Queen Ileosa Arabasti

Katharan al-Zawree's page

282 posts. Organized Play character for JP Chapleau.


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The Exchange

Female Half-Elf Sorceress 18 (Fire elemental)

1- order fire elemental to gather the treasure Invis (self)
2- Ready to drop elemental blast if the monster show up & fly to ceiling

The Exchange

Female Half-Elf Sorceress 18 (Fire elemental)

Time stop 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
1 - Fly (60ft up)
2 - quicken hast thugs + Delayed blast Fireball 19d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 1, 3, 3, 1, 4, 1, 6, 3, 5, 1, 6, 4, 6) = 59 ref DC 27 CL= 1d20 + 18 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 18 + 1 + 2 = 29
3 - Summon Fire Elementals (Elder Fire)

When time resumes: Its attack = slam 1d20 + 23 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 23 + 2 = 44 dmg 2d8 + 8 ⇒ (5, 2) + 8 = 15 plus Burn (DC22 for 2d10 ⇒ (10, 9) = 19)
slam 1d20 + 23 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 23 + 2 = 31 dmg 2d8 + 8 ⇒ (5, 6) + 8 = 19 plus Burn (DC22 for 2d10 ⇒ (1, 9) = 10)

The Exchange

Female Half-Elf Sorceress 18 (Fire elemental)

Katharan runs for 2 rounds away from here (240/rnd) then teleports to Nerosyan, call upon my hero to get rem blind, then teleport back...

The Exchange

Female Half-Elf Sorceress 18 (Fire elemental)

Empowered Fire Bolt 10d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 4, 2, 4, 3, 2, 5, 6, 2) = 35*1.5 DC 23
Quickened Fire bolt 10d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2, 5, 2, 5) = 43 DC 23

The Exchange

Female Half-Elf Sorceress 18 (Fire elemental)

Empowered Fire Bolt 10d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 1, 4, 1, 6, 1, 1, 3, 4) = 31*1.5 DC 23
Quickened Fire bolt 10d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 3, 4, 6, 2, 6, 1, 5, 2) = 37 DC 23

The Exchange

Female Half-Elf Sorceress 18 (Fire elemental)

1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

1- Summon elementals VII (air elem)
2- Empowered Delayed blast fireball 19d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 6, 2, 2, 6, 5, 6, 2, 1, 5, 3, 6, 1, 3, 5) = 67
3- haste elem + party
4- Elem Atk
1d20 + 25 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 25 + 1 = 30 dAMAGE: 28 + 9 = 37
1d20 + 25 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 25 + 1 = 40 dAMAGE: 28 + 9 = 37
1d20 + 25 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 25 + 1 = 31 dAMAGE: 28 + 9 = 37

cl: 1d20 + 19 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 19 + 2 = 38

The Exchange

Female Half-Elf Sorceress 18 (Fire elemental)

init: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

Dragon: 1d20 + 18 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 18 + 2 = 23
plot arcana: 1d20 + 18 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 18 + 2 = 31

The Exchange

Female Half-Elf Sorceress 18 (Fire elemental)

Prof Merchant: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 8 + 2 = 29

The Exchange

Female Half-Elf Sorceress 18 (Fire elemental)

Will Save: 1d20 + 17 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 17 + 2 = 33 plus elven immunities

The Exchange

Female Half-Elf Sorceress 18 (Fire elemental)

Ext Endure Element CL19
Ext False Life 1d10 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15 CL19
Wind Walk (18)

The Exchange

Female Half-Elf Sorceress 18 (Fire elemental)

Really you stole my avatar!?

The Exchange 5/5

Guys, I'd recommend you join the RMPathfinder (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rmpathfinder/) yahoogroup.

That said Ken, it suddenly makes sense why we haven't seen you in such a long time!

If I can help, let me know. I've been talking about trying to head out to the Western slopes

The Exchange 5/5

Denver Comic Con ([url=http://www.denvercomiccon.com/]http://www.denvercomiccon.com/[/url) will take place on Jun 15 through the 17th.

There will be PFS throughout the con: Friday 7-11, Saturday 9-1, 2-6, 7-11, and Sunday 9-1, 2-6

Contact me if you have any questions.


The Exchange 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I would definitely contact your local Venture Captain/Lieutenant and let them know about the situation and how you feel about it. Work with them.

In most Colorado venues, we do ask for 2$ to go to the GM in store credit. The buy-in has turned away some, but many come to play every event we have.


The Exchange 5/5

Go for it! 100%!

Also remind them of dripping water... for some reason that's very creepy.


The Exchange

I'm with Scott... you won't see me cry a single tear over an archer having to spend 50gp to start with...

Bows and Archers are super powerful in PFS (since none of the NPCs have discovered "Deflect Arrows")!

<soupNazi>NO TEARS FOR YOU!</soupNazi>


The Exchange 5/5

I am JP Chapleau, the Colorado VC.
As Kerney stated, "doing it yourself" is what really matters more than having someone run things for you. I've been taking a very hands-off approach (or is it an invisible hand???) in the Front Range and players are responding, organizing things and running games. I support them whenever and however I can.
I am more than willing to help you set up PFS in WY. If you have any questions, seek advice, contact me directly (jp@Chapleau.us). Though everything that has been mentioned on this
It has been mentioned that the Ft Collins VL (Bryan Critchfield) is looking to set up events in Cheyenne, we'd rather work through local players to set up the game.
Kerney did plug the RMPathfinder Yahoogroup. I would also recommend you try to attend our two biggest yearly events in Denver: Genghis Con(President's day w/e) and Tacticon (Labor Day w/e). You'll get to enjoy up to 9 slots of PFS goodness! (though there are other great games too).


The Exchange 5/5

I know the crowd you are dealing with... (Heck I play with some of them online on a semi-regular basis)...

SO, use reverse psychology... Start talking about something that is NOT for 1st levels, where they should play characters... Like "Sewer Dragons" (3-7) on one table and something for 1st levels at another.

Call it "the Big Kids' table" and the "little kids' table"... it works.


The Exchange

Yeah! Thanks for the love, Paizo!

The Exchange 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

That WAS the case, but the latest campaign guide changed all that. As Dragnmoon said, characters suffer consequences in modules as they would in any other adventures! (OH BLESSED BE ROVAGUG FOR THAT!)
As a GM/player, you have a few options here.

1- The adventure is in a large town so the party should be able to find a cleric to cast raise dead upon him. This will require a PP cost (unlikely at that level) OR the spending a GP cost (where the rest of the party can chip in).
2- Continue the adventure and raise the dead PC at the end (spending PPs or gp the PCs received) the dead guy would only accumulate GP/XP/PP up to the point in the adventure he participated.


The Exchange 5/5

I tried to join the group to help organize events with you guys, but my request was denied... :(


The Exchange 5/5

I'm the Colorado Venture Captain. I'll email you in private too. (my email is jp@Chapleau.us)

The best place to find games in the Front Range is to join the RM Pathfinder yahoogroup.

AFAIK there is are no games on 4/4 (but I'm often wrong).

edit: there IS a game on 4/4 at Total Escape Games

The Exchange 5/5



I'm one too? Since when?


Welcome to the madness Tom!


The Exchange 5/5

Romance in Ravenmoor??? All I heard was a lot "you folks ain't fr'm 'round'ere" and "we don'lawk yo' kand' 'round'ere"...


The Exchange 5/5

Bienvenu Karim! Content de voir un VC dedie a l'Hexagone!

Pour le Quebec-> Ca prend qqn qui soit interesse de le faire... Envoyez votre nom & vos qualifications...


The Exchange

I think what you need to decide is whether the setting you want to create will be for publication OR for a home game (or a few home games).

Second thing, decide how closely you want to stick to the rules. Knowing that the more you diverge, the less accessible your setting is to the "man on the street".

This will greatly influence some of your design. There are no right or wrong answers here.

The Exchange 5/5

For me, it "something that breaks the mold" and that is different.

The worse thing about the 2 special so far has been the "you're in the same room but you're not but you are but you're not but you are".

ENOUGH of that. Overdone, hard to explain/ understand/ make sense.


The Exchange 5/5

I for one like the format and the current way to do things. Everyone for whom I ran the 'Mauler seemed happy to play and take part in some "exclusive" content that had to be run by a quality GM (Yes, I believe I am a quality (nasty, evil, unrelenting and vicious, but quality)GM).

I look forward to offering 3-EX to the folks in Colorado. (Again and Again)


The Exchange 5/5

Hi! My name is JP and I am the Colorado Venture-Captain!

We have a very active community, with games running weekly from Colorado Spring to Broomfield (and hopefulyl expanding soon). You are in a GREAT location to access games throughout the city!

All our games are organized through our yahoogroup: http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/RMPathfinder

The biggest con in the area is happening in 2 week (President's Day we) Find all the info at http://www.denvergamers.org (sign up quick pre-regs close today I think).

You may also contact me directly with any questions: JP@Chapleau.us


The Exchange

There is not "clear" public format sent that I know of. Following the guidelines is the only way I know. My take is they get a gajillion submissions and retain but a few. So try to get is as close as you can to PFS scenarios on your own.

We have one for NeoExodus (jp@chapleau.us for details), but Paizo has not shared one publicly.


The Exchange 5/5

Happy Trail -eh!

The Exchange 5/5

sunbeam wrote:

How has that worked out for you? Oracle of Bones I mean. Honestly oracles seem less capable compared to clerics, than sorcerers do to wizards.

And the Bones mystery seems like it is awful.

Now you have to pay gp every session to animate your undead minions?

Naadhira is an awesome character. She is extremely flavorful and one character very few people want to see around them (I can understand). Her power is fine and she does what she needs to do: buff the party so they spread chaos and destruction.

I have her online ON MY WEBSITE. I kept a diary of animated creatures (though I started later). And more than once has a cleric in my party destroyed my "beloved".

I have also played with Kerney's oracle and really like them. They are creepy and fun.

Flavor has really been the name of the game, with Kerney's and my own character.

Since none of the spells you cast persist between adventures, I do have to animate new creatures every adventure and pay for them every time. I like to say that Naadhira sends them to build a mausoleum in the Osiriani desert. She talks of them "for flavor" (still referring to my ghoulfriends or Gradil the morgh). So yes, I have to pay 25hd/lvl to animate the things (learning how to make a zombie or a skeleton quickly is key) and they don't remain from adventure to adventure.


The Exchange 5/5

I now have a 12th level oracle of bones who used animate dead all the time.
The kicker that VERY FEW PEOPLE are willing to do is pay the 25gp/HD component cost. Trust me... It's hurdle for A LOT OF PEOPLE.

I did spend on average 400-600gp/scenarios for my undead minions.

Expect table and GM variation. Don't fret or panic over it. You do not have to use the spell just because its on your spell list (for free).


The Exchange 5/5

Hey gang!
Mon groupe de PFS autour du Quebec cherche d'autres joueurs.
On utilise Skype & Maptool.
On cherche 1-3 joueurs pour ce soir, Samedi le 10 Decembre, contactez-moi directement par courriel jp@Chapleau.us
OUI, on joue en Francais!


The Exchange 5/5

I'll be in the Phoenix area (Sun Lakes) starting tomorrow... but my wife won't give me a kitchen pass...


The Exchange 5/5

My slave has a great ability... It disappears at "NPC Speed" (TM).


The Exchange 5/5

You may want to join the Pathfinder Quebec Yahoogroup. It is picking up and you may very well get more guys for your event.
If you need help, until a VC emerges in MTL, Neil (Ontario) or Me (Colorado, but Montreal-born) can assist you with any questions. (JP@Chapleau.us)
I could sometimes be coerced into running online events (and I frequently do with people across the province).


The Exchange 5/5

Cainus wrote:
Without actually dying, of course. Unless it was a really mangled death, I've seen a guy killed and then animated as a zombie in a society fight. That was pretty mean.

He agreed to be turned to a Zombie. You can't blame me for it.


The Exchange 5/5

Etant un ancien habitant de la Vieille Capitale, je suis tres heureux de voir quelques parties s'organiser.
Bien que ma responsabilite soit celle de la region de Denver, j'essaie d'aider les Francophones a s'organizer & jouer a PFS.

Si tu as des questions ou besoin de qqch, n'hesites pas a me contacter (JP@Chapleau.us)

Je GM occasionallement pour des amis au Quebec (eparpille) et on joue en-ligne. Ils cherchent toujours du monde...


The Exchange 5/5

Thanks Doug, great con. Attendance low, but quality players.

Mortifier wrote:
I was pretty disappointed with the organization. At last minute the scheduled games changed and were replaced with scenarios that I have already gotten credit for. Over all it was the people that lent to a good time. I'm not sure if the hassle of trying to find a game each slot, even though I was signed up, is worth the price.

The problem is not the con's fault. The scenarios were late (and still not out I believe).

You know that you can always GM and allow 6 other people to play? :P


The Exchange 5/5

We ran the events 3 times: it runs from 8-12 hours... Really depends on the table. Will be less if you have a lot of 4th level.

Runs best with a table full of 2nd level I think: challenging and rp-rewarding

The Exchange

Can you change the date for Enchanted Ground In CO to Sunday the 30th?



The Exchange 5/5

Like last year, I'll be Overseer GM for the event...


The Exchange 5/5

Dave the Barbarian wrote:
Looks like I am back in for EotT.

You may get a request to run it here in Denver soon enough... ;)


The Exchange 5/5

I cannot commit to all four slots (I have to do other things on Friday and/or Saturday) as I have other things I have to do. So drop me from the list.


The Exchange 5/5

Daryl Hayes wrote:
Daryl Hayes wrote:

Hello, I am new to Nampa ID and am looking for a pathfinder group please feel free to post here or email me at



You may want to contact CA/RaylyynSedai He has been organizing events at/since Fandemonium...

http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/paizoPublishing/pathfinder/pathfinderS ociety/grandLodge/firstEverBoisPathfinderEventAGreatSuccess&page=1


The Exchange 5/5

I cannot make Sunday (flight leaving early on Sunday). But the rest is fine. I was due to play Overseer GM for "Blood under Absalom" whenever it was running.


The Exchange 5/5

I might be interested in joining an EoT table. I have a Sor 12 I'd like to take through those.


The Exchange 5/5

@Deluge, you get to wear the HKArmor by virtue of the PrC. Having the title (through PP) is irrelevant.

The armiger, IMO is not a full hellknight so a purist would say "no". But there is nothing in the campaign that restricts you from it. Come up with a cool story or RP reason you have it and have fun.

As Bob said, you can wear the armor whenever you want, but I as a GM would likely impose circumstance modifiers based on what you are trying to do or where you are. Choices you made...

That said, I do wear Mwk Parade Armor that looks like HKArmor, at least when I meet the VCs...


The Exchange 5/5

hogarth wrote:
The Pathfinder Society Online Collective esentially works that way for playing on-line. I.e., GMs offer to run modules from time to time and players sign up for them.

+1 Definitly a great group of guys.

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