Sanvil Trett

Kalsier's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Grand Lodge

Addendum to my original question. The chronicle my GM gave me has 2 xp listed is that even possible? Similarly, it has 2 fame gained but only 1 reputation. My understanding is that you get 1 fame and 1 rep for completing the primary objective and 1 fame and 1 rep for completing the secondary objective. Is it possible to get 2 fame and 1 reputation?

Grand Lodge

A question regarding Claim to Salvation, the chronicle my GM gave me has 2 xp listed is that even possible? Similarly, it has 2 fame gained but only 1 reputation. My understanding is that you get 1 fame and 1 rep for completing the primary objective and 1 fame and 1 rep for completing the secondary objective. Is it possible to get 2 fame and 1 reputation?

Grand Lodge

Hey guys new to society play and pathfinder/starfinder systems in general. Long story short I played my first two adventures this weekend online The Commencement and Claim to salvation and had fun with both. The chronicle thing for commencement is easy enough but how does claim to salvation work with regards to applying the chronicle rewards?

Am I allowed to apply it to a lvl 1 character or do I need to wait till lvl 4 or lvl 3? Anyway, if someone more familiar with the system could let me know what the deal is that would be great.