
Kaine573's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

anyone have any Paizo ruling the "light" versions of the listed weapons, specifically, pick & warhammer would also apply the weapon's critical specialization effect?

Weapon descriptions:
Light Hammer
This small version of the warhammer has a wooden or metal shaft ending in a metal head. Unlike its heavier cousin, it is light enough to throw.

Light Pick
A light pick is a modified mining implement with a wooden shaft ending in a pick head crafted more to pierce armor and flesh than chip rocks.

In my opinion, I would allow at my table; what about yours... your thoughts or link to official ruling (please link if one exists)

Much appreciated All.

Quick question: Could one increase armor proficiency with a "skill increase" (i.e.From Trained to Expert)?

Thanks in advance

Afternoon Folks,

Quick Question: If a character has many 4+ attacks(all flanking; would the sneaking Precision would trigger in sets?
1st attck , 2nd attck(Sneaky Precision triggers), 3rd attck, 4th attck(Sneaky Precision triggers), 5th attck.

Sneaking Precision
Your knowledge of your enemies’ vulnerable spots is especially punishing.

Prerequisite: Sneak attack class feature, Critical Focus, any critical feat, base attack bonus +9.

Benefit: << Whenever >> you successfully sneak attack an opponent for a second time on your turn, you can spend a swift action to apply the effects of one critical feat you know to that opponent.

Sample character has five attacks(all from a flanking position.

Makes sense...the feat does not specifically say only once per round.....Thoughts...