
Kajar's page

145 posts. Organized Play character for B.A. Ironskull.

Our group playtested 6 of the Advanced Classes- Arcanist (Revised), Bloodrager, Brawler, Warpriest, Slayer, and Swashbuckler. All 5th Level, 20-point buy, 2 traits, Core, APG, UM, UltCamp and UltEquip as sources. All human but the Slayer (dwarf).

If I have misinterpreted the rules anywhere, I'd appreciate any corrections, thanks in advance! I will provide some base stats, if anyone has a question or wants more, happy to provide the info.

I ran the game and played the Arcanist and Bloodrager; I'll give my thoughts on each class as individual posts to keep the Wall of Text at a manageable level.

Arcanist (revised) I liked the Arcanist overall. I think the spellcasting mechanic is nice but feels limited. I like the prepared casting fused with the spontaneous casting. I chose not to focus on metamagic, but I can see how that would give this class an additional boost to make it more in-line with the other arcane casters. I think that the Arcanist will suffer a power drag later on because the spells/day are outpaced by both parent classes. This can be addressed by giving the Arcane Exploit and Reservoir more attention.

Stats- 9 Str; 14 Dex; 12 Con; 18 Int; 12 Wis; 14 Cha.

I really liked the Arcane Exploits and Reservoir, a nice nod to the sorcerer parent class w/o totally ripping off that parent class special. Felt like a dip into the Magus special, but still a unique riff on a nice addition to the game (point-based class abilities). I chose Dimensional Slide, Force Strike, and Potent Magic.

I felt the Arcanist participated in the game. She used Dimensional Slide twice, Force Strike twice, but not Potent Magic.

Critique I like the Magic Hacker concept, but I don't like the execution as it is. It is too costly to fill the Arcane Reservoir, which is an ability that really powers this class because the spells/day are very limited.

I'd like to see an effect that allows the Arcanist some type of spell absorption to also add to their Arcane Reservoir- perhaps something like choosing to fail a save against a targeted attack on the Arcanist to both gain the spell's level in Points and the spell's effects, and/or to choose to save against a cure effect to absorb that magic (spell level again) into the Reservoir.

I liked the Exploits, more please! Used Dimensional Slide twice to make up for bad positioning, and Force Strike is Magic Missile but unique. Recharging the Arcane Reservoir is the Arcanist's biggest flaw. As written, great flavor, but I'm not going to drain wands and potions on the reg to fuel what is my go-to move, the sorcerer-inspired Exploit.

To the Paizo Community,

A good friend and thick-as-thieves gamer lost his house to a fire yesterday. He lost everything- bed, stove, pantry, rulebooks, minis, dice, paints, his son's pokemon cards, his son's everything really, pictures of family, his computer, his couch, tv, draperies...

This guy is the poster-child for the Cult of the Bitten-Tongue; so much has flowed away from him in the past decade, this tragedy is simply the foul icing on a poison cake no one wants to eat. He has endured a mountain of setbacks I could not even pretend to want to climb; yet he has always persevered with a smile and a plan.

It sounds stupid when I say it aloud, but anyways, if you have a spare set of dice, a Pathfinder rulebook, or anything else that might say to a stranger, "Hey, it's OK, have fun with this," or even a simple word of encouragement for a guy who is a hardcore gamer both on paper and in real life, please post a goodwill wish here, or PM me if you might be able to give this guy a small material token of good luck. Desna knows he needs it.

Thanks in advance, I'll answer all PMs as soon as I can.

I've read the descriptions of both, and what I wonder is this-

Is "telepathy" a mental chat-room?

Example: I'm the DM. The Party is Invisible and sneaking about. They happen to be sneaking about in a place inhabited by enemies with telepathy 100'(su). The Party casts (or did cast) Telepathic Bond, so they can sneak and "talk" at the same time.

Can the enemy "hear" them? Or does the inclusive description of the spell prohibit that?

I'm of a mind that telepathy is simply silent chatter, any eavesdropper can listen in, but I couldn't find anything solid through the two avenues in the header.

Any thoughts, opinions, or points-of-precedent are appreciated!

Our Summoner wants a staff, and I did not see one that really fits that class, so I made one, and any thoughts are appreciated. Oh, and you can use it if you like it.

I tried to combine what a summoner can do with his limited spell list, and what the eidolon means to the summoner. I added a twist to allow extra flexibility for the summoner and his eidolon- I think our summoner would love this feature.

staff of desires

Aura strong conjuration; CL 13th
Slot none; Price nyd Weight 5 lbs.
This 5' black iron staff is topped with a cold blue sapphire held in a bat’s mouth. Created by those who summon creatures from the ether, this staff has several unique abilities beyond spellcasting.

Rejuvenate eidolon, lesser- 1 charge
Rejuvenate eidolon- 2 charges
Rejuvenate eidolon, greater- 3 charges
Purified Calling- 5 charges
Transmogrify- 5 charges
Altered Reality I- swap one evolution point (eidolon) as a standard action*- 2 charges
Altered Reality II- swap 2 evolution points (eidolon) as a standard action*- 4 charges
*Altered Realities require Evolution Surge and Greater Evolution Surge (respectively) to recharge these uses in the staff. The changes granted by the Altered Realities last 24 hours. The eidolon reverts back to its previous conception after that.