
Kar Roden's page

316 posts. Alias of Sphen86.

Full Name

Kar Roden




Monk of the Four Winds 3 / HP 23 / 28 // (Resist acid, cold, electric, fire 7) / AC 15 (T: 15, FF: 10) /CMB +5, CMD 17,[ F 5, R 5, W 3 / Init +4 / Per +7







Special Abilities

Low Light Vision, Negotatior (+2 Diplomacy and Sense Motive)






Common, Aquan

Strength 15
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 15
Charisma 10

About Kar Roden

General Stats
HP: 28 Resist: 7/acid, cold, electricity, fire
Initiative: +4
Speed: 40 ft.

AC: 15 (+2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 Dodge)
Touch: 15 Flat-footed: 10
Fort: +5 Ref: +5 Will: +3
CMB: +5 CMD: 17 BAB: +3

Unarmed Strike: +5 (1d6+2)
Kama (slashing damage) or Singham (piercing dmage): +5 (1d6+2)
Sling (50 ft): +5 (1d4+2)
Elemental Assault: 1 round/level, unarmed or melee attacks
+1d6 + 1 of Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire damage
__{USED: 2 Rounds}
Elemental Fist: 1 attack/level, unarmed attacks
+1d6 of Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire damage
__{USED: 0 attacks}

Acrobatics: +7
Climb: +6
Craft (Cartography): +4
Diplomacy: +2
Perception: +7
Sense Motive: +12
Stealth: +6
Swim: +12

Special Abilities:
*Elemental Assault (Su): 1 round per level, can wreath arms in elemental force, dealing an extra 1d6 damage on a successful; Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire damage. Swift to activate, free action to end. Can be used through unarmed or wielded melee weapon.
*Energy Resistance: 7 to acid, cold, electircity, and fire (5 from race and 2 from trait).
*Favored Class bonus: +1/2 to Elemental Assault damage
*Flurry of Blows: 1 additional attack at full BAB during full attack
*EVASION: When an effect allows a Reflex save for half damage, on a success, you take no damage.
*Fast Movement: +10 to base land speed
*Ki Pool: 3 points (1/2 Monk level plus Wisdom modifier)
Unarmed Strikes count as magic for overcoming Damage Reduction
Spending 1 point (swift action), make 1 additional unarmed strike at his highest attack bonus during flurry of blows. This stacks with all bonus attacks gained from flurry of blows, haste and similar effects. Ki pool replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest or meditation; these hours do not need to be consecutive.

-Paranoid: DC for others to use Aid Another on me is 15
-Skillful (Campaign): 1/day as free action, can reroll a failed Acrobatics, Climb, Spellcraft, Stealth or UMD check. Must take new result, even if it is worse.
-Unscathed: increase resistance by 2
-Reactionary: +2 Initiative

-Incremental Elemental Assault (1st level): can use Elemental Assault in round increments instead of all at once.
-Deflect Arrows (1st level bonus): 1 per round, can deflect arrow or other missile fired at me, need be aware of the attack
-Elemental Fist (Monk of the 4 Winds feat): 1 attack per Monk level, can add 1d6 damage of Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire (replaces Stunning Fist)
-Dodge (2nd Monk Bonus Feat): +1 dodge bonus to AC
- Snake Style (3rd level): +2 bonus on Sense Motive checks, and can deal piercing damage with unarmed strikes. While using the Snake Style feat, when an opponent targets you with a melee or ranged attack, you can spend an immediate action to make a Sense Motive check and can use the result as your AC or touch AC. You must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed.

Carrying and Lifting
Light Load: 66 lbs or less
Medium Load: 67-133 lbs
Heavy Load: 134-200 lbs
Lift Over Head: 200 lbs
Lift Off Ground: 400 lbs
Drag or Push: 1,000 lbs

Starting Gear List
Name /Cost /Weight
Explorer's Outfit /(free starting clothes) / n/a
Backpack / 2 gp / 2 lbs
(I view this more as a scrip style bag than an actual backpack.)
Blanket, winter / 5 sp / 3 lbs
Rope, Silk (50ft) /10 gp / 5 lbs
Waterskin / 1 gp / 4 lbs
Grappling Hook / 1 gp / 4 lbs
Torches x5 / 1 cp each / 1 lbs each
Flint & Steel / 1 gp / n/a
Rations x3 / 5 sp each / 1 lbs each
Artisan's Tools / 5 gp / 5 lbs
Chalk x5 / 1 cp each / n/a
Scroll Case x2 / 1 gp each / 1/2 lbs each
Parchment x10 / 2 sp each / n/a
Ink Pen x2 / 1 sp each / n/a
Sling / free / 5 lbs
Kama / 2gp / 2 lbs
Singham / 3 gp / 1 lbs
Totals: 31 gp, 3 sp 40 lbs
Current $ 3 gp, 7 sp

New Gear List
Empty potion vials x2
Ring of Swimming (+5 to Swim checks)

Important NPC's:

Anya Sunstrider: Shoanti woman met on the ship ride over to the colony. Formerly from the Moon Clan (Lyrune-Quah).
Romona Leader of the expedition.
Carver Hastings: Colonist interested in the ghost stones, asked us to escort him to the site.
Ramona: "Leader" of the colonists.

Back Story:

Kar Roden never really knew his parents. He vaguely remembers being dropped off at the orphanage with is older brother Shen, but never saw them again. Soon, his life became one of transition. The owners of the orphanage didn’t realize that Kar and Shen weren’t normal children at first, but it soon became apparent when Kar set their bed on fire while asleep and neither of them burned. So, they were quickly “adopted”. Money changed hands to avoid the usual paperwork, and while not technically slaves, Kar and Shen came to work under a merchant. When that merchant fell on hard times, he tried to sell Kar and his brother for real. But selling slaves is a quick way to a long prison sentence in Almas, and the siblings soon found themselves back at the Eagle’s Nest Orphanage.

A few month’s later, Shen got sick, very sick. His body began to deteriorate, and, while he didn’t die, he lost the use of the left side of his body. Knowing that they would never be adopted now, Kar and Shen ran away. But Shen’s ailments slowed them down, and they were soon caught and returned. Punishments came hard after that, the owners blaming both boys, but making Kar take all of the extra work since Shen couldn’t. Shen tried to make Kar feel better by secreting away blank paper and charcoal for Kar to draw with at night, his favorite hobby. A few months of this passed, and Kar was spending the day hauling fresh water to the Eagle’s Nest, back and forth from the fountain across town, bucket after bucket, hour after hour. He didn’t notice the woman sitting in the shade watching him all day, so he didn’t make the connection when she went to owners of the orphanage to ask about him. But he was surprised when she came back the next day to take him and his brother with her, without ever speaking a word to them. He was even more surprised when she lead them to a dojo, gave them rooms, and started training them. Shen, she taught with a tender hand, helping him regain the use of his body slowly over the following years. Kar, she was less gentle with, placing him in with her second-year students on his first day, leaving him bruised in body and ego. Sensei rarely spoke, but encouraged him through his hardest times, when his anger at the world seemed too much for him. She encouraged him to practice his art, as well. Providing him with paper, ink, paints, chalks, all manner of drawing implements. And when he started to manifest the ability to summon the forces of nature to aid him in combat, she began private lessons. Sensei taught him to channel this ability, to focus it, not let it control him.

She also helped Shen look for their parents, getting him access to the city’s birth records, hoping to find some details. Roden is an uncommon name, surely the search couldn’t be forever. She became the only person besides Shen that Kar felt that he could trust. Then, a break through came, and a choice. They had found a Roden in the records, a colonist leaving Almas to settle a new island. But Shen couldn’t go, he’d never be accepted with his disabilities. So, Kar volunteered. He was far enough in his training that he was no longer a student, not yet a master. And his drawing could easily be used for map making, he’d done it before. And so, with the well wishes of his brother and his sensei, he board the ship, searching for answers.