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Just looking for the spell lists, and I can't help but notice that for some reason Cleric doesn't get fifth level spells. They are the only class which does not have a spell at every level. It does seem like fifth level is somewhat limited, especially for divine casters, but every other divine caster gets it.

Is this an accident? Is it just not on the list or are there no 5th lvl cleric spells in the book? Just got to looking.

Neat. Undead skeletal genie.

Also a fun concept to be sure, Rub

Those were assumptions based off of whether they have wings/if they are translucent and you cannot see bones/are made of air. But the rule mention magical flight as being transferred, and none of the entries so far state what kind of ability each fly speed is.

Thanks Sangerine! That's excellent. I'm sure there must be more though.

Blake, I hadn't considered that.

Okay, so skeletons can fly if their base creature has supernatural flight. But here is the issue: what creatures...

A) have a skeleton
B) can be affected by animate dead
C) have constant supernatural flight

I have looked on the forum and on giant in the playground as well as browsing Google documents on animating dead, but not only can I not find a list, I only know one thing that's not an outsider that flies supernaturally, and that's a damn linworm, which I doubt will ever be in our campaign. There has to be more than that, correct? And is there an issue with animating outsiders as long as they are called and not some and is there an issue with animating outsiders as long as they are called and not summoned? Obviously, Undead and constructs don't count since they are destroyed when they hit zero. I am magic there has to be some form of fey that it will work on. The biggest problem is the fighting what things have skeletal structures as well. While a air elemental may have supernatural flight, it doesn't have any bones.

Honestly, I would just really like a list. Hopefully I just glossed over it, and someone can link it for me.

Thanks in advance

Next question: can you use the feat multiple times per hex? Like could I give up a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th level spell to add +4 to the DC of one hex?

Cool. Thanks.

OK. Here's a hypothetical;

Two characters are 40ft apart.

Character one casts spike stones, which are very hard to see, in a 40ft line between him and character two.

Character two fails his perception check to notice it, and declares a charge attack. His legs begin to shred on the first 5 feet.

My question is:
Is character two obliged to keep moving his whole charge?
- or
Can he stop right then and there?
- or
Does it take a minimum of 10ft to stop, because this is the minimum charge distance?

I cannot find anything in the movement sections about changing your mind based on the circumstance. Any insight would be good.

You're a flippin' madman. But it looks sound. Bare in mind, shared sacrifice is an evil spell (like basically 60% of all the spells that use the word 'pain' anywhere in them. Grr), so that's something to consider, but if you're going down this road I guess you don't mind it.

I'm gonna let someone else answer this one, but yeah, sounds solid for all points.

Don't forget someone who isn't in this with life link to steal 5 damage per person. Just for icing.

So, after looking, the spell endothermic touch works on the reptile subtype. But animals don't have subtypes. However, in the more detailed rules for the awaken spell, dinosaurs are referenced as reptiles. So, I ask: would/should Endothermic Touch be able to be used on Dinosaurs?

OK, so normally when you use the deadly dealer feat, you destroy the card you threw, as though it were ammunition. However, for the cartomancer, The cards do not get destroyed and instead gain returning. However, questions come up as to the durability of the card in regards to sunder and damaging an unattended item. Additionally, my GM has allowed the cards to be made out of mithral, as it is, in theory, super ductile. Everything in the system measures durability (Hp) by inch of thickness. How does that work for individual cards? Is it just if they get past the hardness they break? Also, it says if a single card is missing, the deck cannot be used to commune with the patron. That seems like an awful risk for what will likely be a primary weapon.

Thoughts? Rules calls?

Okay, my search fu is likely poor but I cannot find if you can use hexes while in beast/vermin shape. Also, even if you can, could you chant/cackle?

so, Spite is used, and when you cast it, do you have to use the 4th level slot for it and whatever level spell you put into it, or do you only cast spite? What about for prepared casters? Does it have to be a spell they have prepped?

Basically, is spite using two spells per day or one?

Adopted human (raised halfling) synthesist summoner, bodyguard tree, arcane strike, gloves of arcane striking. Your bonuses will be huge to aid another.

That's fair. We have an ocean game. Thanks

Maybe I'm just missing it, but is there any effect at all if you cast earthquake over the ocean? Would it just not cause anything, or does this seem like something left out of the RAW?

Apologies on the confusion. I should have been clearer. what about the rest though?

Let's say I'm flying over a chasm and my non-flying target is on a bridge or near the edge of a cliff. I use Magnetic field. They fail the reflex check. Does that person get pulled the 5ft and just fall off the edge, no other save?

Next part of it, I'm using magnetic field on round one while flying. on round two, I fly close enough to be within 30ft of my enemy with a move action. They fail their reflex save, the weapon flies up to right next to me, in an adjacent square. I have a standard action left. Is there any way to catch said weapon before gravity sends it to the ground, or does the Field keep it 5ft away from me from then on?

The spell really should have just been instantaneous and the spread should have just happened. I don't think I'd allow it, but the heat metal concept is pretty clever.


If you have magnetic field spell on and are 30ft over someone with a fly spell, if they fail a reflex save, do they float 5ft in the air?

If so, does this affect anything else as there capacity goes? Can they still effectively melee/shoot? Can I keep backing up 5ft at a time and pull them up into the sky?

If not, what happens to them? can this be used to slowly pull someone over the edge of a bridge or something to that effect by flying over the chasm within 30ft?

Would I have to ready an action to catch any metal weapons that get pulled to an adjacent square before they fell?

I'll take RAW and RAI on this one.

I'm curious on this one: a hex glyph spell can center the effect of a hex on another target. How does this work with cackle, if at all?