
Kas Havenheart's page

2 posts. Organized Play character for Ythiel.


Grand Lodge


Updated my fluff after realizing that the boat was supposed to leave from Pitax (the city) instead of Pitax (the region). My mistake. I thought the ship could have come from Mormouth, since it's closer to Heibarr by boat than Pitax.

I also had trouble with "where could have Kas become a paladin of Chaldira", since the city of Pitax is a brutal dictatorship that's unlikely to tolerate LG gods and their followers on its soil. Gralton is comparatively more lenient on top of having a large Halfling community.

My idea is still that Kas left his temple to see his family, and Heibarr just happened to be on the way: either a) the ship came from Pitax, and picked him up in Gralton to go to Mormouth, or b) I'll relocate the temple of Chaldira near Pitax, so he can take the boat there to do the same trip to Mormouth through Heibarr.

Hope the geographical conundrum is fixed by either option!

Grand Lodge

Here's my submission, a paladin of Chaldira Zuzaristan for whom a shipwreck and a haunted town is just another day on one of the world's worst jobs.

Good luck, everyone! :)