Highlady Athroxis

Katianna's page

4 posts. Alias of DM_Lazer_Beam.


Joe & Timeline

Katana smirks, Be sure to bring your friend again when you come, Joe. I'm sure we can find some way to pass the time while you search through those dusty relics.


Joe, you let Timeline know that you have to stop by Medical before you leave. At your insistence, Timeline heads out without you.

You arrive in Medical and before you know it you're being driven home in a nondescript government Jeep. You don't even remember what tests they did on you. It strikes you as odd that you can't recall the questions you were asked. You remember the nurse was very charming and you answered every question correctly.

Timeline and Joe

Katana looks Timeline in the eye and seems to reach a decision. So you're a teleporter huh? I bet you just know how to get in all the right places.

As Joe tries to peel Timeline away from Katana's predations, she snaps her fingers. Nearly forgot why I was down here in the first place. A crate of stolen religious artifacts is being shipped here and the ambassador wants an expert to take a look at them to assess their value and significance. I figured Joe with your expertise on the subject you could let us know if there was anything significant?

The full shipment won't arrive arrive for a week or two. Red tape and all that.

It is not every day that religious artifacts are delivered to the top-secret compound located underneath the Israeli Embassy. It would be only natural to be curious about where they came from or under what circumstances they are arriving here.

Katana, yes like the blade. Although most people find my curves to be far more pleasant.

She continues to blatantly ignore Joe as she leans up against Timeline, What are your powers hot stuff? Only the best and brightest are allowed in this level. Are you...competition?

Insight DC 13:
You notice Katana has swiped your GoE ID.


You catch little of Joe's conversation with what you assume is his superior but you do finish altering the smoke detector to temporarily mask your heat signature. You love playing with antiques.

Why, hell-o, what have we got here? A sultry voice calls from further down the hallway. You find yourself in the presence of a slim, dark-skinned woman in red camo. Her clothes say professional, while her guns say she's dangerous. They jiggle slightly in their holsters as she slides towards you.

Timeline & Joe

Seeing Joe step into the hallway she smirks. So Rambo's found a friend I see. She leans waaaay too far into Timeline's personal space as she asks, I trust you are just friends, yes? I should warn you, I find hourglasses sexy.

This is Katianna Cohen, codename Katana. You have teamed up with her on occassion for larger missions but really only know that she's a tremendous flirt.