Karla Teg's page

1,514 posts. Alias of Dreaming Warforged.


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During the negotiation period, Karla spent her time moving in unpredictable pattern and make sure that nothing stupid would rekindle the embers of war. When she wasn't encouraging people to enojy the path forward that peace presented, she played her violin to instill inside those who would listen a renewed passion for their homeland, and a fury to rebuild, instead of to destroy.

She checks with her companions regularly, and enjoys the safety of their company. There, she discusses with them at length of what New Nirmathas should look like. What should remain the same, and what could be shifted in different directions. Secretly, or not so secretly perhaps, she wishes for Wulfram to take over the leadership of the country, but she knows the people should have the final say, and so she decides not to interfere with that.

Once the Hobgoblins settle, she visits Azaersi regularly at first, not to check on the new nation, but to offer her help to build a new nation. When she's there, she also takes a detour through Kraggodan to take a feel of their pulse.

But gradually, Karla withdraws. With every step the new nations take, she removes herself ever slightly, and eventually, her visits become annual events, as she limits herself to the Fangwood, where she studies the deeper mysteries of the ancient forest.

From time to time, with the early mist, the wind carries the sound of her violin through the sleepy streets of Phaendar, and listeners are treated to old Varisian rhapsodies.

Wowowow! Thanks DM Brainiac! I enjoyed the campaign fabulously! And thanks to my dear companions, who made this story all the more enjoyable! May we see more of each others in future games!

Karla smiled and she too went ahead to shake the general's hand after Wulfram did: "This warfare has taught us all several deep lessons. Let's make use of them in our future collaboration!"

"This is a fair request. All of us have dealt with treachery in the past and we must put these fears aside to show trust. Yet trust is earned, not owed, and only time and our actions will build it. As such, I suggest that the delegations include envoys whose first task will be to determine a neutral ground where peace talks and negotiations can take place. The envoys shall decide, but the talks could take place in an unrelated foreign nation, under the guard and guarantees of a respected and honourable ruler both parties recognize and trust."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 29 ⇒ (15) + 29 = 44

"All races should find a way to cohabit and collaborate for their common survival, all this in the respect of each nation's traditions and beliefs. The Legion has shown strength, yes, but also honour, and we wish to have them as allies, instead of foes. There is land available in this broad country, and we would put our might behind facilitating your people's transition and settlement. We would carve out a nation and together, our two nations will stand stronger, respecting and sharing..."

"In a way, I am glad to see you free from enchantment, but nonetheless, the Legion has taken by force what is not theirs by right. This has now culminated to the point where we stand here, in your inner sanctum, not to deliver you, but to make sure the Legion no longer threatens our lives."

"That being said, we fight, but to defend ourselves. In light of what just transpired, would you be amenable to diplomacy between the Legion and ourselves, with you as their leader, and work with us towards a peaceful settlement? Surely, we can turn this situation around and avoid further senseless destruction!" Karla offers.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 29 ⇒ (6) + 29 = 35


As they head down the stairs in Rogar's wake, Karla uses one of her scrolls to give her True Sight.

Casting True Seeing from a scroll.

In the room...

Karla stays near the room's entrance, using the doorframe for cover with Nik'o standing almost as tall as her. As she scans the room to see what truly lies in front of them, she says: "You are gracious and honourable in your analysis, but we cannot help but wonder: Why plan destruction when you sought to invade? We can understand why a force would seek to impose its dominion on one another, as you understand our will to fight against it and remain free, but it sounds as though your plans have changed, that you now seek not to take over, but to annihilate. What changed!? How does this serves your kind?"

"Rogar's pretty good at it!" offers Karla.

Karla collects the arcane scrolls, then asks the others: "We press on, yes?"

Took: scroll of chain lightning, scroll of flesh to stone, scrolls of simulacrum (3), scroll of greater teleport, and scroll of wall of iron.

I think I'm going to call Rogar 'One Shot,' as in 'you get one shot, then you're paste.'

Surprised that her spell failed, Karla holds, not wanting to waste good spells when her companions seemed to have things well in hand.

Karla steps behind Wulfram and sends her own cone of negative energy.

Waves of Exhaustion, no save, SR applies, 60 ft cone (might affect the naga Caster Level Check: 1d20 + 17 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 17 + 4 = 33), all in cone are exhausted.

Karla will recast the following spells: Angelic Aspect, Mirror Image Karla, Nik'o: 1d4 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 91d4 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8 on herself and Nik'o, and Form of the Exotic Dragon on Nik'o.

Should we assume the minutes/level buffs are off (All buffs are off!!!)?

"Wulfram, you'll need, once you're all set, to mess up one of those metallic diagrams etched into the floor. Your body will act as a conduit. We need to wait somewhere else though, or we'll all get burned from the energy." clarifies Karla, then looks for a place where they could wait safely.

Wulfram Bartos wrote:
Karla Teg wrote:
The dusty rose prism ioun stone would be great for Wulfram, no?
It's a very good item for Wulfram — so much so that he bought one earlier! So the new one is available to someone else.

Ahah! Ok, Sia has an impossibly high AC, so I say Nik'o gets the stone.

Yes, that could work. It's likely to be massive amounts for each type, which means resistance will not be as good as protection from energy or immunity.

If it were about resistance, then Nik'o with angelic form and dragon form would be great.

"Right so! I almost forgot! Then we must deal with this disruption. It fairly straightforward, except for the part where the disrupter, and whoever sticks around, will be exposed to impossible levels of energy: acid, cold, electricity, and fire, no less!"

Thanks for the reminder. Now someone has to remind Karla IC ;)

The dusty rose prism ioun stone would be great for Wulfram, no?

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (13) + 20 = 33

[b]"Hmmm... Perhaps we should wait. If we disrupt the energy here, it will not destroy the engine, but reset it. I can feel a link between this place and the Legion's high command. So if we reset it, they'll know. Also, discharging the energy is... complicated, and one of us would need several layers of arcane protection to do so. Again, best to deal with Azaersi first.

Karla could upgrade her bracers, unless someone else would want them. I'll assume so and put them on my sheet. Just let me know if you want them as well.

If that does the monk, Karla will dispel the wall of force. Otherwise, she'll wait.

Karla spreads her angelic wings and flies off the ground, rising 30 feet, then she raises a wall to isolate some of the martial artists.

Cast Wall of force to split their group. Sia and Eustoma are already in melee, so their target and the old master should be on our side of the wall, with the other two prevented from joining. Also, if possible, I want the isolated monks not to have a door on their side. If it means isolating only one, then ok.

Like a soldier taking order, Karla smartens up, nods, and goes where she is told.

Once out of sight and earshot, she says to the others: "Prepare the shard."

Karla ponders her options slowmnley, then she says, resolute: "That fits with what I have noticed out there. I agree. I thought I could change the general's mind, but your solution is best for our Legion. Right... Our dreams are just within reach. We can't just let this pass us by. How can I help? I have fierce hobgoblins to support you. We can go right now and force the decision. I will follow your lead."

"It's a long story... I need to speak with Azaersi immediately to warn her. What's going on?" Karla/Oktar replies.

"They already attacked!? Let's just hope I'm not too late. May the Legion reign a thousand years! I will see that you are rewarded for your vigilance!" and Karla passes through them, followed by her coterie.


"I believe we have the red shard! This might be the Sardonyx shard, yes!?" offers Karla.


"Cats have nine lives, and you have nine heads and eighteen eyes, yet you do not recognize me!?! Fool you are! Asleep! Disrespectful! Careful or you'll need those nine heads to keep breathing if you insult me further! I am the great Oktar, Eyes of Azaersi in this Realm. I have urgent news, so stand aside! And make sure no one can come through this courtyard, for we might be under attack in a week or so, but keep it to yourself, bad for troop morale, yes?" Karla blurts, chastising the troll.

Bluff: 1d20 + 29 ⇒ (6) + 29 = 35

Hehe... Thanks!

Could the red shard be the sardonyx shard? I think we have that, no?

No longer worried, Karla points a finger and fires a cluster of energy darts that drum into the undead.

Magic Missile: 5d4 + 5 ⇒ (4, 2, 4, 2, 1) + 5 = 18

"I'm sorry Rogar!" shouts Karla as she uses one of her wands to wrap Rogar in thick, slippery fat.

Cast Grease on Rogar.

Does Nik'o polymorphed in dragon form keep the ability to pounce?

Karla took the Belt of Con +2.

Somehow I had missed that the other belt was Dex and Con, which is not as useful for Nik'o.

DM Brainiac wrote:
Sorry, been caught up with a lot of things lately. I'll bot Eustoma tomorrow morning if she hasn't posted by then.

Does that mean I can get the good magical stuff? ;)

We're still looking like badass Hobgoblins, yes?

"We don't have time for this... Let's proceed if we can" says Karla and she nonchalantly conjures dark tentacles to grab at the corpses.

Black tentacles, CMB: 1d20 + 17 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 17 + 5 = 32, noSR, 20rad, 17 rounds

"Love it!" says Karla as she quickly cast incantations to strengthen herself and her companion.

Spell Turning on Karla (Levels: 1d4 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9) and Nik'o (Levels: 1d4 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7). Form of the Exotic Dragon II and Angelic Aspect on Nik'o. Angelic Aspect on Karla.

Karla springs silvery wings and her skin takes on a golden paleness, while Nik'o turns into a large dragon seemingly made of silver and gold crystals.

Karla says: "We still need to get in..."

The belt of physical might +4 (Dex, Con) and the belt of mighty constitution +2 Karla and Nik'o could use, but they would also be good for others. Anyone else?

The other items don't seem so relevant to split immediately.

"Pfff! That Minotaur almost got me and my Nik'o. You saved me Wulfram! Thank-you-thank-you-thank-you!!!"

And she goes to stroke Nik'o bloodied pelt, eyes gleaming with tears.

"Press on!" shouts Karla as she moves to touch Nik'o before the feline closes the gap on the Minotaur.

Mirror Image on Nik'o. 1d4 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6 so 6 images.

Did Nik'o get AoOs from the ranged attacks?

Karla focuses her attention on the Hobgoblins. She weaves an enchantment pattern as she speaks to them: "Your Minotaur Boss plans to kill you after this fight and blame you for his failure. I suggest you side with us and bring him down!"

Mass suggestion, Will DC 24.

Thanks for the heads up. Have fun!

Karla blinks in and out of death with but a word from Wulfram. Truly the man had become a living relic.

Sitting, she gives the Minotaur an angry look and says: "I tried the nice way for you, but you're right after all. Legion must all go..."

But she decides to raise her defense instead of letting her anger roam free.

Cast Mirror image: 1d4 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

Great! Can Karla act on that same round?

Karla sneers at the minotaur and quickly tries to ensnare him in her magic as she shouts back: "Soldiers!? You have cow sh!t in your eyes, Minotaur? Do you not recognize me? I am the great Oktar, Eyes of Azaersi in this Realm. I am on mission. Stand aside!"

Charm Monster, Will, DC 22.

Karla nods and says: "Then I say we teleport to that spot over there. It looks safe enough... I can turn Sia and Nik'o smaller and we all travel swiftly to the heart of things!"

"Now, I would also suggest we disguise ourselves... Any ideas?"

I still have two scrolls of Pup Shape to reduce them if needed.

DM, just to be sure. Can we see a place to teleport from where we are?

Comparing Wind Walk with Teleport:

Teleport is better, unless there are barriers we do not know of, and there's the limit of medium creatures. At the moment, we could do it more easily if Karla can see where to arrive and if Sia and Nik'o are made smaller.

Wind Walk has a similar limitation, but it doesn't say medium creatures, so Sia and Nik'o can stay large. Karla can change our appearance as we travel with Veil to either make us look more like cloud (don't know if it helps not getting spotted given we're in the Vault) or as Hobgoblin elites if that matters.

Karla can also Veil the group to make it look like a patrol.

"That sounds better. So let's find a safe place to land then, yes? But what if patrols spot us? Can they injure us while wind walking? Can they easily keep up with us and harass us?" she further asks.

"30 seconds is a lot of time. This feels too risky, no?" replies Karla.

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