Pirate Queen

Kalyra Hilltopple's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Segovax.

Scarab Sages 3/5 *

The final line of the Former Aspis Agent legacy background reads

You gain access to any uncommon options as though you were a member of the Aspis Consortium.

I have read thru all of my materials a few times now and have not found any uncommon options regarding the Aspis Consortium, am I missing something obvious or is this an instance of Paizo planning for future content?

Scarab Sages

Is why the class is called Vanguard? As far as I can tell the only reasons are because it is a CON based class and it uses shields. Every other class in the game has a very fitting class name, but Vanguard is so generic and just doesn't paint a picture of that the class does like all of the others.

I feel like Vanguard should get a name like Solarian has, where it is tied to the game universe in some way and more accurately describes what the class does.

Anyone have any suggestions for a better name than Vanguard?

Scarab Sages

This Tuesday I am having a group get together forna session 0 for the Dead Suns AP and I had a couple of house rules I was considering implementing, talked it over with my players and there were no objections, so I was looking to get some feedback here on the boards.

1) All ammunition will keep their standard pricing, and have the option to have it's capacity restored to full by paying 10% of it's modified price.
So for example, a container of adamantine alloy arrows could be replenished by spending 102 credits or a container of illuminating small arms rounds could be replenished for 10 credits.

2) Like ammunition, grenades can have their capacity refreshed by spending 10% of the item's modified price. So for example a frag grenade 1 could be replenished by spending 4 credits or a glamered shock grenade 1 made to look like a personal comm unit could be replenished by spending 19 credits.

3) Weapons and armor can be upgraded to higher level versions of the same item by spending the difference between the modified item price. So for example, a azimuth laser pistol could be upgraded to a corona laser pistol by spending 3920 credits or a called tactical starknife could be upgraded to a called sintered starknife by spending 11,880 credits.

If anyone has any thought, questions, comments, or concerns I would enjoy having them.

Scarab Sages

I have a character in PFS who is getting close to retirement. He is level 10.2 and I am getting ready to to do all 4 parts of Echoes of the Everwar before getting a group together to run through Eyes of the Ten.
As I am about to hit level 11, I am about to get a feat, but I don't really know what to take. Looking for some advice on what would be a good feat to take to help with his last few sessions.

I have 8 levels in Steel Breaker and Renegade of the Winding Path Brawler, and 2 levels in Black Blood bloodline Bloodrager with a bloodline familiar. I plan on finishing out my levels in Bloodrager. My feats are Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike), Weapon Specialization (Unarmed Strike), Intimidating Prowess, Combat Expertise, Pummeling Style, and Pummeling Charge.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Scarab Sages

A local PFS player is looking to build an Aether Kineticist and plans to use him in a peculiar way. He wants to ready an action when fighting archers and other enemies with ranged weapons to use their missile as the unattended object for his Telekinetic Blast.

I am looking to get a definitive ruling, or at the very least a general consensus, about if this would be a legal use of the power.

I personally see it as a reasonable use because the missile in flight would no longer be attended and therefor qualify for use in the Telekinetic Blast. Additionally, the rules for Kineticist to ready actions to counter spells with her blasts.
On the other hand, this emulates the Deflect Arrows and Catch Arrows feats, so I can see it being ruled that this would be an overstep of the ability.

So, would it be a reasonable use of a readied action with a Aether Kineticist's TK Blast to snatch a missile in flight as the unattended object required for the blast and thereby negating a single attack?

Scarab Sages

Since the playtest went live I have been playtesting a Warlock Vigilante for PFS, and now that he is 4th level I am going to give some feedback on my experience playing him, and then my opinions on how I feel he will play out for the rest of his levels. I am also going to give my opinions on how I feel the other specializations will play.

Using the rebuild rules, I took a character that had not been played at level 2 yet and rebuilt him as a vigilante. This character got his first experience in April of 2014, so I figured I might try something that might not be able to be tried too much in PFS and made the character a Tiefling.
Playing at level 2 felt pretty similar to playing a low leveled wizard, relying heavily on a Wand of Magic Missile during combat and preparing spells with utility. The social features of the class are very forgettable, and since it takes 5 minutes to change identity, I pretty much had to decide at the beginning of the session which identity would benefit the session most (usually the vigilant identity) and just stick with it.
The real moment I got to shine was playing 6-22 "Out of Anarchy" where:

Light Spoilers:
My boosts in disguise, Mask of Stony Demeanor, and racial bonuses to bluff came in super handy. Disguise got me moving around the city drawing little attention (though the paladin in the party did make this more difficult at times), and my massive bluff roll got us 11 points for a success condition that required 5.

It is good that I retain my spells when in the social identity, but I imagine at later levels I am going to be very hobbled when caught in a combat situation in my social identity.
It seems a little off that the Warlock specialization does not get to cast in armor, other arcane casters with armor proficiency get it, so forcing me to take Arcane Armor Training is kind of rough, especially when I have to use my talents to keep my spell progression. I am not going to be one of the people that complains about needing to use talents to keep spell progression, I am fine with that. But having to use talent and feats just to be able to cast spells makes the class worse than other arcane casters.

So, some things that I feel need to be changed with the vigilante class as a whole:
Changing identities needs to be faster. Even if it is just allowing items like Hat of Disguise or Sleeves of Many Garments to speed up the process, something needs to be done about that. I want to be able to step in to a covered wagon, change identities, and hop out to help during a combat like Superman. 13th level is way too late to be able to change in any sort of timely manner.
If the process of changing is not sped up in some way, then the social identity needs to retain more of their combat skills. Otherwise they will be a total detriment to the party.
I also feel like a little more needs to be added to the social identity, right now if feels like playing an aristocrat and other class that cant be in the same place at the same time.

Opinions on the Warlock:
I feel the spell list should be changed to the Magus spell list, I feel the vigilante can really shine with touch spells using their Mystic Bolts in melee to release the charges, and the Magus spell list is just more suited for this. Additionally, the other casting class gets a 6th level caster spell list so their spells roll in when they should. It will also help the worlock feel less like an arcanist knock off.
Talents like Tattoo Chamber and Mystic Bolts are amazing.

Opinions on the Avenger:
The fact that they use their level as their BAB is nice, but they are still far behind other martial classes because of their d8 hit die. Maybe they should get something like Toughness as a bonus feat to help bring them closer to par with other martials. Some of the talents are neat thematically and can potentially lead to some fun combats. But Armor Silence and Armor Skin have no reason to be separate talents.

Opinions on the Stalker:
Their Hidden Strike ability has muddy wording that is just going to lead to confusion. I think it should just be changed to Unchained's sneak attack and call it a day. The talents are pretty cool, I see a lot of potential for cool intimidate builds using Dazzling Display and Twisting Fear.

Opinions on the Zealot:
I feel like it should have a talent that gives them the ability to smite an opposed alignment. To me this specialization has the most boring talents. Something needs to be done to make the class feel less like an inquisitor.

Closing thoughts on all specializations and the class as a whole:
I see no reason that an Extra Vigilante Talent feat shouldn't exist. With the spellcasters specializations needing to use talents to maintain their spells, and the martial and skill specializations both being not as powerful as their core class counterparts, allowing for some extra "more powerful that feat class features" shouldn't hurt anyone. There are already Discoveries, Exploits, Revelations, Hexes, etc. that are more powerful than feats so there isn't going to be a balancing issue by letting Vigilantes get more of their talents.
I also feel there should be some talents specifically for the social identities, and that can be taken by any specialization.
I think an archetype that let you take two specializations with some kind of downside (akin to Crossblooded sorcerers) would be a good idea and allow more concepts, like Batman as an Avenger/Stalker or Ironman being an Avenger/Warlock.
I look forward to seeing the psychic vigilante, and I hope to see the finalized version of the vigilante taking some of the feedback I have seen on the site to keep it from being a class that is only used by GMs who want to make their villains scry proof.

Scarab Sages 3/5 *

He shows up mostly Osirion and surrounding areas, but I am wondering if there is any official word on GMT's ethnic background.

Scarab Sages

He shows up mostly Osirion and surrounding areas, but I am wondering if there is any official word on GMT's ethnic background.

Scarab Sages

I am thinking something along the lines of lamp oil and the like. I am building an investigator and if it would be responsible to use things like lamp oil it would give him some interesting options in combat.

Scarab Sages

I plan on making a Tengu investigator as my next PFS character since my current main is hitting level 5 soon. I am looking for some build advice. I want him to be a skill monkey, covering the major knowledge and skills that will be helpful to the party, and while I don't want to focus on combat I don't want to rely on the time honored tactic of getting crit and spending the whole fight unconscious.
I have most recently been playing a brawler, and love the versatility of martial flexibility. So I am considering doing a single level dip in to brawler (probably first level), for martial flexibility and the additional hit points. The rest of the levels will likely be investigator.
I don't want to budge on the race or investigator class, but want opinions and suggestions on a build that will be able to hold my own but not shine in combat, and be very effective outside of it.
I appreciate the advice!

Scarab Sages

Taking the Noble Born trait for our game of Kingmaker and trying to figure out what human ethnicity I should be.

Scarab Sages

Alright, so after some tweaking of my concept, I think I am going to make my half-orc slaver concept into a brawler.
Here is the information I plan to work with:
Ability Scores - TBD
Race - Half-Orc with Sacred Tattoos, City-Raised and possibly Skilled alternate racial options
Traits - Fate's Favored, Destiny of Sand
Archetype - Snakebite Striker
Feats - Sap Adept, Sap Master, Hurtful, Enforcer, Dazzling Display, Shatter Defenses, Jabbing Style feats

Considering taking some levels in Monk of Many Styles to skip some of the feat taxes for Jabbing Style

If I managed to get my opponent flat-footed, would sneak attack trigger on each successful hit from my flurry?

Basically I am looking for advice on how to make this work. I want this guy to lay down the hurt with non-lethal damage and sell the people he knocks out in to slavery. Bonus points to anyone that helps me come up with a plan for level 1-20.

Scarab Sages

I have a concept for a character who is an escaped slave who now sells bandits and the like into slavery. I have a few rough ideas, but I want to get the character more flushed out mechanically speaking so that I can play him in the near future. Here are the things I know I want to do:
Half-Orc, though I might be swayed to go human for the bonus feat.
Rogue class, thug and scout archetypes.
Sacred Tattoo, Chain Fighter, and possibly Skilled alternate race features.
Bludgeoner, Enforcer, Sap Adept, and Sap Master feats.
Haman favored class bonus.
Heavy flail for melee, clubs for ranged. Carry several various sized manacles, chains, and ropes for restraining his unconscious victims.

Most likely not going to do this for PFS because of the questionable morality, and I already play paladins when I want to deal with GMs deciding what is and isn't acceptable behavior.

What I need is suggestions for this build. Abilities, skills, rogue talents, feats, traits, etc. It would be super cool if I could also get a plan drawn out for levels 1-20 and an idea of what kind of damage I can be expecting with sneak attacks and how likely they are to land.
