Joran Vhane

Ibuki Minamoto's page

56 posts. Alias of The Emerald Duke.


Ifrit (Sunsoul)


Samurai (Brawling Blademaster) 1 | AC 15 T 11 FF 14 | HP 12/12 | F +3 R +1 W +0 | Init +1 | Perc +0







Special Abilities

Darkvision: 60 FT; Fire Resistance 5






Comman, Ignan, Halfling, Minkaian

Strength 16
Dexterity 13
Constitution 13
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 10
Charisma 16

About Ibuki Minamoto

Physical Description: Inspirational Image


  • Craft: Weapons (Bonus: 5)
  • Diplomacy (Bonus: 7)
  • Intimidate (Bonus: 7 / 8 at full health)
  • Knowledge: Local (Bonus: 5)
  • Linguistics (Bonus: 5)
  • Sense Motive (Bonus: 4)
  • Survival (Bonus: 4)


Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Brawling blademasters are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, plus the katana and wakizashi. Brawling blademasters are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.

Improved Unarmed Strike: You are skilled at fighting while unarmed. You are considered to be armed even when unarmed—you do not provoke attacks of opportunity when you attack foes while unarmed. Your unarmed strikes can deal lethal or nonlethal damage, at your choice.

Scorching Weapons: Elemental fire stirs within your body, boiling your blood and rendering you resistant to flame. You gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against fire attacks and spells with the fire descriptor or light descriptor. As a swift action, you can make up to two held manufactured metallic weapons become red-hot for 1 round, dealing 1 additional point of fire damage with a successful hit. This does not stack with other effects that add fire damage to weapons, such as the flaming weapon special ability.


Unflappable Arrogance: You laugh in the face of your aggressors. The DC to demoralize you with the Intimidate skill increases by 5. If an opponent’s Intimidate check would be high enough to cause you to become demoralized for more than 1 round, you are instead demoralized for only 1 round.

Ichimeiyo Champion: You draw strength from adhering to the Ichimeiyo honor code in combat. Once per day, if an effect would compel you to harm an ally, abandon an ally, or break your word, you can attempt a Will save at the usual DC to end the effect. If the effect normally allows a Will save at this point, you can roll twice and take the better result.

Racial Traits:

+2 STR, +2 CHA, –2 WIS: Strong in character and in body, sunsoul ifrits are incurably optimistic agents of positive change.
Native Outsider: Ifrits are outsiders with the native subtype.
Medium: Ifrits are Medium creatures and receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Ifrits have a base speed of 30 feet.
Darkvision: Ifrits can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Spell-Like Ability: Sunsouls gain sun metal 1/day as a spell-like ability. (Caster level equals the ifrit’s character level.)
Energy Resistance: Ifrits have fire resistance 5.
Fire-Starter: Ifrits with this racial trait derive sadistic satisfaction from watching others burn. Anytime the ifrit causes a creature to catch fire, he gains a +1 morale bonus on the next single attack roll, saving throw, skill check, or ability check that he makes in the next round. The ifrit only gains this bonus the first time he causes a particular creature to catch fire; subsequent times the creature catches fire provide no bonus. This racial trait replaces fire affinity.
Languages: Ifrits begin play speaking Common and Ignan. Ifrits with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following languages: Aquan, Auran, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, and Terran.

Class Details:

Challenge (Ex): Once per day, a samurai can challenge a foe to combat. As a swift action, the samurai chooses one target within sight to challenge. The samurai's melee attacks deal extra damage when made against the target of his challenge. This extra damage is equal to the samurai's level. The samurai can use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional time per day for every three levels beyond 1st, to a maximum of seven times per day at 19th level.
Challenging a foe requires much of the samurai's concentration. The samurai takes a –2 penalty to his Armor Class, except against attacks made by the target of his challenge.
The challenge remains in effect until the target is dead or unconscious, or until the combat ends. Each samurai's challenge also includes another effect, which is listed in the section describing the samurai's order.
A samurai of the order of the flame becomes ever more emboldened with each glorious victory. As an immediate action after reducing the target of his challenge to 0 hit points or fewer, the samurai can elect to issue a glorious challenge to an opponent within 15 feet.

Glorious Challenge: A glorious challenge does not count against the samurai's number of challenges per day, but otherwise acts like a samurai’s challenge class feature. When he issues a glorious challenge, the samurai takes a –2 penalty to AC for the duration of the glorious challenge (this penalty stacks with the usual –2 AC penalty against opponents other than the target of the samurai’s challenge). The samurai gains a morale bonus on melee damage rolls against the target of his glorious challenge equal to 2 × the number of consecutive glorious challenges he has issued thus far. As long as he continues to defeat targets of his glorious challenges and there are more opponents in range, the samurai can continue to issue glorious challenges indefinitely, with the penalty to AC and the bonus on damage rolls increasing with each subsequent foe. For example, a 5th-level samurai that has just issued his third glorious challenge after defeating the original target of his challenge takes a –6 penalty to AC (–8 against creatures other than the target of his glorious challenge) and gains a +11 bonus on melee damage rolls (a +5 bonus from his base challenge ability plus a +6 morale bonus for three consecutive glorious challenges).

Empty Hand (Ex): A brawling blademaster gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. She uses her samurai level as her monk level for determining the amount of damage she deals with an unarmed strike. These levels stack with monk levels to determine the brawling blademaster’s unarmed strike damage.
This replaces mount.

Order (Ex): At 1st level, a samurai must pledge himself to a specific order, typically the order of the warrior. The order grants the samurai a number of bonuses, class skills, and special abilities. In addition, each order includes a number of edicts the samurai must follow. If he violates these edicts, he loses the benefits of his order's challenge ability for 24 hours. The violation of an edict is subject to GM interpretation.
Most samurai belong to the order of the warrior and are dedicated to their lord. Those without a lord, or who chose to abandon their lord, are ronin. A samurai may instead elect to dedicate himself to one of the orders listed under the cavalier description, but such samurai are rare.
A samurai who wishes to change his order must undertake a lengthy process to dedicate himself to a new cause. When this choice is made, he immediately loses all of the benefits from his old order. He must then follow the edicts of his new order for one entire level without gaining any benefits from that order. Once he has accomplished this, he gains all the bonuses from his new order. The only exception to this is when a samurai decides to become a ronin. A samurai can elect to become a ronin immediately, losing all the benefits from his old order and replacing them with the new benefits from the ronin order. Once a ronin, however, the only way for the samurai to change to another order is through the method described above. Note that the names of these orders might vary depending upon the campaign setting or GM's preference.

Resolve (Ex): Starting at 1st level, the samurai gains resolve that he can call upon to endure even the most devastating wounds and afflictions. He can use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional time per day for every two samurai levels beyond 1st. Whenever the samurai defeats the target of his challenge, he regains one daily use of his resolve, up to his maximum number of uses per day. Defeating the target of his challenge usually involves reducing the target to 0 hit points or fewer, but the GM might rule that an enemy who surrenders or flees the battle is also defeated. He can use this resolve in a number of ways.

Determined: As a standard action, the samurai can spend one use of his resolve to remove the fatigued, shaken, or sickened condition. If the samurai is at least 8th level, he can alternatively remove the exhausted, frightened, nauseated, or staggered condition. If the condition has a duration longer than 1 hour or is permanent, this ability removes the condition for 1 hour, at which time the condition returns.
Resolute: Whenever the samurai is required to make a Fortitude or Will save, he can spend one use of his resolve as an immediate action to roll twice and take the better result. He must decide to use this ability before he rolls the saving throw.
Unstoppable: When the samurai is reduced to fewer than 0 hit points but not slain, he can spend one use of his resolve as an immediate action to instantly stabilize and remain conscious. He is staggered, but he does not fall unconscious and begin dying if he takes a standard action. He does fall unconscious if he takes additional damage from any source.

Order of the Flame:

A cavalier of the order of the flame devotes his life to the pursuit of personal glory. Even if such pursuit puts his own life on the line, the cavalier pursues legendary status and the fame and glory associated with such renown.

Edicts: The cavalier must pursue glory for himself and those with whom he associates. He must strive to heap glory upon his name, no matter the costs. He must challenge and defeat an ever-increasing host of rivals to further cement his illustrious reputation.

Skills: A cavalier of the order of the flame adds Knowledge (local) and Survival to his class skills. Whenever the cavalier’s current hit point total matches or exceeds his maximum hit point total, he gains a bonus on Intimidate checks equal to 1/2 his cavalier level (minimum +1).

Random Crunch:

Hit Points: 12/12
Hit Dice: 1d10
Armor Class: 15
Touch Armor Class: 11
Flat-Footed Armor Class: 14
Saving Throws:
Fortitude: 3
Reflex: 1
Will: 0
Initiative Bonus: 1
Base Attack Bonus: 1
Melee Attack Bonus: 4
Ranged Attack Bonus: 2
CMB: 4
CMD: 14
Spell Resistance: Fire 5
Base Speed: 30
Armored Speed: 20
Light Load: 76 lbs or less
Medium Load: 77 lb - 153 lb
Heavy Load: 154 lb - 230 lb
Lift Over Head: 230 lb or less
Lift Off Ground: 460 lb or less
Drag or Push: 1150 lb or less
Experience Points: 0
Hero Points: 0

Items Equiped:

Leather Lamellar: Armor Bonus: +4; Max DEX Bonus: +3; Armor Check Penalty: -2; Arcane Spell Failure Chance: 20%; Max Speed: 30 FT; Weight: 25 LB
Katana: DMG: 1d8; Critical: 18-20/X2; Type: S; Weight: 6 LB; Special: Deadly
Wakizashi: DMG: 1d6; Critical: 18-20/X2; Type: P or S; Weight: 2 LB; Special: Deadly
Longbow: DMG 1d8; Critical: X3; Type: P; Range: 100 FT; Weight: 3 LB.
Monk's Outfit: Simple and clean, these robes are designed to ensure that the wearer can move both arms and legs with little impediments, allowing strikes to be made quickly.

Items Owned:

Leather Lamellar*****25 LB*****60 GP
Katana*****6 LB*****50 GP
Wakizashi*****2 LB*****35 GP
Longbow*****3 LB*****75 GP
Arrows (20)*****3 LB*****1 GP
Monk's Outfit*****2 LB*****5 GP
MWK Artisan's Tools (Weaponsmith)*****5 LB*****55 GP
Backpack*****2 LB*****2 GP
Belt Pouch*****1/2 LB*****1 GP
Bedroll*****5 LB*****1 SP
Blanket*****3 LB*****5 SP
Journal*****1 LB*****10 GP
Ink*****N/A*****8 GP
Inkpen (2)*****N/A*****1 SP (2 SP)
Waterskin*****4 LB*****1 GP
Total Weight & Value: 61.5 LB / 303 GP 8 SP

0 PP 1 GP 2 SP 0 CP


Ibuki was born in the far off lands of Tian Xia in one of the so-called "successor states". As such, warfare was bred into him as thoroughly as his own affinity for fire and the sun in the sky.

To be samurai means to be loyal to a lord and bound to a code. With the lord of his land captive, Ibuki strives to honor his last request of him: to become the greatest warrior the world has ever seen. A warrior worthy of poems and songs. A warrior worthy to unite the states under his own standard.

To that end, Ibuki has traveled west to the Inner Sea region. There he seeks to test himself against worthy foes.