
Kadrin the Cheerful Warthog's page

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That would make a lot of sense; perhaps that's where I got misguided.

In that case, I suspect the only real point I have is "hey, Defy Elements and Pass the Torch work really well together! huh? right? what about that?"

I'm probably just thinking of examples from other RPGs, but I could have sworn that if you're performing an ability where you take damage as part of the ability, you can't use your energy resistance against that damage. Did I pull that out of nowhere or is it a real rule? If it's real, where is it listed?

The example that brought this up is the Apocalypse mystery for oracles, in Monster Codex page 56. One revelation, "Pass the Torch", allows you to set yourself on fire to hurt creatures around you (because they can't catch you if you're on fire) - you take 1d4 fire damage when you turn it on, and at the start of every turn you keep using it. Another revelation, "Defy Elements", allows you to gain resistance 5 to one particular type of energy. If the Defy Elements resistance works against your Pass the Torch fire damage, it seems like such an obvious choice for any and all oracles who want to use Pass the Torch that I'd half expect it to be mentioned as such!

(Unless you want to emphasise your oracle's tragic nature - as I kind of do - and the healer doesn't mind that you've prioritised story over gameplay - as, since I'm making the character in isolation, there isn't a healer so everything's okay.)

Thanks for all the advice here! I genuinely hadn't seen anything about gestalt (as I said, I'm not always the smartest); is that in any of the rulebooks or is it pure open content? it somewhere in the core rulebook and I didn't even notice 'cause I'm an idiot?

I'm thinking some NPC support would be the way to go, and I'm looking at either "one, equal power, talkative", or "two, stay a level lower, not talkative". She might also play two characters? We'll see how she feels.

Summoner or druid - something with a companion - definitely sounds the go to even the odds action-wise.

I'm sure this has been asked a hundred times before, and I took a quick look back, but obviously my search terms were stupid or I was stupid (which is basically a given) because I couldn't find much relevant data. But: assuming one inexperienced player, one up-and-down GM, little to no minmaxing (and a focus on 'feats/skills/powers that are cool or fit my character concept'), a friendly/negotiable GM presence, a low-level or even level 1 start, and about a 70% willingness to bend the rules...

1 - what classes are most viable for the one player? I'm assuming some basic things like "a warpriest is big and tough and can heal self", and "a summoner has a giant eidolon to be friends with", and "NO DON'T TAKE A TEAMWORK-FEAT FOCUSED ROGUE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU", but I've not done much experimentation and I'm sure I can be caught by surprise - also, I'd like my player to have some choice, it's not nearly as fun when you're told "make a character, make any character you want! as long as it's a dwarf warpriest. and you need to be lawful to take the following feats or you will die."
2 - what are some things that the GM should keep in mind when designing adventures and encounters?
3 - any other advice?