Kalthonis's page

Starfinder Superscriber. Organized Play Member. 2 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Nice addition But....


I got my subscription shipment of the Supplemental spell cards today. Overall a nice addition to my collection. As a GM it's nice to be have spell information readily available without cluttering things up too much.

I still have my concerns about text and icon sizes which I expressed on the initial spell card set. As a gamer in my 50's the text and icon size leads to a bit of eyestrain. A slightly larger font size (just a point or 2) would be helpful and I still feel a larger class icon symbol instead of tiny icon and class name in very small font would be better served.

Maybe in a later printing this could happen.

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Welcome Addition to Accessories with minor concerns


Apologies as this duplicates much of post in another tab - I'm not often a forum contributor, but really hadn't noticed reviews tab was available.

I received my Starfinder Spell cards as part of my subscription earlier this month. Very nice product and welcome addition to my collection, but I have 2 concerns

First, while it is nice to have most, if not all of the spell description on a card, the text size makes it difficult to read for some of us older games (mid-fifties).

Second, in a similar vein, it would be nice to have larger class symbols rather than full class names in addition to spell level at the top of the card similar to what is found in the rulebooks. Again, as an older gamer it can be hard to identify principal users of a spell if you are not familiar with a classes spell library.