Kataaaka's page

Organized Play Member. 12 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


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I tend to agree. Instead of taking up upgrade slots, what if we baked the increased damage into high level weapons? Like aren't we supposed to have improved version of base weapons with longer range, higher battery consumption, larger area of effects?

Ironically it's a very good ranged specialization because the feature doesn't lock you into melee weapon and it retains simple gun proficiency, when the simple Seeker Rifle easily beat every martial gun.

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Witchwarper's Reality Anchor feat reads "Whenever you Refocus, completely refill your focus pool and gain one bonus focus point until your next daily preparations."

I think it is supposed to let you have 4 focus points but it's not very clear.

It's just about multi-armed ancestries in general. In the playtest rule, multiarmed ancestries only have one pair of active hands, and they need an action to swtich active hands. It seems that you can't add extra limbs via augmentations as well.

We know Paizo has been consistently strict on hand economy since PF2e. It's also clear that multi-arm can grant some advantage like you can hold multiple weapons, shield and consumables. However, the current solution feels overly restrictive and reduce the flavor of ancestries.

If we can have flying Barathu, why can't we have proper multi-arms? Maybe the benefit can be balanced by negative conditions if all your hands are occupied, or just allow everyone to pick up some cybernetic arms? I would love to know how everyone think about it.

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The item in question is from LOGB:


Maestro's Chair

Item 7
Enchantment Magical
Source Grand Bazaar pg. 70
Price 350 gp
Bulk 6
A maestro's chair is a traveler's chair with the impulse control upgrade and a small pipe organ installed into the frame. You can use the maestro's chair to make Performance checks in the same manner that you could use any mundane instrument, using both of your hands. When you make a Performance check using your chair, you gain a +1 item bonus to the check.

Activate Single Action Interact; Frequency once per 10 minutes; Effect You use your chair to Stride up to your chair's speed. If you have a composition cantrip that is currently active, you Sustain it as a free action.

So it can sustain a bard composition cantrip, but most composition cantrips are not meant to be sustained. The only exception seems to be Song of Marching, which doesn't do anything in encounter mode:

Song of Marching:
Song of Marching
Cantrip 3
Uncommon Bard Cantrip Composition Enchantment Mental
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 228
Cast Single Action verbal
Area 60-foot emanation
Duration sustained up to 1 hour
You maintain a brisk performance that keeps allies on the move. You and your allies in the area can Hustle for the spell's duration, even though you are also Sustaining the Spell. You and your allies then become temporarily immune for 1 day.
Heightened (6th) You can Sustain the Spell for up to 2 hours.
Heightened (9th) You can Sustain the Spell for up to 4 hours.

So, what does the item do? Is it intended that it can extend cantrips like Inspire Courage, or is it simply broken and doesn't do anything?

You choose the damage type each time you make an attack with a Versatile weapon. With a sword or halberd, it makes sense. But when using a gun, you shoot the exact same ammunition and aim at the same thing, but the damage type you deal depends on what you declare?

By default, a gunslinger shoots an Ooze and oops it splits. The next shot the gunslinger loads the same ammunition and says "okay now do bludgeon", can properly shoot an ooze?

It doesn't make any sense. Gun should just deal both types of damage and apply the more beneficial damage type.

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To be honest I don't like Shared Overdrive and Meddler feat lines. Inventors get two weak damage boosters to compensate for their weaker martial chassis. Before lv10 they are hardly supporting characters but then they suddenly have whooping 5 high-level feats to share the boosters with teammates. And I suppose these feat lines prevent them from having better damage scaling. It's okay to have a supporting playstyle option, but the sudden change of playstyle feels odd, the feat lines themselves are mediocre, and the bad-scaling punished characters not choosing these feats.

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Inventor has many situational feats and modifications, can adapt to many environments via reconfiguration, which is quite nice. But high fantasy inventors also improvise and pull out new items to solve problems. I think Inventor really should get reconfiguration on the fly, improvising new abilities, or abilities similar to Investigator's predictive purchase.

I see Inventor's class identity as a really versatile batman martial. Not the best damage dealer, but can adapt to different situations and provide a lot of utilities. Boost Modulation is an amazing feat that can change Offensive Boost to deal with different enemies, but it came a bit late. Allowing you to immediately change the damage type of Explosion or Overdrive's extra damage, will be also very cool in my opinion.

Getting Modular trait for Bow is not bad, considering P is the worst physical damage type. But I think Auto Crossbow/Gun Reloader, or Bomb Thrower would be quite nice, it's not rocket science.

Serial Loafer wrote:
Kataaaka wrote:
If we can have an Inventor Synthesist option to let you pilot your mecha companion, it will be pretty cool as well!
I specifically want this. You can already ride your companion, but the companion as written seems a little underwhelming to me.

Very true! I think maybe the Inventor can get a special Innovation that allows the Construct minion to use Inventor's attack proficiency, but they will share their MAP just like riding it, so your construct becomes more awesome when you are dedicatedly piloting it.

shroudb wrote:

Not really versed in animal companions but your numbers seem off to me:

using heavy barding at level 4 means that your animal companion has -10speed which is quite detrimental.

at level 8 Construct has 27 AC not 25:
10 + 12 proficiency (expert) +5 Dex =27
at level 14 Construct has AC 36 not 34:
10 + 20 (master proficiency) + 6 dex = 36

your numbers for the animal companions are also off:
the wolf as an example at level 14 has:
3 base DEX, +1 mature, +2 nimble, +1 Daredevil so +7
he's also only trained on his attacks, so +16+7 = +23 on his attacks and 37 AC

You also forgot that Construct also has +2 - +6 to damage from Overdrive
After level 7 your Construct also does an additional 1d6 elemental damage from Offensive Boost

So all in all Construct seems like a straight up upgrade compared to normal Animal companions even before factoring in the Breakthroughs

I stand corrected that I miscalculate Construct Companion's AC proficiency.

A Daredevil Nimble Wolf gets 3 base DEX, +1 mature, +2 nimble,+1 Specialization, +1 Daredevil so +8 DEX, also Expert attack proficiency from Specialization.

Also when we take other Animal Companion users into account, Druid is a full caster while Rangers could grant their Edge to the companion so it's +1d8/2d8/3d8 damage for precision Ranger's companion.

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I am really excited to have a gob-bot in action, so I did a quick breakdown of Construct Companion v.s. Animal Companion


HP 16 AC 16(Armored)
AB+6 DMG 1d8+3
5Fort 5Reflex 4Will

HP 14 AC 17(Armored)
AB+6 DMG 1d8+2
5Fort 6Reflex 4Will

HP 18 AC 16
AB+6 DMG 1d8+3
5Fort 6Reflex 4Will

HP 44 AC 22 (heavy barding)
AB+10 DMG 2d8+4
11Fort 11Reflex 10Will

HP 42 AC 22 (heavy barding)
AB+10 DMG 2d8+3
11Fort 12Reflex 10Will

HP 46 AC 20
AB+10 DMG 2d8+4
11Fort 12Reflex 10Will

Savage Bear:
HP 88 AC 26
AB+16 DMG 2d8+9
16Fort 16Reflex 15Will

Nimble Wolf:
HP 86 AC 28
AB+16 DMG 2d8+6
16Fort 18Reflex 15Will

HP 98 AC 27
AB+15 DMG 2d8+7
17Fort 17Reflex 16Will

Savage Wrecker Bear:
HP 148 AC 32
AB+25 DMG 3d8+13
24Fort 25Reflex 23Will

Nimble Daredevil Wolf:
HP 146 AC 38
AB+26 DMG 3d8+8
24Fort 28Reflex 23Will

HP 178 AC 36
AB+24 DMG 3d8+10
26Fort 26Reflex 25Will

It seems that the Contruct Companion is only good for higher HP, saves, and immunities. If I use it as a meatshield(cogshield in this case) it's fine, but it's really subpar offensively and prohibits a pet-focused inventor.

I am thinking maybe a Breakthrough Invention could allow it to use your attack proficiency when you Command it. Also I think its baseline stat should be more open to customization because, after all, it's a construct.

If we can have an Inventor Synthesist option to let you pilot your mecha companion, it will be pretty cool as well!