, including invisibility, can be a bit of a party face, can circumvent traps, has a precision damage counter-attack, can scout, and can stat drain with Crippling Strike. Now, dispels he has problems with, I'll give you that, but still he fits most of the criteria presented. Doesn't need too much "incredible in-depth knowledge], just knowledge of 1 archetype and 2 traits, along with basic alchemist extracts. .

Thank you so much for actually replying. Yes I can see how that would work to some some places quite well. In others however, it definitely seems lacking. It's hard to be a face in my opinion with so few skills points and no diplomacy or bluff as in class skills. He would definitely be able to fulfill all combat criteria very well...though in my opinion falls off considerably in social scenarios. Also more limited on the disabling device with using a trait on a +1 in lieu of +1/2 level. I cannot ignore the added benefit they would have in the utility though with the obviously largely expanded spell/discovery capabilities. This would definitely be a fun counter to attempt to try, but I would consider it be on par rather than what everyone talks about for being exceedingly better and outclassing the rogue. Perhaps that just because of the added emphasis my group places on skills and social interactions.

Thank you very much though. I'm making a note of this as something to try in a future campaign. I greatly appreciate it.

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Anzyr wrote:
Kayland wrote:
Deadmanwalking wrote:
DocShock wrote:
Fair Enough. I tend to think power imbalance is only relevant if it's strong enough to interfere with someones ability to have a good time. In our game, with these classes, that was never the case.

That's great. I've been the Rogue when it was the case. Not so fun. And not due to optimized characters either.

DocShock wrote:
If you'd like to see rogues or fighters buffed, great, I fully support you, but I disagree deeply with others who claim that there is "literally no reason to play a rogue".

But see, that's not a condemnation or a statement you can't play one. It's a statement that

"Whatever you want to do with a Rogue, there's another class that can do it better."

That's it. And it does indeed mean there's basically no reason to play one beyond wanting to write 'Rogue' on your character sheet or desiring to play 'hard mode'.

Back lull. Maybe I'm missing something...and I undoubtedly am as I haven't spent countless hours crawling through archetypes and feats etc. But if your character concept that you want to play as a sneak with sick counter attacking precision damage, trap circumvention, elite scouting skills, enhancing your abilities with low level enhancement spells like true strike, not to mention the utility of hampering foes with dispels and stat drains all on top of being the Face character of the group with skill points to the heck do you do all that with another class and make it even better? BTW...I generally do not like class dipping...I find it doesn't make a lot of sense from a character background standpoint unless an RP element happened in the adventure.

I'm not trying to argue here...I REALLY don't know. Maybe that's one of the problems here...people not knowing the incredible in-depth knowledge that one would need to accomplish these things.

As a one word answer: Alchemist.

How about we stop being glib and snooty and actually answer the legitimate question with a true answer please. Stating a class and not showing how they accomplish all the things I asked for isn't doing anything to help those that want to know.

Deadmanwalking wrote:
DocShock wrote:
Fair Enough. I tend to think power imbalance is only relevant if it's strong enough to interfere with someones ability to have a good time. In our game, with these classes, that was never the case.

That's great. I've been the Rogue when it was the case. Not so fun. And not due to optimized characters either.

DocShock wrote:
If you'd like to see rogues or fighters buffed, great, I fully support you, but I disagree deeply with others who claim that there is "literally no reason to play a rogue".

But see, that's not a condemnation or a statement you can't play one. It's a statement that

"Whatever you want to do with a Rogue, there's another class that can do it better."

That's it. And it does indeed mean there's basically no reason to play one beyond wanting to write 'Rogue' on your character sheet or desiring to play 'hard mode'.

Back lull. Maybe I'm missing something...and I undoubtedly am as I haven't spent countless hours crawling through archetypes and feats etc. But if your character concept that you want to play as a sneak with sick counter attacking precision damage, trap circumvention, elite scouting skills, enhancing your abilities with low level enhancement spells like true strike, not to mention the utility of hampering foes with dispels and stat drains all on top of being the Face character of the group with skill points to the heck do you do all that with another class and make it even better? BTW...I generally do not like class dipping...I find it doesn't make a lot of sense from a character background standpoint unless an RP element happened in the adventure.

I'm not trying to argue here...I REALLY don't know. Maybe that's one of the problems here...people not knowing the incredible in-depth knowledge that one would need to accomplish these things.

Deadmanwalking wrote:
Kayland wrote:
Anzyr wrote:
The thing is even is the APs are easy (I think so anyway), trying to beat an AP with say 4 Fighters is going to be a a lot harder then trying to beat it with 4 Wizards. Now if the Fighter's don't care about success that's fine, but presumably when you play an AP you'd like to complete it.
That's a bit misleading. It's equally hard for both. A group of 4 fighters will undoubtedly get further into the AP than a group of wizards where a group of wizards would be able to succeed later...but would never get past the early scenarios. There's a reason wizards are weaker early and fighters are weaker late. The fighters would find a way to power through the low level scenarios if they're smart before succumbing to later magic...the wizards however, would undoubtedly be overrun with their low hp, AC, and damage starting out.

But a party of four Clerics would rock the whole thing. And a party of three Wizards and one melee Cleric likely do better than three Fighters and a buffer Cleric.

And a party of four Witches could wreck things.

A lot of this has to do with healing being available at low levels...

You're definitely right on the clerics hands down..though that goes against the point I was trying to make that some here are flat out ignoring simply because they want to be right that class X must always suck.

Time to go back to work. I obviously won't be able to convince most of the people on here about the validity of things...nor will they obviously ever convince me as in all of my games we've never had issue. To you, however, it was a pleasure speaking with and I've enjoyed your interpretations on a lot of things. A pleasant day to you, and maybe we'll banter some more soon. Cheers.

Anzyr wrote:
Wizards are not weaker then Fighters early on. And the early scenarios in most APs have space between them allowing the Wizards to be at full spells. Remember a Wizard can take multiple people out of a fight as a standard action at level 1. A fighter can't.

Sorry I disagree...I feel they are clearly weaker...and they can only take multiple people out of a fight with luck and circumstance. Additionally they can easily be taken out of the fight with a one hit and move on with the weakest of foes...generally speaking the fighter will not. You lose initiative and you're closed in on and pinned and at that point...they're basically dead ducks.

Anzyr wrote:
The thing is even is the APs are easy (I think so anyway), trying to beat an AP with say 4 Fighters is going to be a a lot harder then trying to beat it with 4 Wizards. Now if the Fighter's don't care about success that's fine, but presumably when you play an AP you'd like to complete it.

That's a bit misleading. It's equally hard for both. A group of 4 fighters will undoubtedly get further into the AP than a group of wizards where a group of wizards would be able to succeed later...but would never get past the early scenarios. There's a reason wizards are weaker early and fighters are weaker late. The fighters would find a way to power through the low level scenarios if they're smart before succumbing to later magic...the wizards however, would undoubtedly be overrun with their low hp, AC, and damage starting out.

One thing of note...I'm running the RotRL Anniversary edition now...and there's also a few Bestiary 2 monsters scattered in there as well.

Deadmanwalking wrote:

.That's probably typical. As I understand it, RotRL is actually one of the tougher ones.

Published material is interesting because it's not necessarily very difficult...but, in the hands of many GMs, it's also not very adaptable. If your characters can't defeat a particular challenge for whatever reason (examples: Nobody has flying or any ranged worth talking about and you're fighting an Erinyes, nobody has any ability with traps and there's a particularly deadly one of those, etc.) then you're just kinda screwed. This is even more true of PFS, I believe.

This means that your party (and in PFS your character alone, since not even the party is consistent) must be equipped for a wide variety of situations and there's a very high likelihood of getting pretty messed up some time if you aren't. That breeds a very specific mentality, not necessarily either for or against optimization, but it's a very different environment than something where the GM can and will tailor quests and encounters to the PCs capabilities, and inevitably effects the reasons one thinks particular capabilities are important.

Personally, I've done both (though not PFS), and come to the conclusion that with a good GM who wants people to have equal spotlight time, you can absolutely go with a character less powerful than the others. In an unmodified published adventure, or with a GM who enjoys making things hard for the PCs? Doing so is selfish if anyone in the party is invested in their characters and their success, since things aren't going to get easier just because your character is less capable, and you're thus actively decreasing the party's odds of success. Even if those odds are pretty high, reducing them from 80% to 75% isn't very nice to the other players.

Of course, that only matters if the people playing care about their characters and want them to succeed...but frankly, I have no desire to play in a game where people aren't invested in their characters a fair bit, and I don't think that's an unusual attitude.

That's probably why the APs are slightly underpowered for a lot of people..they didn't want to create those scenarios where you run into a wall...easier for GMs to learn after a few fights and slowly scale up than be constantly bombarded with the death hammer and have to do a "redo" or something else each time...can be frustrating for players.

I agree with the attitude of being invested in your character...though dying is a part of the game and we generally get a kick out of it when someone kicks the bucket...especially in enjoyable and fantastic fashion. We all laugh about tribute...and move on. That might just also be a difference in our play styles as well. Losing a character stinks..but for us it's easy to laugh and move on and come up with our next fun concept.

Interesting on the lesser persistent rod...I'll look into it. Thank you for the suggestion. :)

Fromper wrote:

Glitterdust is great against groups of enemies. If you can target 2 or 3 enemies at once, chances are at least one will fail the save, so you've just practically removed an enemy from the fight.

Against a single tough monster, chances are it has higher saves, so save or suck spells are less likely to be effective. I had that problem last night with my sorcerer who doesn't have many offensive spells. I threw a Haste out for my allies, then tried Glitterdust on the same succubus 4 times, because I had nothing better to do. It worked once, but then she shrugged it off the following round. The GM was rolling hot in making 4 out of 5 of the saves - he told me afterward that statistically, she should have failed roughly half the time (+10 Will vs my 19 DC).

And there are things like the Spell Focus feats to increase save DCs. And I like to have different spells that target all 3 of the save types, so hopefully someone in my group can make the knowledge check to know which save is their worst, or I can just spend 3 rounds in a row trying 3 different spells that target different saves, hoping one will get through. But most bard stuff is Will saves only, so that probably doesn't help you.

Speaking of offensive bard spells, Silent Image is a nice one. Great for putting up fake walls to control the flow of the battlefield, if nothing else. Even if enemies make their save, they'll probably waste a round interacting with the illusion to figure out that it's not real. And it can provide cover against enemies that don't know it's fake, so they won't try to shoot through it with ranged attacks.

Good point on the multiple target part, wasn't really considering that. I'm having a meeting with her tonight to figure out exactly where she wants her character to go...will give me more of an idea of exactly where and how to help her.

Deadmanwalking wrote:
Kayland wrote:
Face it, there are simply two major types of RPG gamers and this question obviously hits at the crux of it.
This is overly simplistic. There are way more factors at play than just the type of games people enjoy, or what things they focus on. Party size, whether the group uses published adventures, degree of optimization by other players, how far the GM goes to make everyone feel included. All that kind of thing.

Very true, however, I believe that your points on degree of optimization by other players and the part about the GM falls strongly into the very simplistic point I just made. Party size, however, is definitely a demographic where these things can come into play.

To your point about published adventures...where do you stand on your belief as far as how Paizo publishes AP paths? I know they are generally made for a 15 point buy 4 person party if I recall...but do you feel they focus on creating them for you say...optimized parties? I've only played in one of their APs with our group and there are 5 players and we rolled for our stats with the average being probably around a 20 point buy equivalent. I have not come across any difficulties with the party and have had to scale the encounters up about 25% for a bit of a challenge...and all characters are definitely not optimized. Would you say that is typical? Or is it a case of lucky dice combined with it being Rise of the Runelords?

John Benson 299 wrote:

Tiberius Fulvious Marula, Paladin of Iomedae (me)

Deagal halfling bard/rogue
Ziggs Pyrolust gnome alchemist
Elven cleric who's name I don't have written down and escapes me at the moment
Eridani - Elf Conjurer
And a fighter replacing the dwarf rogue that bit the big one that doesn't want a rezz but a new character next game

We just finished clearing the fort in the mountains taken over by the ogres and the lamia.

We only got to play this adventure once every 6-7 weeks but each go was a marathon. My buddy the DM has less and less time so looks like this group won't be moving on for a while.

Ziggs Pyrolust?...hehe...someone plays League.

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Face it, there are simply two major types of RPG gamers and this question obviously hits at the crux of it.

Not skilled in intimidate I'm afraid. We are in Varisia so the Tribal War Paint could work....I might just hand her a 9th level wand of MM for 6K or so for free to help her out on occasional guaranteed damage and have her concentrate on gaining some true offensive spells to help her out in other areas. I was off on money...I recalculated last night on what they would wind up with after selling the items they just's closer to 10K apiece.

I have to ask why so many people like Glitterdust? I don't understand it. I come from the oldschool world of or nothing spells were always considered to be garbage. Unless you're using player rarely ever know that you're dealing with something with a low save per se'. And even if you figure it out...there's still always generally a 30% chance you waste a spell...or much higher if you mis-gauge your opponent. Guess I just always figured spells with guaranteed effects, even on saves, were better all around. What am I missing?

True to the bow you mentioned...except that bow you mentioned would cost 72,00 gold pieces...and she just hit level 8 with about 4k in cash.

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To the OP's question.

All the time. We're all in our 40s and have played RPG's for fun for 30+ years. Why change now. We have not ever been nor will we ever be a group of gamers that run spreadsheets to fully optimize what we do in order to "win". Nor are we ever likely to play with those type of people. So playing a group that consists of a Monk, Rogue, Fighter, and throw in 2 other classes considered less than awesome is fine with us.

This game is supposed to be about having that's what we focus on. To answer someone's question about if there are three options to get your concept down...why not take the obvious best's because it's not that obvious or simple to people who don't spend time number crunching. If the options are "Class A"...or "Class B with Archetype C combined with Feats X, P, R and Trait's 47 and XRF#2"...guess what...we're going with Class A.

Again this comes down to what is fun and what we consider to be fun. Getting together and roleplaying to us is fun. Number crunching, min-maxing, optimizing, and overall trying to think of ways to break the system in order to achieve a sense of by no means fun for us. If that means an AP is too difficult because we didn't bother to make ourselves into gods...gee...we simply tone it down and keep having fun.

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Remember when people played different classes simply because they sounded fun?

Is going the bow route as opposed to offensive wands worth it overall for her? I worry because of her chance to hit. At level 8 she's looking at a +6 BAB, +3 Dex, +2 Inspire Investing in a better bow with her money would still give her..+12?

Not too bad...but that's still a 60% mischance on a 25AC opponent and a 85% on her second attack...which would make her pretty bad against anything that's not trash mob oriented.

She does have a handy haversack already. As to her strength, it's 10, so no strength bow there. As to offensive spells...she has almost none.

Spells I know for a fact she has:

Cure Light Wounds
Feather Fall
Hideous Laughter

Cure Moderate Wounds
Gallant Inspiration.

One of the reasons I thought supplementing her combat abilities with wands via UMD would be useful...just not sure on what the best wands would be? Thank you all for the advice so far though.

~bumping for help.

So, I'm running a Rise of the Runelords campaign for some friends and one of my players is playing a gnomish bard. They're just now level 8 and they're about to head off and start the Hook Mountain Massacre but they have time and some funds to gear up in Magnimar before I kick everything off.

Now my friend loves gaming but she isn't the most self aware in making characters, nor is she or I ultra familiar with everything that Pathfinder has to offer from an equipment and gearing standpoint. Basically I want to find some things to help her be more viable in combat scenarios. Currently she buffs the party in combat with her songs and then offers little else outside the occasionally lucky spell...even then most of her spells are of the buff variety (which is fine...Heroism and the like).

She currently has a +1 bow but nothing else outside of some armor and knickknacks but nothing substantial or that takes up an EQ slot. I'm thinking the best thing would be some wands to help her as on the exceptionally rare occasion she hits with her bow (a +7 or 8 to hit isn't lighting the world on fire when opponent ACs are climbing into the solid mid 20's) she's only doing a straight up d4 damage. So I'm hoping the community can help me come up with some equipment ideas to help her out. She is maxed in Use Magical Device with a 20 Cha and I believe a 16 Dex for her 2 main stats.

ANY suggestions across any and every slot would be wonderfully helpful. Basically the most bang for your buck items to help her across any and all areas would be of great benefit...even suggestions on future purchases as well. Currently my best guess is she's sitting on 4-5K to spend at this point, but prepping with the future in mind would also be of great help. Thank you all.

It's simply not my style is all. I guess I simply like being able to look at my character and understanding how at one time he was a farmer. I don't mean to debate's simply not for me. If it brings enjoyment to those who do like it...more power to them.

Deadmanwalking said wrote:
Also, what's wrong with high-powered games?

Just goes against everything I believe in as a gamer. 100% anti monty-haul, anti-powergaming, anti-min/maxing. People want to do that that's fine...but to me it borders intentionally trying to break a game for the satisfaction of feeling godly. Being a hero isn't about being better than's about simply having the courage to try.

Wow...can't believe people play like that...that's just...kinda gross. I realize some people think gaming is all about winning, but that's beyond taking things too far. At least in my opinion. Thank you both for explaining it to me, however.

Not to hijack things...but what do people mean when they say "MAD" or "Gestalt"? Code words and short hand, abbreviations etc aren't always friendly to the more noobish Pathfinder crowd.

*looks for a countdown clock for the next guide*

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It's very very doable. It really depends on what you what like to do in combat and what you mean by "hold your own". You won't be a toe to toe front liner...but there's a myriad of things you should be able to accomplish in those regards.

Another route to do this would be to use the bard with one or two specific archetypes. Going Bard with the Dawnflower Dervish archetype for example would make you a very capable fighter with powerful self buffs and still have the versatile performance of the Bard class to allow you to branch out your skills effectively for the "Face" portion of what you're looking for.

Again though, Rogue really does do the job nicely. One of the things you might see though, is that rogues are not considered a "great" class in Pathfinder as there are many other classes that can do the job as well as they do with more added benefits. I don't let that discourage me though, as unless you're with a bunch of people pushing the limits of what Pathfinder brings then you're not going to feel that you're falling behind.

I encourage you to look through all the free PRD rules archives here on the site to help you look through all available classes and archetypes to help you fully flesh out what you want to accomplish. AGain though, you are not wrong in your initial gut instinct that you can build a rogue quite easily to fulfill what you want.

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Maybe it's just me...but isn't anyone else worried about how we keep getting these new classes that push the envelope of being broken while Iconic classes like Rogue and Monk wallow in obscurity to the fact that nobody plays them anymore because most consider them non-viable in anything but a hugely heavy RP campaign?

Thanks for the info...had completely forgot about Hero Labs. I do already have the Pathfinder Open Reference for Android and it is indeed invaluable for looking up feats and other information on the fly in a handy single location.

no one?

So...I'm trying to come up with a good comprehensible list of the very best Apps and software people use for their various Pathfinder games (or as long as anyone doesn't get too cranky...any RPG game you play). When I say that...I mean everything from Character sheet generators, to the use of hero labs, to Mapping app software, dice apps, treasure generators etc, etc.

Free vs Pay programs/Apps do not matter to me. Basically I would like to set up a fully functioning multi-media setup for our games that I can share across google docs and other means with my gaming group so that any and all of us can use the materials to not only craft our own Pathfinder games from a GM perspective, but also from a player character perspective as well. So I'm truly looking for anything from complete interactive character sheets, to KingMaker Kingdom building tools, to random monster generators and anything and everything in between.

If anyone would like to give a shout out to their favorite bits of software ( or otherwise) or heck maybe even things you've created yourself...I would love to see them. Please give a rundown on anything you might use...and what specifically you use them for. Thank you all ahead of time :)

Good to know. I seriously doubt we'll be playing any kind of evilish the very, very rare times we ever have...we tend to play them the way evil characters WOULD be played. Which basically means unless we're all running around as severely Lawful evil someone will get shiv'd in the back and looted and walk away in the name of greed and self-preservation. Kind of hard to keep a party together that way.

I've been giving serious thoughts about a Tiefling of some type due to their place in Cheliax society. I originally wanted to try a Tiefling oracle with the Harrower Prestige class (especially with the re-release of the cards and the new handbook). However, I was severely disappointed in the handbook and couldn't figure out a way to make the character viable. AKA...she would have paled horribly in comparison to other characters in capabilities.

I've never been a min-maxer and don't enjoy it (those who claim optimization is not min-maxing are fooling themselves), however I do like to make sure my characters don't wind up being the obvious weak link. I love Pathfinder and Golarion as a whole...but I do struggle with some obvious non-balance among classes.

Thanks to everyone again for the class/race suggestions for the AP

Lovely art and a fun backstory...I admit I was incredibly skeptical about the advanced class guides (swashbuckler in particular) as I never saw them as actual classes...merely role-play personalities put on normal every day classes. For instance I still see no difference in this character from either a fighter or rogue with merely a specific fighting style and personality thrown in.

I am starting to come around, however,...and I'm looking forward to at least giving a good hard look at the classes and see what's up...while keeping my fingers crossed that some semblance of balance is maintained.

Any other suggestions? One of us is seriously considering an me that sounds like it should work in well.

Bard and a Channeling cleric or possible Oracle of Life...check. Now I just have to figure out how to make a bard viable in combat other than just singing away, heh. Thanks for the advice...and yes...I kind of figured Paladins might be a tad difficult to get to work

1 person marked this as a favorite. of my gaming groups recently learned that we're going to be playing Council of Thieves. I was hoping that people who have played it before might be able to supply a SPOILER FREE run down on what types of classes and races (or combos there of) would be most beneficial or enjoyable. Not to mention any specific personality traits or characteristics that would lend itself well to this particular AP.

Subsequently...any key things that should be avoided would also be of great benefit. For instance if an Elven Paladin of Sarenrae just would NOT fit at all...please by all means let us know. Additionally...if an Inquisitor of Bob <---- fake god, would be a great thing to blend into the story...awesome, please let us know.

I'm asking this because where most of us have been gaming for a long time...our old GM sadly passed away. more than a year away...all of us have decided to get back together to game again and one of us finally decided to jump into the GM chair. Since he has never really GM'd before...we would all like to make this as smooth as possible for him (and us) by being able to craft characters that will easily be able to blend into the AP's story.

We're all well established gamers as well as a few of us being excellent roleplayers as well (aka...not just dice tossers) so if anyone even has a recommendation for personalities and motivations that would be particularly hilarious or fun...shout those out too...I'm sure we can be convinced to even give write-ups about it all for people's enjoyment.

I thank everyone ahead of time for any help. To additionally clarify...all classes/races I do believe are viable out of any official Paizo don't feel like it needs to be limited to something out of the core book. All we please keep the recommendations spoiler free! (Recommending a Paladin of Bob who specializes in smite is spoiler an explanation on exactly why it's recommended - because of evil doers susceptible to smite in book 2...would not be). Thank you again!