Kantam Xantaros |
Hi there im a noob, so you can withold statements of that nature because believe me i already know. I havent had a lot of experience with pathfinder in fact I only was in 1 campaign before the one i started and in that campaign we used 5 d6 reroll ones and drop the lowest two for stats so i thought this was ok it would just lead to more epic-level gameplay so i let the group im running do the same. The only problem is i didnt take into account the fact that "rise of the runelords" wasnt designed for those high of stats. On top of that my party consists of a Warlord (Tome of Secrets) a bard, a wizard, a cleric and a ranger. So when they get going and all the buffs come into effect they are effectively like 2 levels higher than they really are. at one point with extra buffs and such the tank was at 27 AC at level 1! Needless to say goblins aren't going to scratch that. I have tried throwing higher CR monsters at them, raising boss health and AC, all to no avail since they just walk over everything. aside from one crit that a boss got i havent done almost any damage to them so the most excitement we see is who gets the kill. In fact the wizard has the most kills right now with nothing more than his staff! I really dont want to force them to reroll since it was a mistake i made but im running out of options... what ways do you think i can remedy the situation and if you think rerolling is the only option what form of reroll should it be?