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Wow, I did not intend to create a flame war here. I talked to one of the guys who originally invited me and he told me he'd talk to the GM about letting me sit in and watch at least. But I will try some online games to cut my teeth in the meantime.

The game is back on, as indicated in my original post, and tensions are calming down. I'm not going to try to get in this game, though I'll hopefully get into a future session.

The GM likes me, and as stated in my original post we get along fine. He just seems to think I won't excel or "get it" because I am the only one in the group who hasn't played Pathfinder before. In my opinion, he tends to over think things.

My other two friends, the ones who asked me to join them, have expressed they don't want to upset the GM. One of them said he never gets to play anymore and doesn't want to jeopardize what he sees as his only chance to play again while the other is fairly inexperienced himself and doesn't want to question the GM. Fair enough.

I have apologized and admitted I was being too persistent, albeit I was dumbfounded by the GMs reaction at first considering the other two practically begged me to play.

Thank you to everyone for your advice and consideration.

Wow, thanks for responding so quickly! Unfortunately, I think the best course of action is to look elsewhere to fulfill my desire to play. I think the DM is going to be difficult to work with and my friends are going to be the ones to suffer.

I posted this is the beginners section because I am a noob. I was trying to guage whether or not the DM was being just in his decision or if he was being a jerk. I wasn't sure if it was a common practice to be so exclusive or if my instincts were correct and I was being excluded for petty reasons.

I guess I'll have to check out the online games, since my town is rather small. Thanks for your advice guys, I really appreciate it!

Allow me to explain the situation. I'm new to playing tabletop RPGs, but I've played many computer RPGs. Among them, the Baldur's Gate Saga led me to consider tabletop RPGs as a way to explore the genre in more depth. Additionally, in my youth I was exposed to D&D campaigns DMed by my Father for the benefit of my Sister and about half a dozen of her friends. Of course, I was too young to play with them, but eagerly observed and yearned for my chance to roll the die... and in my late 20s, it seems history is repeating itself.

Recently, a few of my friends and coworkers decided to create a Pathfinder campaign. I was not with them when they initiated the idea, but when a couple of them asked me to join the other night, I agreed. So I mentioned it to the DM yesterday and his reaction was less than encouraging.

He just began working on the campaign, and with his workload doesn't expect to have a campaign ready until August. But he told me it was too late, that he already began designing the campaign for three players and a fourth would ruin everything. Additionally, he said my favored class of Sorcerer was out of the question because one of the other players was already a Wizard. On top of that, he doubted that the other players invited me, implying that they'd all have to meet before he could consider including me. Finally, he ridiculed my knowledge of the genre, belittling me for never playing a pen and paper RPG, saying he feared that my experience with video games means I was expecting hack and slash. Naturally, I disagree.

I kept asking him to reconsider until he gave up and said he was going to cancel the whole campaign. When my other friends heard of this, they all blamed me and wouldn't stand up for me despite having invited me to play the night before. I told him I'd back off if he reinstated the campaign for their benefit, and he agreed. The rest of them are still mad at me, and I feel rejected; once again relegated to the sidelines while others embark on a Roleplaying adventure. Of course, he told me I wasn't allowed to watch them play either.

What makes it tougher is the fact two of the players are really good friends of mine and won't stick up for me to the DM. I think it's BS I can't hang out with my friends and join in on the fun because the DM is being nuts. It's not like he hates me, we're not close like I am with the others, but we get along. What should I do? How should I proceed?